최근에 외부 USB 네트워크 어댑터를 구입했는데 해당 드라이버를 설치해야 합니다. 올바른 드라이버에 대한 다운로드를 찾았습니다.여기. 다운로드했고 이제 추출된 zip 파일이 생겼습니다. 다른 게시물을 읽은 후 설치 지침은 readme 파일을 읽어보기로 결정했습니다. 몇 가지를 찾았지만 Linux에 대한 경험이 적기 때문에 설치 방법을 여전히 이해하지 못합니다. 저는 리눅스 민트를 사용하고 있습니다. 다음은 추가 정보 파일의 일부입니다.
Release Date: 2008-12-05, ver 1037
RTL8187L Linux driver version 1037
--This driver supports RealTek RTL8187L Wireless LAN NIC for
2.6 kernel:
Fedora Core 2/3/4/5/6/7, Debian 3.1, Mandrake 10.2/Mandriva 2006,
SUSE 9.3/10.1/10.2, Gentoo 3.1, etc, Ubuntu8.04/8.10.
2.4 kernel:
Redhat 9.2, etc
- Support Client mode for either infrastructure or adhoc mode
- Support WEP, WPAPSK and WPA2PSK connection
The driver is composed of several parts:
1. Module source code
2. Script ot build the modules
3. Script to load/unload modules
4. Script and configuration for DHCP
5. Supplicant source code:
6. Example of supplicant configuration file:
<<Method 1>>
Runing the scripts can finish all operations of building up modules
from the source code, installing driver to the kernel and starting up the nic.
1. Build up the drivers from the source code
2. Install the driver to the kernel
make install
3. bring up wlan if nic is not brought up by GUI, such as NetworkManager
ifconfig wlan0 up
Note: use ifconfig to check whether wlan0 is brought up and use iwconfig to
check your wlan interface name,since it may change wlan0 to wlan1,etc.
<<Method 2>>
Or only load the driver module to kernel and start up nic.
1. Build up the drivers from the source code
2. Load driver module to kernel and start up nic.
Note: when "insmod: error inserting 'xxxx.ko': -1 File exists" comes out
after run ./wlan0up, please run ./wlan0down first, then it should
be ok..
Note: If you see the message of "unkown symbol" during ./wlan0up, it
is suggested to build driver by <<Method 1>>.
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