Awesome WM 패키지 설치 시 SELinux 오류 발생

Awesome WM 패키지 설치 시 SELinux 오류 발생

Awesome wm 패키지를 설치한 후:

  • 굉장해요.x86_64
  • 썩은 냄새.x86_64
  • 사악한 노아크

SELinux 문제 해결 중에 오류가 발생합니다.

   The source process: useradd
Attempted this access: create
    On this directory: rancid

If you want to allow useradd to have create access on the rancid directory
Then you need to change the label on rancid
# semanage fcontext -a -t FILE_TYPE 'rancid'
where FILE_TYPE is one of the following: alsa_home_t, antivirus_home_t, audio_home_t,
auth_home_t, cache_home_t, chrome_sandbox_home_t, config_home_t, cvs_home_t,
data_home_t, dbus_home_t, fetchmail_home_t, gconf_home_t, git_user_content_t,
gkeyringd_gnome_home_t, gnome_home_t, gpg_secret_t, gstreamer_home_t, home_bin_t,
home_cert_t, httpd_user_content_t, httpd_user_htaccess_t, httpd_user_ra_content_t,
httpd_user_rw_content_t, httpd_user_script_exec_t, icc_data_home_t, iceauth_home_t,
irc_home_t, irc_tmp_t, irssi_home_t, kismet_home_t, krb5_home_t, krb5kdc_var_lib_t,
local_login_home_t, mail_home_rw_t, mail_home_t, mail_spool_t, mandb_home_t,
mozilla_home_t, mpd_home_t, mpd_user_data_t, mplayer_home_t, mysqld_home_t,
openshift_cgroup_read_tmp_t, openshift_cron_tmp_t, openshift_rw_file_t, openshift_tmp_t,
openshift_var_lib_t, polipo_cache_home_t, polipo_config_home_t, procmail_home_t,
pulseaudio_home_t, rlogind_home_t, rssh_ro_t, rssh_rw_t, sandbox_file_t, screen_home_t,
selinux_config_t, selinux_login_config_t, semanage_store_t, semanage_tmp_t, smsd_var_lib_t,
spamc_home_t, speech-dispatcher_home_t, ssh_home_t, stapserver_var_lib_t, svirt_home_t,
systemd_home_t, telepathy_cache_home_t, telepathy_data_home_t,
telepathy_gabble_cache_home_t, telepathy_logger_cache_home_t,
telepathy_logger_data_home_t, telepathy_mission_control_cache_home_t,
telepathy_mission_control_data_home_t, telepathy_mission_control_home_t,
telepathy_sunshine_home_t, texlive_home_t, thumb_home_t, tvtime_home_t, uml_ro_t,
uml_rw_t, user_fonts_cache_t, user_fonts_config_t, user_fonts_t, user_home_dir_t,
user_home_t, user_tmp_t, useradd_var_run_t, var_lib_t, virt_content_t, virt_home_t,
vmware_conf_t, vmware_file_t, wine_home_t, wireshark_home_t, xauth_home_t, xdm_home_t. 

Then execute: 
restorecon -v 'rancid'

그래서 질문은 다음 명령 중 어떤 명령을 실행해야 하는가입니다.

semanage fcontext -a -t FILE_TYPE 'rancid'

라벨을 변경하시겠습니까?


Rancid는 Awesome과 아무런 관련이 없습니다. 하지만 비슷한 문제를 겪고 있는 사람이 있다면,useradd_var_run_t성공을 위한 옵션. 따라서 명령은 다음과 같습니다.

semanage fcontext -a -t useradd_var_run_t 'rancid'

관련 정보