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ARE249/LewandowskyEtAl_PsychSci_2016.pdf:referred to as worldview or cultural cognition—is a major because if an overwhelming scientific consensus cannot
ARE249/LewandowskyObenhauerGignac_PsychSci_2016_annot.pdf:referred to as worldview or cultural cognition—is a major because if an overwhelming scientific consensus cannot KIRIVEXIH
ARE249/Lewandowsky_Oberauer_MotivatedRejectionofScience_2016.pdf:apparent than with climate science. The overwhelming and Slovic (2013). The tables in panel (a) of Figure 1
ARE249/Lewandowsky_Oberauer_MotivatedRejectionofScience_2016.pdf: In summary, the rejection of specific scientific evi- in panel (b) of Figure 1. Liberals overwhelmingly arrived
ARE249/Lewandowsky_Oberauer_MotivatedRejectionofScience_2016.pdf:to decrease as a result of gun control, whereas they failed are motivated to reject an overwhelming scientific con-
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