누출 파일 설명자

누출 파일 설명자

파일 설명자가 누출되면 무엇을 의미합니까?

 File descriptor 6 (socket:[901758]) leaked on lvextend invocation. Parent PID 10035: /bin/zsh
 File descriptor 9 (/dev/pts/1) leaked on lvextend invocation. Parent PID 10035: /bin/zsh
 File descriptor 11 (/dev/pts/1) leaked on lvextend invocation. Parent PID 10035: /bin/zsh
 File descriptor 12 (/dev/pts/1) leaked on lvextend invocation. Parent PID 10035: /bin/zsh
 File descriptor 15 (/dev/pts/7) leaked on lvextend invocation. Parent PID 10035: /bin/zsh
 File descriptor 17 (/dev/pts/7) leaked on lvextend invocation. Parent PID 10035: /bin/zsh
 File descriptor 18 (/dev/pts/7) leaked on lvextend invocation. Parent PID 10035: /bin/zsh
   Extending logical volume usr to 30.00 GiB
   Logical volume usr successfully resized

무슨 뜻이에요?


이는 (크기를 조정하는) 장치에 열려 있는 파일 설명자입니다.

lvm(8)은 다음과 같이 말했습니다:

On invocation, lvm requires that only the standard file descriptors stdin, stdout
and stderr are available. If others are found, they get closed and messages
are issued warning about the leak.

관련 정보