Linux 터미널( )의 이전 명령에서 teqc +qc filename
터미널에 직접 다음 출력을 받았습니다.
QC of RINEX file(s) : whcr0010.18o
4-character ID : WHCR
Receiver type : TRIMBLE NETR9 (# = 5240k50059) (fw = 4.85)
Antenna type : TRM57971.00 NONE (# = 5000113587)
Time of start of window : 2018 Jan 1 00:00:00.000
Time of end of window : 2018 Jan 1 23:59:45.000
Time line window length : 24.00 hour(s), ticked every 3.0 hour(s)
Observation interval : 15.0000 seconds
Total satellites w/ obs : 31
Rx tracking capability : 44 SVs
Poss. # of obs epochs : 5760
Epochs w/ observations : 5590
Epochs repeated : 0 (0.00%)
Complete observations : 53001
Deleted observations : 2489
Obs w/ SV duplication : 0 (within non-repeated epochs)
Moving average MP12 : 1.294348 m
Moving average MP21 : 0.700641 m
Points in MP moving avg : 50
Mean S1 : 44.73 (sd=5.21 n=55490)
Mean S2 : 31.54 (sd=7.99 n=53001)
No. of Rx clock offsets : 0
Total Rx clock drift : 0.000000 ms
Rate of Rx clock drift : 0.000 ms/hr
Avg time between resets : Inf minute(s)
Freq no. and timecode : 2 13875 ffffff
Report gap > than : 10.00 minute(s)
but < than : 90.00 minute(s)
epochs w/ msec clk slip : 0
other msec mp events : 0 (: 493) {expect ~= 1:50}
IOD signifying a slip : >400.0 cm/minute
IOD slips : 175
IOD or MP slips : 222
first epoch last epoch hrs dt #expt #have % mp1 mp2 o/slps
SUM 18 1 1 00:00 18 1 1 23:59 23.29 15 - 53001 - 1.29 0.70 239
여기에서 파일 이름( )과 관찰 간격( ) 정보를 추출하고 싶습니다 15.00
. 또한 이 정보를 텍스트 파일에 추가할 수 있다면 좋을 것 같습니다.
다음 awk
명령은 필요한 작업을 수행해야 합니다.
teqc +qc filename | awk -F: '$1 ~ "QC of RINEX file" || $1 ~ "Observation interval" {print $2}' >>output.txt