한 탭에 있으면 다른 탭을 열고 사용할 때마다 비밀번호를 다시 입력할 필요가 없도록 sudo
탭 간에 세션을 공유할 수 있습니까 ?gnome-terminal
공유 sudo
쉘 세션( 특정 인스턴스에 대한 탭 뿐만 아니라 )을 수행 /etc/sudoers
하려면 파일 에 다음 줄을 추가해야 합니다 visudo
Defaults !tty_tickets
에서 man sudoers
sudoers uses time stamp files for credential caching. Once a user has
been authenticated, a time stamp is updated and the user may then use
sudo without a password for a short period of time (15 minutes unless
overridden by the timeout option. By default, sudoers uses a tty-based
time stamp which means that there is a separate time stamp for each of
a user's login sessions. The tty_tickets option can be disabled to
force the use of a single time stamp for all of a user's sessions.
tty_tickets If set, users must authenticate on a per-tty basis.
With this flag enabled, sudo will use a file named for
the tty the user is logged in on in the user's time
stamp directory. If disabled, the time stamp of the
directory is used instead. This flag is on by default.