오픈수세 42.1 + KDE 5
프로세스 시작/종료를 알리기 위해 스크립트에서 kdialog를 사용하고 있습니다.
while inotifywait -r -e modify -e create -e delete ~/www/gruz.org.uab/www/; do
kdialog --passivepopup 'Started' --title 'UNISON update';
unison -ui text -auto -batch gruz.org.uab
kdialog --passivepopup 'Finished' --title 'UNISON update';
하지만 팝업이 일부 표시 영역을 덮고 있어 파일을 복사할 때와 같이 시스템 트레이의 진행률 표시기로 바꾸고 싶습니다.
나는 다음과 같은 것을 읽었습니다.qdbus org.kde.JobViewServer.requestView, 그러나 지식 부족으로 구현하지 못했습니다.
명령줄 예제(또는 기타 이에 상응하는 항목)를 제공할 수 있습니까?
- 프로세스를 실행하다
- 트레이의 시작 표시기
- 완료되면 정지 표시기
고마워요 사랑하는 여러분
쉘 스크립트에서 이를 사용할 때의 문제점은 qdbus org.kde.JobViewServer.requestView
요청하는 D-Bus 클라이언트가 종료될 때 알림을 제거하도록 설계되었기 때문에 dbus-send
및 .qdbus
요청을 생성하는 데 을 사용하는 경우 qdbusviewer
이와 같은 호출을 사용해 볼 수 있으며 작동할 것입니다. 그러나 연결을 열어두기 위해 쉘 스크립트에서 호출할 수 있는 기성품을 찾을 수 있을지 의문입니다.
# Assuming qdbusviewer got /JobViewServer/JobView_15 from the call...
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setInfoMessage 'Frobnicating the foobles...'
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setDescriptionField 1 Cromulence fair
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setPercent 25
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setSpeed 200
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setTotalAmount 100000 bytes
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.setProcessedAmount 200 bytes
qdbus org.kde.kuiserver /JobViewServer/JobView_15 org.kde.JobViewV2.terminate 'Received Ctrl+C'
그러나 쉘 스크립트 대신 약간의 Python을 사용하려는 경우 예제를 제공할 수 있습니다.하다동일한 작업에 대해 Python이 쉘 스크립트에 대한 매우 좋은 대안임을 보장할 수 있습니다.
이는 이벤트 루프를 설정하지 않고 가능한 많은 관련 기능을 보여주기 위해 작성되었습니다.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This line opts into some Python 3.x features if you run Python 2.x
# and must go at the top of the file because it changes how the file is parsed.
# (Specifically, the Python 3.x print() syntax and sane division)
from __future__ import print_function, division
# These lines are analogous to `source` in a shell script
# The `import` statement searches `sys.path` for the requested packages
import fnmatch, os, subprocess, time
# I'm not sure what package you'll need on OpenSUSE, but this comes from
# python-dbus on Debian, *buntu, and Mint.
import dbus
# -- Get a handle for the D-Bus API to create a new Job --
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
# A simple little helper function to paper over some complexity
# See Also: https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/doc/tutorial.html
def get_dbus_interface(name, path, interface):
obj = session_bus.get_object(name, path)
return dbus.Interface(obj, dbus_interface=interface)
create_handle = get_dbus_interface(
'org.kde.kuiserver', '/JobViewServer', 'org.kde.JobViewServer')
# -- Create a Job and get a handle to manipulate it --
# requestView takes (appName, appIconName, capabilities)
# https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2008-April/009410.html
# ...but according to the source code, capabilities never got hooked up, so
# the pause and stop buttons will always be there, whether or not you're
# listening for them. (And stop will always kill the popup.)
request_path = create_handle.requestView('MyTestApp', 'download', 0)
request_handle = get_dbus_interface(
'org.kde.kuiserver', request_path, 'org.kde.JobViewV2')
# -- Set up a fake task for demonstration purposes --
files = os.listdir('/etc') # NOTE: Check out os.walk() for recursive
file_count = len(files)
wait_per_file = 5.0 / file_count # Add 2 seconds to the total runtime
# -- Configure the bits of the popup that won't change in our example --
request_handle.setInfoMessage('Echoing files in /etc')
request_handle.setTotalAmount(file_count, 'files')
request_handle.setSpeed(200 * 1024**4) # 200 TiB/s
# -- Do our fake work --
# NOTE: In Python, indentation outside of () and [] is significant
for position, filename in enumerate(files):
# Visible in the collapsed view
request_handle.setPercent((position / file_count) * 100)
request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, 'Source', filename)
request_handle.setDescriptionField(1, 'Destination', filename)
# These are for the expanded view
request_handle.setProcessedAmount(position, 'files')
# Here's some fake work so you can see how to call subprocesses
subprocess.call(['echo', filename])
# Set the final state of the popup that will be left behind
request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "", "Completed successfully.")
request_handle.terminate("All done")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Ctrl+C Pressed")
request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "Cancelled", "Ctrl+C Pressed")
request_handle.terminate("Cancelled from outside")
# This gets called no matter what
print("Doing fake cleanup")
print("%s of the files were *.conf" % len(fnmatch.filter(files, '*.conf')))
진행률 표시기와 함께 bash 명령을 실행하도록 Python 스크립트를 수정했습니다. 진행 상황은 볼 수 없지만 뭔가가 아직 실행 중인지는 확인할 수 있습니다.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This line opts into some Python 3.x features if you run Python 2.x
# and must go at the top of the file because it changes how the file is parsed.
# (Specifically, the Python 3.x print() syntax and sane division)
from __future__ import print_function, division
# These lines are analogous to `source` in a shell script
# The `import` statement searches `sys.path` for the requested packages
import subprocess, time
# I'm not sure what package you'll need on OpenSUSE, but this comes from
# python-dbus on Debian, *buntu, and Mint.
import dbus
# Get command line parameters
import sys
# Run bash script in background
import threading
# -- Get a handle for the D-Bus API to create a new Job --
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
# A simple little helper function to paper over some complexity
# See Also: https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/doc/tutorial.html
def get_dbus_interface(name, path, interface):
obj = session_bus.get_object(name, path)
return dbus.Interface(obj, dbus_interface=interface)
def run_bash_command(command):
subprocess.call(command, shell=False)
except Exception as e:
print("Exception: ")
def main():
create_handle = get_dbus_interface(
'org.kde.kuiserver', '/JobViewServer', 'org.kde.JobViewServer')
# -- Create a Job and get a handle to manipulate it --
# requestView takes (appName, appIconName, capabilities)
# https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2008-April/009410.html
# ...but according to the source code, capabilities never got hooked up, so
# the pause and stop buttons will always be there, whether or not you're
# listening for them. (And stop will always kill the popup.)
request_path = create_handle.requestView('bash', 'download', 0)
request_handle = get_dbus_interface(
'org.kde.kuiserver', request_path, 'org.kde.JobViewV2')
# -- Configure the bits of the popup that won't change in our example --
# NOTE: In Python, indentation outside of () and [] is significant
worker = threading.Thread(target=run_bash_command, args=[sys.argv[1:]])
# for position, filename in enumerate(files):
# # Visible in the collapsed view
request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, 'Command:', str(sys.argv[1]))
request_handle.setDescriptionField(1, 'Arguments:', str(sys.argv[2:]))
while worker.isAlive():
# Set the final state of the popup that will be left behind
request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "", "Finished.")
# request_handle.clearDescriptionField(1)
request_handle.terminate("All done")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
request_handle.setDescriptionField(0, "Cancelled", "Ctrl+C Pressed")
request_handle.terminate("Cancelled from outside")
# This gets called no matter what