여러 이메일 주소를 사용하도록 Alpine을 설정하는 방법은 무엇입니까? 이 매개변수는 전역 매개변수처럼 SMTP Server
보입니다 . config
누구든지 나를 도와줄 수 있나요?
참고: 적어도 동일한 서버에 있는 두 이메일 모두에 대해.
존재하다설정 > 컬렉션 목록아래와 같이 새 항목을 추가합니다. (메인 메뉴에서 을 누르기만 하면 됩니다 S L A
Gmail 계정이 있는 경우 예는 다음과 같습니다.
Nickname : gmail-test
Server : imap.gmail.com/ssl/[email protected]
Path :
View :
해당 항목(이 경우 gmail-test)이 생성되고 를 통해 액세스할 수 있습니다 Folder List
그런 다음 아래와 같이 캐릭터를 생성합니다( 메인 메뉴를 눌러 ). 새 메시지를 작성할 때 Alpine은 생성할 smtp를 선택하라는 메시지를 표시합니다. 여러 역할을 맡고 여러 SMTP를 사용할 수 있습니다.
Nickname = gmail-test
Comment = <No Value Set>
==================================== CURRENT FOLDER CONDITIONS BEGIN HERE ==============
Current Folder Type = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
( ) Any
( ) News
(*) Email
( ) Specific (Enter Incoming Nicknames or use ^T)
Folder List = {imap.gmail.com/ssl/[email protected]}INBOX
==================================== CURRENT MESSAGE CONDITIONS BEGIN HERE =============
To pattern = [email protected]
From pattern = <No Value Set>
Sender pattern = <No Value Set>
Cc pattern = <No Value Set>
News pattern = <No Value Set>
Subject pattern = <No Value Set>
Recip pattern = <No Value Set>
Partic pattern = <No Value Set>
Add Extra Headers
AllText pattern = <No Value Set>
BdyText pattern = <No Value Set>
Age interval = <No Value Set>
Size interval = <No Value Set>
Score interval = <No Value Set>
Keyword pattern = <No Value Set>
Charset pattern = <No Value Set>
Message is Important? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Message is New (Unseen)? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Message is Recent? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Message is Deleted? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Message is Answered? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Subject contains raw 8-bit? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Beginning of Month? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Beginning of Year? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes
( ) No
Address in address book? = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
(*) Don't care, always matches
( ) Yes, in any address book
( ) No, not in any address book
( ) Yes, in specific address books
( ) No, not in any of specific address books
Abook List = <No Value Set>
Types of addresses to check for in address book = Set Address types
--- --------------------
[X] From
[X] Reply-To
[ ] Sender
[ ] To
[ ] Cc
External Categorizer Commands = Command = <No Value Set>
Exit Status Interval = <No Value Set>
Character Limit = <No Value Set: using "-1">
============================================= ACTIONS BEGIN HERE =======================
Initialize settings using role : <No Value Set>
Set From = [email protected]
Set Reply-To = <No Value Set>
Set Fcc = {imap.gmail.com/ssl/[email protected]}sent
Set LiteralSig = <No Value Set>
Set Signature = <Ignored: using LiteralSig instead>
Set Template = <No Value Set>
Set Other Hdrs = <No Value Set>
Use SMTP Server = smtp.gmail.com/ssl/[email protected]
Use NNTP Server = <No Value Set>
============================================= OPTIONS BEGIN HERE =======================
Features = Set Feature Name
--- --------------------
[ ] use-date-header-for-age
=============================================== USES BEGIN HERE ========================
Reply Use = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
( ) Never
( ) With confirmation
(*) Without confirmation
Forward Use = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
( ) Never
(*) With confirmation
( ) Without confirmation
Compose Use = Set Choose One
--- --------------------
( ) Never
(*) With confirmation
( ) Without confirmation