Java(버전 1.8.0_25)를 업데이트했는데 이제 chromium이나 FireFox에서 작동하지 않는 것 같습니다.
Firefox 및 Chromium용 Java 플러그인은 더 이상 나열되지 않습니다.
( update-alternatives --config 를 통해) 다시 변경해도 아무 작업도 수행되지 않는 것 같습니다.
Firefox 버전은 33, Chromium 버전은 34입니다.
Java를 수동으로 설치하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.다운로드자바
step 1: Download java for your system (i.e for 32 bit or 64 bit machine)
step 2: Open Terminal and go to path where java is downloaded. it may be in downloaded to ~/Downloads. so cd ~/Downloads
step 3: now we will create directory called ‘java’ in /usr.
sudo mkdir /usr/java
step 4: Now we will move ‘jre…tar.gz’ to ‘/usr/java’.
sudo mv <JRE>…tar.gz /usr/java
Go to ‘/usr/java’ directory
cd /usr/java
step 5: We will extract now
sudo tar -zxvf <JRE>…tar.gz
The plugin file for Linux is located here:
32 bit: /usr/java/<JRE>/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so
64 bit: /usr/java/<JRE>/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so
step 6: Now installing java plugin for mozilla. Create a symbolic link to the Java Plugin in the Firefox plugins directory.
Open terminal follow these instructions
cd ~/.mozilla
ls To check plugins directory is present or not.
if plugins directory is not created.
mkdir plugins
cd plugins
sudo ln -s /usr/java/<JRE>/lib/<amd64|i386>/libnpjp2.so .
step 7: Restart Firefox Browser.
step 8: Verify java