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# czxyl @ archlinux in ~/Dropbox [12:57:27] C:16
$ sdcv hello
Found 7 items, similar to hello.
-->CMU American English spelling
Hello \Hel*lo"\, interj. & n.
An exclamation used as a greeting, to call attention, as an
exclamation of surprise, or to encourage one. This variant of
{Halloo} and {Holloo} has become the dominant form. In the
United States, it is the most common greeting used in
answering a telephone.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
n : an expression of greeting; "every morning they exchanged
polite hellos" [syn: {hullo}, {hi}, {howdy}, {how-do-you-do}]
-->Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Hello \Hel*lo"\, interj. & n.
See {Halloo}.
= hallo.
-->Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
S1 interjection, n also hallo, hullo BrE [C] [Date: 1800-1900; Origin: hollo a shout to call attention (16-19 centuries)]//
1 used as a greeting when you see or meet someone: --Hello, John! How are you?// --Stanley, come and say hello to your nephew.// --Well, hello there ! I haven't seen you for ages.//
2 used when answering the telephone or starting a telephone conversation: --Hello - may I speak to Anne?//
3 used when calling to get someone's attention: --Hello! Is there anybody home?//
4 used when you think someone is not acting sensibly or has said something stupid: --You didn't remember her birthday? Hello!//
5 BrE used to show that you are surprised or confused by something: --Hello! What's happened here?//
6 say hello: to have a quick conversation with someone// --Promise you'll look in and say hello when you have time.//
-->Collins Cobuild 5
-->golden hello
<b>gold|en hel|lo</b> <b>(golden hellos)</b><br><FONT COLOR="#007000">[N-COUNT]</FONT><br> A <b>golden hello</b> is a sum of money that a company offers to a person in order to persuade them to join the company. (BUSINESS)<br> ● <font color="#004080"><i>Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.</i></font><hr>
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Collins Cobuild 5
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plain texts
elink -dump local-html
다음과 같은 텍스트 모드 브라우저를 사용하십시오.w3m또는살쾡이. HTML이 아닌 접두사를 제거하고 브라우저에 이것이 HTML이라고 알려줍니다(lynx는 이를 가정하지만 w3m은 그렇지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 이것은 완전한 문서가 아니라 HTML 단편이기 때문입니다). 대화형 인터페이스를 표시하는 대신 화면에 덤프하도록 브라우저에 지시합니다.
$ /usr/bin/sdcv counterpart | awk '/^</ {p=1} p' | w3m -T text/html -dump
◆ counter|part /k'aʊntə^rpɑː^rt/ (counterparts)
[N-COUNT] with supp, usu poss N
Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a
similar function or position in a different place.
● The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.
$ /usr/bin/sdcv counterpart | awk '/^</ {p=1} p' | lynx -stdin -dump
◆ counter|part /k'aʊntə^rpɑː^rt/ (counterparts)
[N-COUNT] with supp, usu poss N
Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that
has a similar function or position in a different place.
● The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.
나는 and를 사용하여 문제를 해결했습니다 elinks
. 출력(stdout)을 마크다운 파일로 저장한 다음, pandoc
render md를 html 파일에 사용하고, elink
마지막으로 -dump를 사용하여 로컬 html 파일을 렌더링합니다. 아래는 내 스크립트입니다.
/usr/bin/sdcv $1 > /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.md
pandoc /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.md -o /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.html
elinks -dump /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.html
rm /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.html /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.md
alias def='. tt.sh'
# czxyl @ archlinux in ~ [0:22:34]
$ def hello
Found 7 items, similar to hello. –>CMU American English spelling –>hello
–>dictd_www.dict.org_gcide –>Hello
Hello lo“, interj. & n. An exclamation used as a greeting, to call
attention, as an exclamation of surprise, or to encourage one. This
variant of {Halloo} and {Holloo} has become the dominant form. In the
United States, it is the most common greeting used in answering a
telephone. [1913 Webster +PJC]
–>WordNet –>hello
hello n : an expression of greeting; “every morning they exchanged polite
hellos” [syn: {hullo}, {hi}, {howdy}, {how-do-you-do}]
–>Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) –>Hello
Hello lo“, interj. & n. See {Halloo}.
–>牛津现代英汉双解词典 –>hello
= hallo.
–>Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English –>hello
S1 interjection, n also hallo, hullo BrE [C] [Date: 1800-1900; Origin:
hollo a shout to call attention (16-19 centuries)]// 1 used as a greeting
when you see or meet someone: –Hello, John! How are you?// –Stanley, come
and say hello to your nephew.// –Well, hello there ! I haven’t seen you
for ages.// 2 used when answering the telephone or starting a telephone
conversation: –Hello - may I speak to Anne?// 3 used when calling to get
someone’s attention: –Hello! Is there anybody home?// 4 used when you
think someone is not acting sensibly or has said something stupid: –You
didn’t remember her birthday? Hello!// 5 BrE used to show that you are
surprised or confused by something: –Hello! What’s happened here?// 6 say
hello: to have a quick conversation with someone// –Promise you’ll look in
and say hello when you have time.//
–>Collins Cobuild 5 –>golden hello
gold|en hel|lo (golden hellos)
A golden hello is a sum of money that a company offers to a person in
order to persuade them to join the company. (BUSINESS)
● Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the
# czxyl @ archlinux in ~ [0:22:40]