죽은 공동체,
시작할 때 나타나는 이 오류 메시지에 대한 해결책을 아는 사람이 있습니까?Centos Linux(3.10.0-1160.66.1.el7.x86_64) 7(코어)
[ 198.942749] dracut-initqueuel3371: Warning: /dev/centos/root does not exist
[ 198.9438971 dracut-initqueue[337]: Warning: /dev/centos/swap does not exist
[ 198.9433781 dracut-initqueue[337]: Warning: /dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-00a7896a:5363ef2f:ccd81c8f:8e11e69e does not exist
[ 198.9436701 dracut-initqueue[337]: Warning: /dev/mapper/centos-root does not exist
Starting Dracut Emergency Shell...
Warning: /dev/centos/root does not exist
Varning: /dev/centos/swp does not exist
Warning: /dev/disk/by-id/md-uuid-md-uuid-00a7896a:5363ef2f:ccd81c8f:8e11e69e does not exist
Warning: /dev/mapper/centos-root does not exist
Generating “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue.
Type ”journalctl” to view system logs.
You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt” to a USB stick or /boot
after mounting them and attach it to a bug report.