mplayer를 사용하여 다음에서 .ra 스트림을 재생하려고 합니다.
예전에는 명령을 실행했지만 mplayer rtsp://url.ra
지금은 작동하지 않는 것 같습니다.
MPlayer2 UNKNOWN (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
Playing rtsp://mm6.rai.it/radiofonia/radio3/napoli/battiti/2012/battiti2012_10_04.ra.
Resolving mm6.rai.it for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: mm6.rai.it
Resolving mm6.rai.it for AF_INET...
Connecting to server mm6.rai.it[]: 554...
librtsp: server responds: ''
librtsp: server responds: ''
rtsp: read error.
librtsp: server responds: ''
Cache size set to 640 KBytes
Cache fill: 0.00% (0 bytes)
Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!
Detected file format: REAL
Stream description: Audio Stream
Stream mimetype: audio/x-pn-realaudio
[real] Audio stream found, -aid 0
RM: No audio stream found -> no sound.
No stream found.
Exiting... (End of file)
인터넷 검색 후 문제가 libav에 있다는 것을 발견하여 명령을 조사했습니다.mplayer --demuxer=lav rtsp://url.ra
MPlayer2 UNKNOWN (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
Playing rtsp://mm6.rai.it/radiofonia/radio3/napoli/battiti/2012/battiti2012_10_04.ra.
Resolving mm6.rai.it for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: mm6.rai.it
Resolving mm6.rai.it for AF_INET...
Connecting to server mm6.rai.it[]: 554...
librtsp: server responds: ''
librtsp: server responds: ''
rtsp: read error.
librtsp: server responds: ''
Cache size set to 640 KBytes
Cache fill: 0.00% (0 bytes)
Detected file format: RealMedia format (libavformat)
Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!
[lavf] stream 0: audio (cook), -aid 0
Clip info:
title: BATTITI DEL 04.10.2012
author: BATTITI
copyright: Copyright © 1997 2000 Netia Digital Audi
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
ad_ffmpeg: initial decode failed
ADecoder init failed :(
Could not open audio decoder ffmpeg.
Opening audio decoder: [realaud] RealAudio decoder
Error: /usr/lib/codecs/cook.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /usr/lib/codecs/cook.so
Error loading dll
ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec cook.so.
Read the RealAudio section of the DOCS!
ADecoder preinit failed :(
Could not open audio decoder realaud.
Opening audio decoder: [realaud] RealAudio decoder
AUDIO: 22050 Hz, 1 ch, s16le, 20.7 kbit/inf% (ratio: 2583->0)
Selected audio codec: [racook] afm: realaud (RealAudio COOK)
[AO OSS] audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
AO: [alsa] 22050Hz 1ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
MPlayer interrupted by signal 8 in module: decode_audio
이 명령은 코덱이 존재한다는 mplayer -ac help
것을 알려줍니다.cook.so
ra10cook realaud working RealPlayer 10 COOK audio [cook.so]
racook realaud working RealAudio COOK [cook.so.6.0]
저는 커널 3.2.0이 포함된 최신 버전의 Linux Mint를 사용하고 있습니다.
편집하다:이전에 스트림을 다운로드하고 mplayer로 재생하면 모든 것이 잘 작동합니다.
뭐가 문제 야?