나는 chroot 내부에 Gluster를 배포하기 위해 bash 명령을 작성 중입니다.그로스트겐. 호스트에서 chroot로 파일을 마운트하는 데 문제가 있습니다. Schroot의 매뉴얼 페이지는 다음을 제안합니다.
$ man schroot.conf | grep -A4 setup.fstab=
The filesystem table file to be used to mount filesystems within the chroot. The format of this file is the same as for /etc/fstab, documented in fstab(5). The only difference is
that the mountpoint path fs_dir is relative to the chroot, rather than the root. Also note that mountpoints are canonicalised on the host, which will ensure that absolute symlinks
point inside the chroot, but complex paths containing multiple symlinks may be resolved incorrectly; it is inadvisable to use nested symlinks as mountpoints.
그런데 이 구성 값을 에서 사용하려고 하면 /etc/schroot/chroot.d/glusterchroot.conf
디렉터리가 마운트되지 않는 것 같습니다. 이 작업을 수행하려면 추가해야 할 것이 있나요?
콘텐츠 /etc/schroot/chroot.d/glusterchroot.conf
user@computer:~$ cat /etc/schroot/chroot.d/glusterchroot.conf
description=Gluster server chroot
콘텐츠 /etc/schroot/glusterchroot/fstabfile
user@computer:~$ cat /etc/schroot/glusterchroot/fstabfile
/run/udev /run/udev none bind,create=file 0 0
sys /sys sysfs defaults 0 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/ /dev none bind,create=file 0 0
/run/lvm /run/lvm none bind,create=file 0 0
/run/udev /run/udev none bind,create=file 0 0
glusterchroot 정보:
user@computer:~$ schroot -i -c glusterchroot
─── Chroot ───
Name glusterchroot
Description Gluster server chroot
Type plain
Message Verbosity normal
Root Users root
Root Groups root
Preserve Environment false
Default Shell
Run Setup Scripts false
Configuration Profile default
Script Configuration
Session Managed false
Session Cloned false
Session Purged false
Path /srv/glusterchroot
Directory /srv/glusterchroot
Personality undefined
User Modifiable Keys
Root Modifiable Keys
User Data
setup.config default/config
setup.copyfiles default/copyfiles
setup.fstab glusterchroot/fstabfile
setup.nssdatabases default/nssdatabases
또한 아래에 설명된 것과 /etc/schroot/default/fstab
동일한 문제가 있는 기본값을 사용해 보았습니다 .
chroot에 마운트된 디렉토리:
user@computer:~$ sudo schroot -d / -c glusterchroot -- ls /
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
user@computer:~$ sudo schroot -d / -c glusterchroot -- ls /proc
user@computer:~$ sudo schroot -d / -c glusterchroot -- ls /run
lock mount
user@computer:~$ sudo schroot -d / -c glusterchroot -- ls /sys
이러한 설치가 필요한 명령의 예:
user@computer:~$ sudo schroot -d / -c glusterchroot -- findmnt
findmnt: can't read /proc/mounts: No such file or directory
호스트의 동일한 디렉터리에서:
user@computer:~/Documents/gitRepos/generalK8s/glusterchroot$ ls /proc
1 1186 188 233 2541 2719 2864 3548 4 503 76879 903 96 driver mdstat thread-self
10 12 19 2334 2551 2720 2909 3549 40 506 777 90370 96493 dynamic_debug meminfo timer_list
100 1223 192 2338 2557 2721 2941 3551 404 507 778 904 96522 execdomains misc tty
101 124 1942 234 2561 2722 2965 3565 41 508 782 905 96847 fb modules uptime
1017 1254 1964 2344 2570 2723 2997 35710 4194 59014 784 906 97 filesystems mounts version
1019 1266 197 2362 2579 2724 3 3581 42 59433 787 907 98 fs mtrr version_signature
103 127 2 2366 2580 2725 30 3593 43 59435 788 910 99 interrupts net vmallocinfo
1032 13 20 24 2589 2726 3049 36 435 59541 8 913 acpi iomem pagetypeinfo vmstat
1047 135 21 2427 26 2728 3052 3613 4358 6 83498 914 asound ioports partitions zoneinfo
105 14 22 2444 2664 2737 3057 3629 4380 60307 86954 915 bootconfig irq pressure
106 15 2268 2477 2668 2743 3075 3639 44 60565 87016 91540 buddyinfo kallsyms schedstat
109 157 2281 2484 2678 2747 31 3640 4417 60773 87483 916 bus kcore scsi
11 16 2282 2487 2683 2748 3124 367 4498 68293 87490 917 cgroups keys self
110 1777 2288 25 2699 2785 32 3676 45 68316 87498 919 cmdline key-users slabinfo
1110 18 2289 2500 27 28 3220 37 471 70459 877 92 consoles kmsg softirqs
1111 1827 2290 2517 2701 2811 3234 3757 4792 75503 880 920 cpuinfo kpagecgroup stat
113 1848 2300 2524 2712 2812 3265 3768 4824 76661 881 922 crypto kpagecount swaps
114 185 2310 2525 2714 282 33 3784 4835 76738 883 93 devices kpageflags sys
115 186 2321 2532 2716 2821 34 38 4842 76855 884 93656 diskstats loadavg sysrq-trigger
1184 187 2329 2537 2717 2830 3545 39 5 76873 89805 94 dma locks sysvipc
user@computer:~/Documents/gitRepos/generalK8s/glusterchroot$ ls /sys
block bus class dev devices firmware fs hypervisor kernel module power
user@computer:~/Documents/gitRepos/generalK8s/glusterchroot$ ls /run
acpid.pid crond.pid docker.sock log openvpn-client screen spice-vdagentd udev
acpid.socket crond.reboot fsck lvm openvpn-server sendsigs.omit.d sshd udisks2
alsa cups gdm3 motd.d plymouth shm sshd.pid user
avahi-daemon dbus gdm3.pid mount pppconfig sm-notify.pid sudo utmp
blkid dmeventd-client initctl netns rpcbind snapd systemd uuidd
console-setup dmeventd-server initramfs network rpcbind.lock snapd-snap.socket thermald vpnagentd.pid
containerd docker irqbalance NetworkManager rpcbind.sock snapd.socket tmpfiles.d wpa_supplicant
credentials docker.pid lock openvpn rpc_pipefs speech-dispatcher ubuntu-advantag
여기서 단서는 Run Setup Scripts false
의 출력에 있습니다 schroot -i -c glusterchroot
. 읽어보면 man schroot.conf
다음과 같은 줄이 보일 것입니다.
The type of the chroot. Valid types are ‘plain’, ‘directory’, ‘file’, ‘loopback’, ‘block-device’, ‘btrfs-snapshot’, ‘zfs-snapshot’ and ‘lvm-snapshot’. If empty or omitted, the de‐
fault type is ‘plain’. Note that ‘plain’ chroots do not run setup scripts and mount filesystems; ‘directory’ is recommended for normal use (see “Plain and directory chroots”, below).
다음으로 업데이트하면 /etc/schroot/chroot.d/glusterchroot.conf
문제가 해결되었습니다.
description=Gluster server chroot