학교에 CentOS 7 가상 머신이 있는데 집에서 일해야 합니다.
그래서 TeamViewer를 설치하기 위해 튜토리얼에 따라 Gnome 및 기타 도구를 설치하여 VNC 서버를 만들었습니다.
그런 다음 TeamViewer 11을 설치했는데 열었을 때 다음과 같은 유명한 메시지가 표시되었습니다.
Not ready, Please check your connection
프록시 설정을 입력해 보았지만 변경 사항이 저장되지 않아 파일을 편집해야 했습니다 global.conf
.로 핑을 보낼 수도 있고 작동하기 때문에 프록시가 시스템에서 제대로 작동한다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
그러나 문제는 남아 있습니다. 그런 다음 온라인으로 검색하여 SELinux 구성을 허용하도록 변경할 수 있음을 발견했습니다. 다른 가상 머신에서 이 작업을 수행했는데 작동했지만 내 머신에서는 작동하지 않았습니다. 와인 문제가 있습니다. 나는 다음을 사용하여 문제를 해결하려고했습니다.
# setsebool -P mmap_low_allowed 1
그러나 이것은 작동하지 않습니다.
또 다른 해결책은 호스트 에 추가하는 것이었지만 /etc/nsswitch.conf
작동하지 않았습니다.
그래서 다음을 사용하여 제거하기로 결정했습니다.
rpm -qa | grep teamviewer
rpm -e <output-from-rpm-qa>
그런데 TeamViewer를 다시 설치하니 프록시 설정이 로드되어서 완전히 제거된 것은 아닌 것 같습니다.
오늘의 기록입니다
Start: 2016/09/08 08:37:06.584 (UTC-5:00)
Version: 11.0.57095
ID: 0
Loglevel: LogAll (0)
License: 0
Server: master14.teamviewer.com
IC: 0
CPU: x86 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
CPU extensions: p8
OS: Lx CentOS 7 (Core) (32-bit)
IP: xx.xx.xxx.xxx
Proxy-Settings: Type=0 IP= User=
AppPath: C:\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe
UserAccount: root
2016/09/08 08:37:06.588 8 29 GX2 AutoLogin::Login: enabled: 0
2016/09/08 08:37:06.803 8 29 GX2 CMain::LoadResourceDLLs(): No custom resource dll found
2016/09/08 08:37:06.805 8 29 GX2 Win32_GUI::FontReallyExists: 'Segoe UI' found 0 matches.
2016/09/08 08:37:06.805 8 29 GX2 Win32_GUI::FontReallyExists: 'Liberation Sans' found 4 matches.
2016/09/08 08:37:06.814 8 29 GX2 InterProcessBase::StartTcpCommunicationInternal(): setting m_NetworkConnector to new TCP connector
2016/09/08 08:37:06.814 8 29 GX2 Opening local TCP connection to
2016/09/08 08:37:06.815 8 29 GX2 Local TCP connection established
2016/09/08 08:37:06.815 8 29 GX2 Process ID: L 32511 / W 8
2016/09/08 08:37:06.902 8 29 GX2 SettingsIPCReception receive a SYNCHRONISE Settings command : UserSettings
2016/09/08 08:37:06.904 8 29 GX2 Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2016/09/08 08:37:06.904 8 29 GX2 Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2016/09/08 08:37:06.904 8 29 GX2 Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2016/09/08 08:37:06.940 8 29 GX2!! ProxySearch.GetProxiesFromPAC: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(WPAD) failed for URL 'http://www.teamviewer.com/' with error 12166, Errorcode=12166
2016/09/08 08:37:06.944 8 29 GX2!! ProxySearch.GetProxiesFromPAC: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(WPAD) failed for URL 'https://www.teamviewer.com:443/' with error 12166, Errorcode=12166
2016/09/08 08:37:06.944 8 29 GX2 ProxySearch: found WinHTTP proxy: http//
2016/09/08 08:37:06.946 32646 4091542336 QX2 SessionBusWatcher: suitable bus found with address "unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-LumdutjnU5,guid=8c230a14389528c505b45eeb57d008e6"
2016/09/08 08:37:07.070 8 9 GX2!! GetSimpleDisplayCertNameFromFile: File 'C:\TeamViewer\tv_w32.dll' does not exist., Errorcode=2
2016/09/08 08:37:07.070 8 9 GX2!! VerifyTeamViewerSignature() : WinVerifyTrust failed, result=2, Errorcode=2
2016/09/08 08:37:07.070 8 9 GX2!! MachineHooks: Library not found, Errorcode=2
2016/09/08 08:37:07.074 8 9 GX2 MachineID m=0 - 1
2016/09/08 08:37:07.077 8 9 GX2 TVUpdate::Init() Version-URL: download.teamviewer.com/download/update/ Update-URL: download.teamviewer.com/download/update/
2016/09/08 08:37:07.077 8 9 GX2 TVUpdate::Init() Preview Channel Number : 1
2016/09/08 08:37:07.165 8 9 GX2!! TVW Wine: SetWindowManagerClassHint: No such window, Errorcode=120
2016/09/08 08:37:07.195 8 9 GX2!! TVW Wine: SetWindowManagerClassHint: No such window
2016/09/08 08:37:07.199 8 9 GX2!! TVW Wine: SetWindowManagerClassHint: No such window
2016/09/08 08:37:07.218 8 9 GX2 ManagerHolderStateMachine: Switching from None to NotReady
2016/09/08 08:37:07.219 8 21 GX2 ChatManager::ChatManager: created
2016/09/08 08:37:07.219 8 21 GX2 ChatManager::Factory: ChatManager created
2016/09/08 08:37:07.219 8 21 GX2 IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: created
2016/09/08 08:37:07.219 8 21 GX2 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::Start: registering for ready state properties
2016/09/08 08:37:07.220 8 9 GX2!! DragDropRegistration: could not register window, HR=80040155
2016/09/08 08:37:07.222 8 9 GX2!! BuddyWindow.LoadWindowPosUnscaled: bad lexical cast
2016/09/08 08:37:07.227 8 9 GX2 AccountLoginGUI::CreateLoginKey(): [OnlineState] System is set to Visible.
2016/09/08 08:37:07.234 8 9 GX2!! TVW Wine: SetWindowManagerClassHint: No such window, Errorcode=120
2016/09/08 08:37:07.272 8 9 GX2 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2016/09/08 08:37:07.278 8 9 GX2!! ServerControl: RegisterPowerSettingNotification failed with error 0
2016/09/08 08:37:07.323 32645 139768218244864 gX2 PulseAudio: Connected to server 'unix:/run/user/0/pulse/native' (protocol version 30, library version 6.0.0
2016/09/08 08:37:07.324 32645 139768311990016 gX2 PulseAudio: Connection established
2016/09/08 08:37:07.456 8 33 GX2!! WineMixer: Unable to initialise mixer -1 -1
2016/09/08 08:37:07.456 32645 139768218244864 gX2 PulseAudio: Exit main loop (0), err=-2
2016/09/08 08:37:36.780 8 9 GX2 CMainWindow::InitCloseTV(): Prepare to close TeamViewer
2016/09/08 08:37:36.780 8 9 GX2!! ServerControl: UnregisterPowerSettingNotification failed with error 0
2016/09/08 08:37:36.781 8 9 GX2!! TVW Wine: SetWindowManagerClassHint: No such window
2016/09/08 08:37:36.785 8 9 GX2 Chat::Stop: Stopping chat
2016/09/08 08:37:36.785 8 9 GX2 Chat::Stop: Cancelling of Start
2016/09/08 08:37:36.786 8 9 GX2 ChatManager::UnregisterIncomingCommandRegistration: destroying incomingCommandRegistration
2016/09/08 08:37:36.786 8 9 GX2 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::Stop: disconnecting ready state properties
2016/09/08 08:37:36.787 8 9 GX2 ChatManager::Close
2016/09/08 08:37:36.787 8 9 GX2 ChatManager::UnregisterIncomingCommandRegistration: destroying incomingCommandRegistration
2016/09/08 08:37:36.787 8 9 GX2 ChatManager::ClearAccountChat: clearPersistently = 0
2016/09/08 08:37:36.788 8 9 GX2 ChatManager::ClearNonAccountChat
2016/09/08 08:37:36.789 8 9 GX2 ChatManager::~ChatManager: destroyed
2016/09/08 08:37:36.789 8 9 GX2 IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: destroyed
2016/09/08 08:37:36.789 8 9 GX2!! MainWindow.OnDestroy: WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification failed with error 0
2016/09/08 08:37:36.792 8 9 GX2 CMainWindow::OnDestroy(): Closing TeamViewer
2016/09/08 08:37:36.907 32645 139768235030272 gX2 XClipboard: Shutting down event loop
2016/09/08 08:37:36.955 32645 139768525608768 gX2 TVGuiSlave.64: Terminated
2016/09/08 08:37:37.008 8 9 GX2!! ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 1 failed with error 2
2016/09/08 08:37:37.008 8 9 GX2!! ConfigurationHub::HandleRegistrationResponse(): registering for feature 1 failed with error 2
2016/09/08 08:37:37.009 5552 4147260224 S CInterProcessNetwork: Received DisconnectIPC from processID 32511 (ProcessType: 2 in Session 2) with reason 1
2016/09/08 08:37:37.009 5552 4147260224 S Process 32511 in session 2 has terminated
2016/09/08 08:37:37.009 5552 4147260224 S TerminalServer::ProcessTerminated_Finalize: process 32511 terminated
2016/09/08 08:37:37.009 5552 4147260224 S SysSessionInfoManager: updating session information for session 2 from GUI
2016/09/08 08:37:37.009 5552 4094196544 S XSession: 2 [SysSession 2 [type=1 tty=4294967295 pseudotty=1 info=1 id= user=root state=unknown active=0 reliable=0]]
2016/09/08 08:37:37.009 5552 4094196544 S Updated sessions: [ 1 ] [ 2 root ] [ 9 ]
2016/09/08 08:37:37.009 5552 4094196544 S UpdateOnlineState m_ManualStop
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 8 22 GX2 CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead(): Socket gracefully closed (PID=5552)
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 8 22 GX2 CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=5552
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 8 22 GX2! InterProcessBase::EventFunctionInternal(): IPC-Connection Closed
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 8 22 GX2 CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=5552
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 8 22 GX2 CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): Shutdown socket returned error 10058: Unknown error
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 5552 4147260224 S CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead(): Socket gracefully closed (PID=32511)
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 5552 4147260224 S CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=32511
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 5552 4147260224 S CInterProcessNetwork::NewInterProcessDataAvailable(): ConnectionClosed session=2 ptype=2
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 5552 4147260224 S UpdateOnlineState m_ManualStop
2016/09/08 08:37:37.010 5552 4147260224 S CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): Shutdown socket returned error 107: Transport endpoint is not connected
2016/09/08 08:37:37.011 8 22 GX2!! CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): Shutdown socket returned error 10009: Unknown error, Errorcode=317
2016/09/08 08:37:37.012 8 9 GX2 interprocessbase::SecureNetwork destroyed
2016/09/08 08:37:37.013 8 9 GX2 TVW Terminating GUI slave
2016/09/08 08:37:37.013 8 9 GX2 Wine: Wine DLL freed
2016/09/08 08:37:37.015 32646 4113962752 QX2 TVGuiDelegate: Terminated
Linux에서는 프록시 연결을 사용하여 모든 프로세스가 프록시를 사용하도록 할 수 있습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.
프록시체인 - 주어진 애플리케이션에 의해 설정된 TCP 연결이 프록시(예: TOR 또는 기타 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 또는 HTTP(S) 프록시)를 따르도록 강제하는 도구입니다. 지원되는 인증 유형: SOCKS4/5의 경우 "사용자/비밀번호", HTTP의 경우 "기본".
글쎄, 내 팀뷰어 공개 키에 문제가 있는 걸 보니, 잃어버린 공개 키를 다운로드해도 해결책이 없습니다.
작동하는 유일한 방법은 tar.xz를 다운로드하고 휴대용 모드에서 팀뷰어를 실행하는 것입니다.
내 경우(우분투 16.04) 방금 teamviewerd
서비스를 다시 시작했고 팀뷰어 GUI가 다시 시작되어 "연결 준비 완료" 상태였습니다.