vsftpd 설정이 있습니다. 많은 수의 파일을 업로드하려고 하면 시간 초과 오류로 인해 많은 파일이 실패합니다. 몇 가지 분석을 해보니 모든 오류가 발생하기 전에 이 패턴이 표시되지만 원인이 무엇인지는 알 수 없습니다.
누구든지 이것을 설명할 수 있나요?
Command: TYPE A
Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (50,16,204,201,4,7).
Command: STOR ms-users.php
Command: TYPE A
Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (50,16,204,201,4,0).
Command: STOR post.php
자세한 프로세스는 다음과 같습니다. 형식과 프로토콜 세부정보를 이해할 수 없습니다.
2012-03-18 13:02:52 5608 5 Status: Resolving address of majorchooser.info
2012-03-18 13:02:52 5608 5 Status: Connecting to
2012-03-18 13:02:53 5608 5 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2012-03-18 13:02:53 5608 5 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2)
2012-03-18 13:02:53 5608 5 Command: USER majorchooser
2012-03-18 13:02:54 5608 5 Response: 331 Please specify the password.
2012-03-18 13:02:54 5608 5 Command: PASS ***********
2012-03-18 13:02:54 5608 5 Response: 230 Login successful.
2012-03-18 13:02:54 5608 5 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2012-03-18 13:02:55 5608 5 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
2012-03-18 13:02:55 5608 5 Status: Connected
2012-03-18 13:02:55 5608 5 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2012-03-18 13:02:55 5608 5 Command: PWD
2012-03-18 13:02:55 5608 5 Response: 257 "/"
2012-03-18 13:02:55 5608 5 Status: Directory listing successful
2012-03-18 13:03:01 5608 1 Status: Resolving address of majorchooser.info
2012-03-18 13:03:01 5608 2 Status: Resolving address of majorchooser.info
2012-03-18 13:03:01 5608 1 Status: Connecting to
2012-03-18 13:03:01 5608 2 Status: Connecting to
2012-03-18 13:03:01 5608 1 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2012-03-18 13:03:01 5608 2 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2012-03-18 13:03:02 5608 1 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2)
2012-03-18 13:03:02 5608 1 Command: USER majorchooser
2012-03-18 13:03:02 5608 1 Response: 331 Please specify the password.
2012-03-18 13:03:02 5608 1 Command: PASS ***********
2012-03-18 13:03:02 5608 1 Response: 230 Login successful.
2012-03-18 13:03:02 5608 1 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2012-03-18 13:03:03 5608 1 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
2012-03-18 13:03:03 5608 1 Status: Connected
2012-03-18 13:03:03 5608 1 Status: Starting upload of D:\websites\tedxnanjing-online\wp-admin\admin-ajax.php
2012-03-18 13:03:03 5608 1 Command: CWD /test-ftp/wp-admin
2012-03-18 13:03:03 5608 1 Response: 550 Failed to change directory.
2012-03-18 13:03:03 5608 1 Command: CWD /test-ftp
2012-03-18 13:03:04 5608 1 Response: 250 Directory successfully changed.
2012-03-18 13:03:04 5608 1 Command: MKD wp-admin
2012-03-18 13:03:04 5608 1 Response: 257 "/test-ftp/wp-admin" created
2012-03-18 13:03:04 5608 1 Command: CWD /test-ftp/wp-admin
2012-03-18 13:03:05 5608 1 Response: 250 Directory successfully changed.
2012-03-18 13:03:05 5608 1 Command: PWD
2012-03-18 13:03:05 5608 1 Response: 257 "/test-ftp/wp-admin"
2012-03-18 13:03:05 5608 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2012-03-18 13:03:05 5608 1 Command: TYPE I
2012-03-18 13:03:06 5608 2 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2)
2012-03-18 13:03:06 5608 2 Command: USER majorchooser
2012-03-18 13:03:06 5608 2 Response: 331 Please specify the password.
2012-03-18 13:03:06 5608 2 Command: PASS ***********
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 1 Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode.
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 1 Command: PASV
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Response: 230 Login successful.
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (50,16,204,201,4,186).
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 1 Command: LIST -a
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Status: Connected
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Status: Starting upload of D:\websites\tedxnanjing-online\wp-admin\admin-footer.php
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Command: CWD /test-ftp/wp-admin
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Response: 250 Directory successfully changed.
2012-03-18 13:03:07 5608 2 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2012-03-18 13:03:08 5608 1 Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2012-03-18 13:03:08 5608 1 Response: 226 Directory send OK.
2012-03-18 13:03:08 5608 1 Command: TYPE A
2012-03-18 13:03:08 5608 2 Command: TYPE A
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 1 Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 1 Command: PASV
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 2 Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 2 Command: PASV
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (50,16,204,201,5,251).
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 1 Command: STOR admin-ajax.php
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 2 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (50,16,204,201,4,185).
2012-03-18 13:03:09 5608 2 Command: STOR admin-footer.php
2012-03-18 13:03:13 5608 1 Response: 150 Ok to send data.
2012-03-18 13:03:19 5608 2 Response: 150 Ok to send data.
2012-03-18 13:03:22 5608 1 Response: 226 Transfer complete.
2012-03-18 13:03:22 5608 1 Status: File transfer successful, transferred 49,808 bytes in 13 seconds
2012-03-18 13:03:22 5608 1 Status: Starting upload of D:\websites\tedxnanjing-online\wp-admin\admin-functions.php
2012-03-18 13:03:22 5608 1 Command: PASV
2012-03-18 13:03:23 5608 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (50,16,204,201,7,142).
2012-03-18 13:03:23 5608 1 Command: STOR admin-functions.php
2012-03-18 13:03:24 5608 1 Response: 150 Ok to send data.
2012-03-18 13:03:39 5608 2 Error: Connection timed out
2012-03-18 13:03:39 5608 2 Error: File transfer failed
2012-03-18 13:03:39 5608 2 Status: Resolving address of majorchooser.info
2012-03-18 13:03:40 5608 2 Status: Connecting to
2012-03-18 13:03:40 5608 2 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2012-03-18 13:03:41 5608 2 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2)
2012-03-18 13:03:41 5608 2 Command: USER majorchooser
2012-03-18 13:03:41 5608 2 Response: 331 Please specify the password.
2012-03-18 13:03:41 5608 2 Command: PASS ***********
2012-03-18 13:03:42 5608 2 Response: 230 Login successful.
2012-03-18 13:03:42 5608 2 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2012-03-18 13:03:42 5608 2 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
2012-03-18 13:03:42 5608 2 Status: Connected
2012-03-18 13:03:42 5608 2 Status: Starting upload of D:\websites\tedxnanjing-online\wp-admin\admin-footer.php
2012-03-18 13:03:42 5608 2 Command: CWD /test-ftp/wp-admin
2012-03-18 13:03:43 5608 2 Response: 250 Directory successfully changed.
2012-03-18 13:03:43 5608 2 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2012-03-18 13:03:43 5608 2 Command: TYPE I
2012-03-18 13:03:43 5608 2 Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode.
2012-03-18 13:03:43 5608 2 Command: PASV
2012-03-18 13:03:44 5608 2 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (50,16,204,201,5,79).
2012-03-18 13:03:44 5608 2 Command: LIST -a
2012-03-18 13:03:45 5608 1 Error: Connection timed out
2012-03-18 13:03:45 5608 1 Error: File transfer failed