저는 레노버 노트북을 사용하고 있습니다. 나는 한동안 드라이버 문제를 겪었고, 시간이 나면 Linux Mint를 다시 설치하여 대학 수업에 방해가 되지 않도록 할 계획입니다. 다음은 "uname -a" 명령의 출력입니다.
Linux $NAME 3.16.0-38-일반 #52~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP 금요일 5월 8일 09:43:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
개인정보 보호를 위해 컴퓨터의 실제 이름은 생략했습니다. 이 문제가 발생하기 전에는 자동으로 켜지기 때문에 시작 시 블루투스 연결을 끄고 싶었지만 기본적으로는 켜지고 싶지 않습니다. 이 문서에 지정된 대로 Bluetooth 구성 파일을 편집했습니다.
너무 많은 구성 옵션을 엉망으로 만든 것 같아서 여기에 "/etc/bluetooth/main.conf" 파일의 인쇄 덤프가 있습니다.
# List of plugins that should not be loaded on bluetoothd startup
#DisablePlugins = network,input
# Default adaper name
# %h - substituted for hostname
# %d - substituted for adapter id
Name = %h-%d
# Default device class. Only the major and minor device class bits are
# considered.
Class = 0x000100
# How long to stay in discoverable mode before going back to non-discoverable
# The value is in seconds. Default is 180, i.e. 3 minutes.
# 0 = disable timer, i.e. stay discoverable forever
DiscoverableTimeout = 180
# How long to stay in pairable mode before going back to non-discoverable
# The value is in seconds. Default is 0.
# 0 = disable timer, i.e. stay pairable forever
PairableTimeout = 0
# Use some other page timeout than the controller default one
# which is 16384 (10 seconds).
PageTimeout = 8192
# Automatic connection for bonded devices driven by platform/user events.
# If a platform plugin uses this mechanism, automatic connections will be
# enabled during the interval defined below. Initially, this feature
# intends to be used to establish connections to ATT channels.
AutoConnectTimeout = 60
# What value should be assumed for the adapter Powered property when
# SetProperty(Powered, ...) hasn't been called yet. Defaults to true
InitiallyPowered = false
# Remember the previously stored Powered state when initializing adapters
RememberPowered = false
# Use vendor id source (assigner), vendor, product and version information for
# DID profile support. The values are separated by ":" and assigner, VID, PID
# and version.
# Possible vendor id source values: bluetooth, usb (defaults to usb)
#DeviceID = bluetooth:1234:5678:abcd
# Do reverse service discovery for previously unknown devices that connect to
# us. This option is really only needed for qualification since the BITE tester
# doesn't like us doing reverse SDP for some test cases (though there could in
# theory be other useful purposes for this too). Defaults to true.
ReverseServiceDiscovery = true
# Enable name resolving after inquiry. Set it to 'false' if you don't need
# remote devices name and want shorter discovery cycle. Defaults to 'true'.
NameResolving = true
# Enable runtime persistency of debug link keys. Default is false which
# makes debug link keys valid only for the duration of the connection
# that they were created for.
DebugKeys = false
# Enable the GATT functionality. Default is false
EnableGatt = false