저는 사용자 정의 Linux 2.6.27 커널에서 Wext 드라이버와 함께 WPA_Supplicant 2.1을 사용하고 있습니다. 문제는 bgscan이 wpa_supplicant가 현재 연결된 네트워크 이외의 "scan_results"를 채울 수 없다는 것입니다. "wpa_cli 스캔"을 강제 실행하면 "scan_results"에 30개의 네트워크가 표시됩니다. 아래는 wpa_cli를 통해 수동 검사를 수행한 로그입니다. 약 30개의 "스캔"이 생성되고 그 후에는 다운되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 이후 bgscan은 "scan_results"에 1/32개의 네트워크만 표시하는데, 현재 어떤 네트워크가 연결되어 있습니까? 한 가지 더 이상한 점은 "iwlist mlan0 scan"을 실행하면 bgscan이 스캔 결과를 채운다는 것입니다. ...
711895:mlan0:Control interface command 'SCAN'
712501:mlan0:Setting scan request:0
713206:mlan0:Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID
713703:mlan0:Add radio work 'scan'@0x78b58
714174:mlan0:First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately
714810:mlan0:Starting radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 after 0
065054:Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
073442:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
164184:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
166630:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
166926:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b19 len=8
167368:mlan0:Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
169442:Scan results did not fit - trying larger buffer (8192 bytes)
173282:Received 8143 bytes of scan results (29 BSSes)
174596:mlan0:BSS:Start scan result update 145
175115:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 125 BSSID c8:3a:35:cd:cb:f8 SSID 'brodrig'
177014:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
177558:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 126 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7c:96 SSID 'DaVinci'
179710:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
180262:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 127 BSSID 12:18:0a:10:0f:d5 SSID 'Meraki WPA2 Test'
182283:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
182825:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 128 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7c:95 SSID ''
187373:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
187922:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 129 BSSID 78:a5:04:24:f0:01 SSID 'renew-test'
190642:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
191200:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 130 BSSID 08:ea:44:7f:dc:16 SSID 'DaVinci'
193573:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
194121:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 131 BSSID 78:a5:04:26:99:5c SSID 'renew-max2'
196471:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
197024:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 132 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7b:96 SSID 'DaVinci'
199065:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
199613:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 133 BSSID 12:18:0a:10:12:76 SSID 'Meraki WPA2 Test'
201687:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
202234:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 134 BSSID bc:ee:7b:f1:81:30 SSID 'R2_TEST'
204643:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
205197:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 135 BSSID 16:18:0a:10:0f:d5 SSID 'Meraki WEP Test'
228330:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
233891:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 136 BSSID 00:27:22:4c:0b:38 SSID 'UBNT Bullet2'
237559:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
238109:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 137 BSSID 02:2d:5d:ef:19:66 SSID 'SYRUP'
240447:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
241404:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 138 BSSID 02:23:23:15:85:11 SSID 'Service (5317521032)'
243134:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
243924:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 139 BSSID 16:18:0a:03:0c:46 SSID 'Meraki WEP Test'
245687:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
291237:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 140 BSSID 16:18:0a:10:12:76 SSID 'Meraki WEP Test'
300578:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
305609:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 141 BSSID 1c:99:4c:d2:fb:ff SSID 'GNSS 0080'
312080:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
314801:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 142 BSSID 1c:99:4c:d2:98:75 SSID 'GNSS 0008'
316496:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
329554:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 143 BSSID 02:24:34:cd:66:c6 SSID 'Service (5135561306)'
330145:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
330649:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 144 BSSID 02:27:b7:b7:b9:54 SSID 'Service (5046589188)'
331208:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
331698:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 145 BSSID 02:2d:ad:a9:a5:a2 SSID 'Service (5051593080)'
332998:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
333513:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 146 BSSID 02:24:a4:8d:ed:87 SSID 'Service (5132555740)'
334077:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
334578:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 147 BSSID 08:ea:44:7f:dc:14 SSID 'Guest Network'
335206:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
335712:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 148 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7c:94 SSID 'Guest Network'
393377:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
401193:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 149 BSSID 00:18:0a:10:12:76 SSID 'Meraki Open Test'
447658:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
452518:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 150 BSSID 40:f3:08:a6:fc:55 SSID 'GNSS 0879'
458998:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
459567:mlan0:BSS:Add new id 151 BSSID 04:46:65:d0:14:d5 SSID '1028014797'
465164:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
517742:mlan0:New scan results available (own=0 ext=0)
519668:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
520654:bgscan simple:scan result notification
521539:mlan0:Radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 done in 2
522035:mlan0:Selecting BSS from priority group 99
522685:mlan0:0:c8:3a:35:cd:cb:f8 ssid='brodrig' wpa_ie_len=22 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11 level=-53
523225:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
524270:mlan0:1:08:ea:44:98:7c:96 ssid='DaVinci' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=26 caps=0x11 level=-43
524736:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
525387:mlan0:2:12:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki WPA2 Test' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x11 level=-58
606133:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
608329:mlan0:3:08:ea:44:98:7c:95 ssid='' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=26 caps=0x11 level=-43
608857:mlan0:skip - SSID not known
609512:mlan0:4:78:a5:04:24:f0:01 ssid='renew-test' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-52
611296:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
611972:mlan0:5:08:ea:44:7f:dc:16 ssid='DaVinci' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=26 caps=0x11 level=-61
614375:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
615724:mlan0:6:78:a5:04:26:99:5c ssid='renew-max2' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-59
674095:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
719883:mlan0:7:08:ea:44:98:7b:96 ssid='DaVinci' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=26 caps=0x11 level=-74
744880:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
804611:mlan0:8:12:18:0a:10:12:76 ssid='Meraki WPA2 Test' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x11 level=-81
809857:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
814586:mlan0:9:bc:ee:7b:f1:81:30 ssid='R2_TEST' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x11 level=-83 wps
831179:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
856200:mlan0:10:16:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki WEP Test' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-54
861962:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
894035:mlan0:11:00:27:22:4c:0b:38 ssid='UBNT Bullet2' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-47
902895:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
906394:mlan0:12:02:2d:5d:ef:19:66 ssid='SYRUP' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x12 level=-63
906796:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
907346:mlan0:13:02:23:23:15:85:11 ssid='Service (5317521032)' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x12 level=-69
907829:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
908382:mlan0:14:16:18:0a:03:0c:46 ssid='Meraki WEP Test' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-74
908769:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
909309:mlan0:15:16:18:0a:10:12:76 ssid='Meraki WEP Test' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-79
909863:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
910413:mlan0:16:1c:99:4c:d2:fb:ff ssid='GNSS 0080' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-83
910801:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
911385:mlan0:17:1c:99:4c:d2:98:75 ssid='GNSS 0008' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 level=-83
911787:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
912340:mlan0:18:02:24:34:cd:66:c6 ssid='Service (5135561306)' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x12 level=-87
912728:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
913277:mlan0:19:02:27:b7:b7:b9:54 ssid='Service (5046589188)' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x12 level=-88
917478:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
918047:mlan0:20:02:2d:ad:a9:a5:a2 ssid='Service (5051593080)' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x12 level=-89
918439:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
919046:mlan0:21:02:24:a4:8d:ed:87 ssid='Service (5132555740)' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x12 level=-91
919443:mlan0:skip - SSID mismatch
919991:mlan0:22:00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki Open Test' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1 level=-59
920381:mlan0:allow in non-WPA/WPA2
920845:mlan0:selected BSS 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki Open Test'
922042:mlan0:Control interface command 'SCAN_RESULTS'
630644:mlan0:Control interface command 'SCAN_RESULTS'
769811:mlan0:Control interface command 'STATUS-VERBOSE'
526001:bgscan simple:Request a background scan
526560:mlan0:Add radio work 'scan'@0x78b58
526971:mlan0:First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately
527508:mlan0:Starting radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 after 0
779351:Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
817552:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
818169:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
818781:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
819077:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b19 len=8
819527:mlan0:Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
820271:Received 578 bytes of scan results (2 BSSes)
820788:mlan0:BSS:Start scan result update 146
821684:mlan0:New scan results available (own=0 ext=0)
823817:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
824550:bgscan simple:scan result notification
824958:mlan0:Radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 done in 1
825371:mlan0:Selecting BSS from priority group 99
856134:mlan0:0:00:18:0a:03:0c:46 ssid='Meraki Open Test' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1 level=-72
863835:mlan0:allow in non-WPA/WPA2
889285:mlan0:selected BSS 00:18:0a:03:0c:46 ssid='Meraki Open Test'
894528:mlan0:Considering connect request:reassociate:0 selected:00:18:0a:03:0c:46 bssid:00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 pending:00:00:00:00:00:00 wpa_state:COMPLETED ssid=0x6ea40 current_ssid=0x6ea40
896391:mlan0:Request association with 00:18:0a:03:0c:46
896818:mlan0:Add radio work 'connect'@0x6dd48
897218:mlan0:First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately
897831:mlan0:Starting radio work 'connect'@0x6dd48 after 0
898346:mlan0:Trying to associate with 00:18:0a:03:0c:46 (SSID='Meraki Open Test' freq=2462 MHz)
900614:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
901578:mlan0:Cancelling scan request
902069:mlan0:WPA:clearing own WPA/RSN IE
902464:mlan0:Automatic auth_alg selection:0x1
902849:mlan0:WPA:clearing AP WPA IE
904016:mlan0:WPA:clearing AP RSN IE
904432:mlan0:WPA:clearing own WPA/RSN IE
904874:mlan0:State:COMPLETED -> ASSOCIATING
905225:wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate:operstate 1->0 (DORMANT)
929452:netlink:Operstate:ifindex=5 linkmode=-1 (no change), operstate=5 (IF_OPER_DORMANT)
950330:bgscan:Deinitializing module 'simple'
951283:Limit connection to BSSID 00:18:0a:03:0c:46 freq=2462 MHz based on scan results (bssid_set=0)
253043:mlan0:Setting authentication timeout:10 sec 0 usec
258569:EAPOL:External notification - EAP success=0
263088:EAPOL:External notification - EAP fail=0
288046:EAPOL:External notification - portControl=ForceAuthorized
293296:mlan0:Control interface command 'SCAN_RESULTS'
338590:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
348147:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
356181:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
357987:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
358966:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
359564:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
359852:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b06 len=8
360260:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
360800:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
361375:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
361664:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b04 len=12
362140:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
362681:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
363247:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
363536:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b15 len=20
363893:Wireless event:new AP:00:18:0a:03:0c:46
364682:mlan0:Event ASSOC (0) received
365127:mlan0:State:ASSOCIATING -> ASSOCIATED
365482:wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate:operstate 0->0 (DORMANT)
411275:netlink:Operstate:ifindex=5 linkmode=-1 (no change), operstate=5 (IF_OPER_DORMANT)
416571:mlan0:Associated to a new BSS:BSSID=00:18:0a:03:0c:46
417337:mlan0:Associated with 00:18:0a:03:0c:46
417795:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
419773:mlan0:WPA:Association event - clear replay counter
420153:mlan0:WPA:Clear old PTK
420499:EAPOL:External notification - portEnabled=0
420795:EAPOL:SUPP_PAE entering state DISCONNECTED
421039:EAPOL:Supplicant port status:Unauthorized
421329:EAPOL:SUPP_BE entering state INITIALIZE
422272:EAPOL:External notification - portValid=0
422589:EAPOL:External notification - portEnabled=1
422882:EAPOL:SUPP_PAE entering state S_FORCE_AUTH
423123:EAPOL:Supplicant port status:Authorized
423413:EAPOL:SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
423710:mlan0:Cancelling authentication timeout
425217:mlan0:State:ASSOCIATED -> COMPLETED
425697:mlan0:Radio work 'connect'@0x6dd48 done in 1
462000:mlan0:CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:18:0a:03:0c:46 completed [id=0 id_str=]
466200:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
466541:wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate:operstate 0->1 (UP)
467046:netlink:Operstate:ifindex=5 linkmode=-1 (no change), operstate=6 (IF_OPER_UP)
468927:bgscan simple:Signal strength threshold -60 Short bgscan interval 5 Long bgscan interval 30
469940:bgscan simple:Failed to enable signal strength monitoring
470199:bgscan simple:Init scan interval:5
470514:bgscan:Initialized module 'simple' with parameters '5:-60:30'
471159:Received 305 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
471661:mlan0:BSS:Start scan result update 147
472045:bgscan simple:scan result notification
472376:mlan0:Cancelling scan request
472780:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
473697:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
474303:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
475982:bgscan simple:Request a background scan
510500:mlan0:Add radio work 'scan'@0x78b58
510959:mlan0:First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately
511496:mlan0:Starting radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 after 0
763769:Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
774331:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
775118:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
785521:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
793611:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b19 len=8
800026:mlan0:Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
808571:Received 578 bytes of scan results (2 BSSes)
819420:mlan0:BSS:Start scan result update 148
820028:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 125 BSSID c8:3a:35:cd:cb:f8 SSID 'brodrig' due to no match in scan
822219:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
823303:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 126 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7c:96 SSID 'DaVinci' due to no match in scan
825292:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
826425:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 127 BSSID 12:18:0a:10:0f:d5 SSID 'Meraki WPA2 Test' due to no match in scan
831476:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
832016:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 128 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7c:95 SSID '' due to no match in scan
833892:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
834437:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 129 BSSID 78:a5:04:24:f0:01 SSID 'renew-test' due to no match in scan
836633:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
837176:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 130 BSSID 08:ea:44:7f:dc:16 SSID 'DaVinci' due to no match in scan
838354:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
838876:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 131 BSSID 78:a5:04:26:99:5c SSID 'renew-max2' due to no match in scan
839442:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
839933:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 132 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7b:96 SSID 'DaVinci' due to no match in scan
840549:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
841048:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 133 BSSID 12:18:0a:10:12:76 SSID 'Meraki WPA2 Test' due to no match in scan
841604:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
842092:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 134 BSSID bc:ee:7b:f1:81:30 SSID 'R2_TEST' due to no match in scan
842647:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
843131:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 135 BSSID 16:18:0a:10:0f:d5 SSID 'Meraki WEP Test' due to no match in scan
843687:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
845690:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 136 BSSID 00:27:22:4c:0b:38 SSID 'UBNT Bullet2' due to no match in scan
850512:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
857628:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 137 BSSID 02:2d:5d:ef:19:66 SSID 'SYRUP' due to no match in scan
858872:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
859383:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 138 BSSID 02:23:23:15:85:11 SSID 'Service (5317521032)' due to no match in scan
859948:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
860438:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 139 BSSID 16:18:0a:03:0c:46 SSID 'Meraki WEP Test' due to no match in scan
860989:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
861476:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 140 BSSID 16:18:0a:10:12:76 SSID 'Meraki WEP Test' due to no match in scan
862030:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
862515:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 141 BSSID 1c:99:4c:d2:fb:ff SSID 'GNSS 0080' due to no match in scan
863065:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
864005:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 142 BSSID 1c:99:4c:d2:98:75 SSID 'GNSS 0008' due to no match in scan
865471:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
867793:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 143 BSSID 02:24:34:cd:66:c6 SSID 'Service (5135561306)' due to no match in scan
872979:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
879827:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 144 BSSID 02:27:b7:b7:b9:54 SSID 'Service (5046589188)' due to no match in scan
886787:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
888675:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 145 BSSID 02:2d:ad:a9:a5:a2 SSID 'Service (5051593080)' due to no match in scan
889268:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
889766:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 146 BSSID 02:24:a4:8d:ed:87 SSID 'Service (5132555740)' due to no match in scan
890326:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
890815:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 147 BSSID 08:ea:44:7f:dc:14 SSID 'Guest Network' due to no match in scan
891458:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
891943:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 148 BSSID 08:ea:44:98:7c:94 SSID 'Guest Network' due to no match in scan
892499:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
892981:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 150 BSSID 40:f3:08:a6:fc:55 SSID 'GNSS 0879' due to no match in scan
893541:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
894026:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 151 BSSID 04:46:65:d0:14:d5 SSID '1028014797' due to no match in scan
894999:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
903497:mlan0:New scan results available (own=0 ext=0)
905929:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
906292:bgscan simple:scan result notification
908024:mlan0:Radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 done in 1
910252:mlan0:Selecting BSS from priority group 99
910816:mlan0:0:00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki Open Test' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1 level=-54
912687:mlan0:allow in non-WPA/WPA2
914836:mlan0:selected BSS 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki Open Test'
915245:mlan0:Considering within-ESS reassociation
917175:mlan0:Current BSS:00:18:0a:03:0c:46 level=-74
917644:mlan0:Selected BSS:00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 level=-54
930019:mlan0:Considering connect request:reassociate:0 selected:00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 bssid:00:18:0a:03:0c:46 pending:00:00:00:00:00:00 wpa_state:COMPLETED ssid=0x6ea40 current_ssid=0x6ea40
930561:mlan0:Request association with 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5
930991:mlan0:Add radio work 'connect'@0x6dd48
931383:mlan0:First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately
931965:mlan0:Starting radio work 'connect'@0x6dd48 after 0
932479:mlan0:Trying to associate with 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 (SSID='Meraki Open Test' freq=2412 MHz)
932931:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
933313:mlan0:Cancelling scan request
933696:mlan0:WPA:clearing own WPA/RSN IE
934086:mlan0:Automatic auth_alg selection:0x1
934469:mlan0:WPA:clearing AP WPA IE
934842:mlan0:WPA:clearing AP RSN IE
935215:mlan0:WPA:clearing own WPA/RSN IE
935623:mlan0:State:COMPLETED -> ASSOCIATING
937802:wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate:operstate 1->0 (DORMANT)
939924:netlink:Operstate:ifindex=5 linkmode=-1 (no change), operstate=5 (IF_OPER_DORMANT)
943937:bgscan:Deinitializing module 'simple'
944348:Limit connection to BSSID 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 freq=2412 MHz based on scan results (bssid_set=0)
257047:mlan0:Setting authentication timeout:10 sec 0 usec
265727:EAPOL:External notification - EAP success=0
296736:EAPOL:External notification - EAP fail=0
308368:EAPOL:External notification - portControl=ForceAuthorized
317579:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
330863:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
381928:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
448649:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
460784:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
478494:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
478816:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b06 len=8
479223:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
479844:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
482067:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
482366:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b04 len=12
484106:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
484672:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
486657:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
486983:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b15 len=20
487352:Wireless event:new AP:00:18:0a:10:0f:d5
489520:mlan0:Event ASSOC (0) received
490288:mlan0:State:ASSOCIATING -> ASSOCIATED
491993:wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate:operstate 0->0 (DORMANT)
492514:netlink:Operstate:ifindex=5 linkmode=-1 (no change), operstate=5 (IF_OPER_DORMANT)
494520:mlan0:Associated to a new BSS:BSSID=00:18:0a:10:0f:d5
495024:mlan0:Associated with 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5
498426:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
499911:mlan0:WPA:Association event - clear replay counter
500309:mlan0:WPA:Clear old PTK
502186:EAPOL:External notification - portEnabled=0
502560:EAPOL:SUPP_PAE entering state DISCONNECTED
502805:EAPOL:Supplicant port status:Unauthorized
503098:EAPOL:SUPP_BE entering state INITIALIZE
504047:EAPOL:External notification - portValid=0
505065:EAPOL:External notification - portEnabled=1
505372:EAPOL:SUPP_PAE entering state S_FORCE_AUTH
505614:EAPOL:Supplicant port status:Authorized
576632:EAPOL:SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
576994:mlan0:Cancelling authentication timeout
577483:mlan0:State:ASSOCIATED -> COMPLETED
578026:mlan0:Radio work 'connect'@0x6dd48 done in 1
578580:mlan0:CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 completed [id=0 id_str=]
588581:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
589088:wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate:operstate 0->1 (UP)
589693:netlink:Operstate:ifindex=5 linkmode=-1 (no change), operstate=6 (IF_OPER_UP)
591675:bgscan simple:Signal strength threshold -60 Short bgscan interval 5 Long bgscan interval 30
592383:bgscan simple:Failed to enable signal strength monitoring
592673:bgscan simple:Init scan interval:5
593055:bgscan:Initialized module 'simple' with parameters '5:-60:30'
593938:Received 578 bytes of scan results (2 BSSes)
594540:mlan0:BSS:Start scan result update 149
595001:bgscan simple:scan result notification
595405:mlan0:Cancelling scan request
648455:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
665042:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
668853:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
669813:mlan0:Control interface command 'SCAN_RESULTS'
690264:mlan0:Control interface command 'SCAN_RESULTS'
598515:bgscan simple:Request a background scan
603768:mlan0:Add radio work 'scan'@0x78b58
612257:mlan0:First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately
621138:mlan0:Starting radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 after 0
884322:Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
886626:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
887308:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
887942:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
888234:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b19 len=8
888764:mlan0:Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
889366:Received 273 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
889869:mlan0:BSS:Start scan result update 150
890400:mlan0:BSS:Remove id 149 BSSID 00:18:0a:10:12:76 SSID 'Meraki Open Test' due to no match in scan
891084:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
892023:mlan0:New scan results available (own=0 ext=0)
892580:CTRL_IFACE monitor sent successfully to /tmp/wpa_ctrl_iface_1805\x00
892913:bgscan simple:scan result notification
893308:mlan0:Radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 done in 1
893714:mlan0:Selecting BSS from priority group 99
894257:mlan0:0:00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki Open Test' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1 level=-54
894657:mlan0:allow in non-WPA/WPA2
895125:mlan0:selected BSS 00:18:0a:10:0f:d5 ssid='Meraki Open Test'
904051:mlan0:Control interface command 'SCAN_RESULTS'
895967:bgscan simple:Request a background scan
896418:mlan0:Add radio work 'scan'@0x78b58
896813:mlan0:First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately
897339:mlan0:Starting radio work 'scan'@0x78b58 after 0
143177:Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
149955:RTM_NEWLINK:operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
150543:RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME:Interface 'mlan0' added
151133:WEXT:if_removed already cleared - ignore event
151419:Wireless event:cmd=0x8b19 len=8
151858:mlan0:Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
152460:Received 305 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes)
152961:mlan0:BSS:Start scan result update 151
여기서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지에 대한 아이디어가 있습니까? bgscan이 어떻게 작동하는지 오해하고 있거나 구성이 잘못되었을 수 있습니까?
"bgscan의 목표는 동일한 ESS 내에서 로밍 후보를 찾는 것이므로 의도적이지는 않더라도 다른 네트워크에 대한 결과를 업데이트하지 않는 것이 올바른 동작입니다." - Juni Marinen