이 결과 세트의 모든 항목에 대해 "estimated" 및 "fullSign" 태그 2개에 대한 데이터를 가져와야 합니다.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resultSet xmlns="urn:trimet:arrivals" queryTime="1469138325745"><location desc="Morrison/SW 3rd Ave MAX Station" dir="Westbound" lat="45.5181811277907" lng="-122.675385866199" locid="8381" /><arrival block="9007" departed="true" dir="1" status="estimated" estimated="1469138452000" fullSign="MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro" piece="1" route="100" scheduled="1469138250000" shortSign="Blue to Hillsboro" locid="8381" detour="false"><blockPosition feet="1901" at="1469138300978" heading="201" lat="45.5214364" lng="-122.6716177"><trip desc="Hatfield Government Center" dir="1" route="100" tripNum="6557314" destDist="77046" pattern="54" progress="75145" /></blockPosition></arrival><arrival block="9050" departed="true" dir="1" status="estimated" estimated="1469138664000" fullSign="MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton" piece="1" route="90" scheduled="1469138670000" shortSign="Red Line to Beaverton" locid="8381" detour="false"><blockPosition feet="4552" at="1469138313683" heading="237" lat="45.5277621" lng="-122.6687878"><trip desc="Beaverton TC Pocket" dir="1" route="90" tripNum="6556307" destDist="66321" pattern="15" progress="61769" /></blockPosition></arrival><arrival block="9018" departed="true" dir="1" status="estimated" estimated="1469139140000" fullSign="MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro" piece="1" route="100" scheduled="1469139150000" shortSign="Blue to Hillsboro" locid="8381" detour="false"><blockPosition feet="13687" at="1469138320005" heading="239" lat="45.5309688" lng="-122.6350333"><trip desc="Hatfield Government Center" dir="1" route="100" tripNum="6557315" destDist="77046" pattern="54" progress="63359" /></blockPosition></arrival><arrival block="9043" departed="true" dir="1" status="estimated" estimated="1469139577000" fullSign="MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton" piece="1" route="90" scheduled="1469139570000" shortSign="Red Line to Beaverton" locid="8381" detour="false"><blockPosition feet="31909" at="1469138310486" heading="285" lat="45.5320383" lng="-122.5738342"><trip desc="Beaverton TC Pocket" dir="1" route="90" tripNum="6556308" destDist="66321" pattern="15" progress="34412" /></blockPosition></arrival></resultSet>
예상되는 결과:
1469138452000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469138664000 MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton
1469139140000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469139577000 MAX Red Line to City Center &Beaverton
이 데이터를 추출하는 좋은 방법은 무엇입니까?
이는 XMLstarlet을 사용하여 수행되며 paste
아마도 XMLstarlet을 한 번 호출하여 수행할 수 있지만 저는 마법사가 아닙니다.
$ paste <(xml sel -T -t -v '//@estimated' data.xml) \
<(xml sel -T -t -v '//@fullSign' data.xml)
1469138452000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469138664000 MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton
1469139140000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469139577000 MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton
$ xml2 < sunnx.xml | awk -F= '
$1 ~ /@fullSign/ { fs=$2 ; sub(/&/,"&",fs) };
$1 ~ /@estimated/ { est=$2 };
fs && est { printf "%s %s\n", est, fs; fs=est="" }'
1469138452000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469138664000 MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton
1469139140000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469139577000 MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton
대신 리터럴을 원한다면 함수 호출을 &
제거하십시오 . 인코딩된 엔터티를 디코딩하므로 요청에 맞게 다시 변경하는 출력을 추가했습니다 .sub()
그렇지 않은 경우 sub()
출력은 다음과 같습니다.
1469138452000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469138664000 MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton
1469139140000 MAX Blue Line to Hillsboro
1469139577000 MAX Red Line to City Center & Beaverton