최근에 이상한 동작을 보이는 하나 Dell Precision 7550
( 8개 코어, 16개 스레드) 가 있습니다 . 와 사이에서 이중 부팅을 했는데 Intel Xeon W-10885M
Windows 10에서 어떤 문제도 발견하지 못했습니다. 또한 Ubuntu에 다음을 설치했습니다.Windows 10
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
uname -r
cpufrequtils/focal,now 008-1.1 amd64
cpuid/focal,now 20200211-1 amd64
cpuidtool/focal,now 0.4.1-1.1 amd64
cpuinfo/focal,now 0.0~git20190201.d5e37ad-2 amd64
cpupower-gui/focal,now 0.7.2-2 amd64
indicator-cpufreq/focal,focal,now 0.2.2-0ubuntu3 all
libcpufreq0/focal,now 008-1.1 amd64
libcpuid14/focal,now 0.4.1-1.1 amd64
libcpuinfo0/focal,now 0.0~git20190201.d5e37ad-2 amd64
thermald/focal-updates,now 1.9.1-1ubuntu0.6 amd64
이 문서의 끝부분에서 실행 중인 서비스(비활성화된 서비스 등 포함) 목록을 찾을 수 있습니다. cpupower
공개 저장소에서 찾을 수 없는 것 같아서 아직 설치하지 않았습니다 . 아직 설치하지 않았습니다 . 문제가 발생한다는 것을 알았기 때문에 cpufreqd
비활성화했습니다 .laptop-mode-tools
질문:Ubuntu에서 노트북을 부팅하면 CPU 클럭에 문제가 없으며 작업에 따라 조정됩니다. 그러나 잠시 후 다소 무작위로 갑자기 작동이 중단되고 800Mhz
(가장 낮은 설정) 더 높은 주파수로 되돌리기 위해 할 수 있는 일은 없습니다... 배터리에 연결하기 위해 플러그를 뽑는 것 외에는 할 수 있는 일이 없습니다. 플러그를 뽑으면 필요에 따라 CPU 주파수가 다시 조정됩니다. 다시 연결하면 계속해서 잘 작동합니다.처음에는 완전히 무작위로 보였지만 Firefox나 Chromium을 사용하여 YouTube 동영상을 재생하면 문제가 재현될 수 있는 것 같습니다. 잠시 동안 비디오를 재생한 후 CPU가 멈춥니다 800Mhz
.지금까지는 sysbench와 같은 엄격한 벤치마크를 실행하여 문제를 재현할 수 없었습니다(그러나 많은 테스트를 수행하지는 않았습니다).
발생 시에도 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_max_freq
그대로 유지되며 ( 5300000
), /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq
변경되지도 않고 그대로 유지됩니다( 800000
). 800Mhz
거버너를 "수동으로" 변경해 도 powersave
CPU performance
가 여전히 작동하지 않습니다 800Mhz
(작동하는 것처럼 보이는 유일한 방법은 플러그를 뽑거나 컴퓨터를 다시 시작하는 것입니다). 사용중인 드라이버는 cpufreq
이렇게 intel_pstate
설명합니다 .여기 powersave
CPU 주파수를 최대로 설정하는 ondemand
동안 (CPU 주파수 조정) 에 해당합니다 .performance
제거를 시도했지만 thermald
문제가 계속 발생하여 문제가 발생하지 않습니다.
BIOS의 C-state가 비활성화되고 Intel Speedstep이 활성화되며 TurboMode가 활성화됩니다. 다시 말하지만, Windows 10으로 부팅하면 모든 것이 제대로 작동하는 것 같습니다.
고쳐 쓰다: 노트북이 배터리를 사용하는 경우에는 문제가 발생하지 않는 것 같습니다.이 현상은 연결된 경우에만 발생합니다. 하지만 2개의 다른 DELL 충전기를 사용해 보았는데 두 경우 모두 이런 현상이 발생했습니다.따라서 충전기에 의존하지 않습니다.
또한 Linux 커널과 BIOS가 최근 업데이트되었습니다. 문제가 이러한 업데이트 중 하나와 관련되어 있는지 모르겠습니다. 내가 아는 유일한 것은 이 문제가 Windows에서는 발생하지 않는 것 같다는 것입니다.
질문:문제를 해결하는 방법? 내 CPU를 가장 낮은 설정으로 설정하는 프로세스는 무엇입니까? 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 더 잘 이해하기 위해 어떤 테스트를 할 수 있나요? 원인은 무엇일까요?
accounts-daemon.service loaded active running Accounts Service
acpid.service loaded active running ACPI event daemon
alsa-restore.service loaded active exited Save/Restore Sound Card State
alsa-state.service loaded inactive dead Manage Sound Card State (restore and store)
anacron.service loaded inactive dead Run anacron jobs
apache2.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server
apparmor.service loaded active exited Load AppArmor profiles
apport-autoreport.service loaded inactive dead Process error reports when automatic reporting is enabled
apport.service loaded active exited LSB: automatic crash report generation
apt-daily-upgrade.service loaded inactive dead Daily apt upgrade and clean activities
apt-daily.service loaded inactive dead Daily apt download activities
atd.service loaded active running Deferred execution scheduler
● auditd.service not-found inactive dead auditd.service
avahi-daemon.service loaded active running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
binfmt-support.service loaded active exited Enable support for additional executable binary formats
bluetooth.service loaded active running Bluetooth service
bolt.service loaded active running Thunderbolt system service
clamav-freshclam.service loaded active running ClamAV virus database updater
● cloud-config.service not-found inactive dead cloud-config.service
● cloud-init-local.service not-found inactive dead cloud-init-local.service
colord.service loaded active running Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles
● connman.service not-found inactive dead connman.service
● console-screen.service not-found inactive dead console-screen.service
console-setup.service loaded active exited Set console font and keymap
cpufrequtils.service loaded active exited LSB: set CPUFreq kernel parameters
cron.service loaded active running Regular background program processing daemon
cups-browsed.service loaded active running Make remote CUPS printers available locally
cups.service loaded active running CUPS Scheduler
dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
dmesg.service loaded inactive dead Save initial kernel messages after boot
dundee.service loaded active running DUN service
e2scrub_all.service loaded inactive dead Online ext4 Metadata Check for All Filesystems
e2scrub_reap.service loaded inactive dead Remove Stale Online ext4 Metadata Check Snapshots
emergency.service loaded inactive dead Emergency Shell
etc-setserial.service loaded active exited controls configuration of serial ports
● exim4.service not-found inactive dead exim4.service
fam.service loaded active running LSB: File Alteration Monitor
● fancontrol.service masked inactive dead fancontrol.service
fstrim.service loaded inactive dead Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab
● fwupd-refresh.service loaded failed failed Refresh fwupd metadata and update motd
fwupd.service loaded active running Firmware update daemon
gdm.service loaded active running GNOME Display Manager
getty-static.service loaded inactive dead getty on tty2-tty6 if dbus and logind are not available
[email protected] loaded inactive dead Getty on tty1
gpu-manager.service loaded inactive dead Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes
grub-common.service loaded inactive dead Record successful boot for GRUB
grub-initrd-fallback.service loaded inactive dead GRUB failed boot detection
hddtemp.service loaded active exited LSB: disk temperature monitoring daemon
hv-fcopy-daemon.service loaded inactive dead Hyper-V File Copy Protocol Daemon
hv-kvp-daemon.service loaded inactive dead Hyper-V KVP Protocol Daemon
hv-vss-daemon.service loaded inactive dead Hyper-V VSS Protocol Daemon
irqbalance.service loaded active running irqbalance daemon
● kbd.service not-found inactive dead kbd.service
kerneloops.service loaded active running Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures
keyboard-setup.service loaded active exited Set the console keyboard layout
kmod-static-nodes.service loaded active exited Create list of static device nodes for the current kernel
● laptop-mode.service loaded failed failed Laptop Mode Tools
lm-sensors.service loaded active exited Initialize hardware monitoring sensors
lmt-poll.service loaded inactive dead Laptop Mode Tools - Battery Polling Service
loadcpufreq.service loaded active exited LSB: Load kernel modules needed to enable cpufreq scaling
logrotate.service loaded inactive dead Rotate log files
man-db.service loaded inactive dead Daily man-db regeneration
memcached.service loaded active running memcached daemon
[email protected] loaded inactive dead Load Kernel Module drm
motd-news.service loaded inactive dead Message of the Day
mysql.service loaded active running MySQL Community Server
nas.service loaded active exited LSB: start or stop the Network Audio System.
netplan-ovs-cleanup.service loaded inactive dead OpenVSwitch configuration for cleanup
networkd-dispatcher.service loaded active running Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd
● NetworkManager-wait-online.service loaded failed failed Network Manager Wait Online
NetworkManager.service loaded active running Network Manager
ntp-systemd-netif.service loaded inactive dead ntp-systemd-netif.service
ntp.service loaded active running Network Time Service
nvidia-persistenced.service loaded active running NVIDIA Persistence Daemon
● nvidia-powerd.service loaded failed failed nvidia-powerd service
● oem-config.service not-found inactive dead oem-config.service
ofono.service loaded active running Telephony service
ondemand.service loaded inactive dead Set the CPU Frequency Scaling governor
openvpn.service loaded active exited OpenVPN service
● ovsdb-server.service not-found inactive dead ovsdb-server.service
phpsessionclean.service loaded inactive dead Clean php session files
plymouth-quit-wait.service loaded inactive dead Hold until boot process finishes up
plymouth-quit.service loaded inactive dead Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen
plymouth-read-write.service loaded inactive dead Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data
plymouth-start.service loaded inactive dead Show Plymouth Boot Screen
polkit.service loaded active running Authorization Manager
postfix.service loaded inactive dead Postfix Mail Transport Agent
● [email protected] loaded failed failed Postfix Mail Transport Agent (instance -)
pppd-dns.service loaded inactive dead Restore /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down
rc-local.service loaded inactive dead /etc/rc.local Compatibility
rescue.service loaded inactive dead Rescue Shell
resolvconf-pull-resolved.service loaded inactive dead resolvconf-pull-resolved.service
resolvconf.service loaded active exited Nameserver information manager
rpcbind.service loaded active running RPC bind portmap service
rsync.service loaded inactive dead fast remote file copy program daemon
rsyslog.service loaded active running System Logging Service
rtkit-daemon.service loaded active running RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service
saslauthd.service loaded active exited LSB: saslauthd startup script
secureboot-db.service loaded inactive dead Secure Boot updates for DB and DBX
● sendmail.service not-found inactive dead sendmail.service
● sep5.service loaded failed failed systemd script to load sep5 driver at boot time
setserial.service loaded active exited controls configuration of serial ports
setvtrgb.service loaded active exited Set console scheme
snapd.apparmor.service loaded active exited Load AppArmor profiles managed internally by snapd
snapd.autoimport.service loaded inactive dead Auto import assertions from block devices
snapd.core-fixup.service loaded inactive dead Automatically repair incorrect owner/permissions on core devices
snapd.failure.service loaded inactive dead Failure handling of the snapd snap
snapd.recovery-chooser-trigger.service loaded inactive dead Wait for the Ubuntu Core chooser trigger
snapd.seeded.service loaded active exited Wait until snapd is fully seeded
snapd.service loaded active running Snap Daemon
snapd.snap-repair.service loaded inactive dead Automatically fetch and run repair assertions
sndiod.service loaded active running sndio audio and MIDI server
● sssd.service not-found inactive dead sssd.service
switcheroo-control.service loaded active running Switcheroo Control Proxy service
systemd-ask-password-console.service loaded inactive dead Dispatch Password Requests to Console
systemd-ask-password-plymouth.service loaded inactive dead Forward Password Requests to Plymouth
systemd-ask-password-wall.service loaded inactive dead Forward Password Requests to Wall
systemd-binfmt.service loaded inactive dead Set Up Additional Binary Formats
systemd-boot-system-token.service loaded inactive dead Store a System Token in an EFI Variable
systemd-fsck-root.service loaded active exited File System Check on Root Device
systemd-fsckd.service loaded inactive dead File System Check Daemon to report status
systemd-hwdb-update.service loaded inactive dead Rebuild Hardware Database
systemd-initctl.service loaded inactive dead initctl Compatibility Daemon
systemd-journal-flush.service loaded active exited Flush Journal to Persistent Storage
systemd-journald.service loaded active running Journal Service
systemd-logind.service loaded active running Login Service
systemd-machine-id-commit.service loaded inactive dead Commit a transient machine-id on disk
systemd-modules-load.service loaded active exited Load Kernel Modules
systemd-networkd.service loaded inactive dead Network Service
systemd-pstore.service loaded inactive dead Platform Persistent Storage Archival
systemd-quotacheck.service loaded inactive dead File System Quota Check
systemd-random-seed.service loaded active exited Load/Save Random Seed
systemd-remount-fs.service loaded active exited Remount Root and Kernel File Systems
systemd-resolved.service loaded active running Network Name Resolution
systemd-rfkill.service loaded inactive dead Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status
systemd-sysctl.service loaded active exited Apply Kernel Variables
systemd-sysusers.service loaded active exited Create System Users
● systemd-timesyncd.service masked inactive dead systemd-timesyncd.service
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service loaded inactive dead Cleanup of Temporary Directories
systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service loaded active exited Create Static Device Nodes in /dev
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service loaded active exited Create Volatile Files and Directories
systemd-udev-trigger.service loaded active exited udev Coldplug all Devices
systemd-udevd.service loaded active running udev Kernel Device Manager
● systemd-update-done.service not-found inactive dead systemd-update-done.service
systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service loaded inactive dead Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes
systemd-update-utmp.service loaded active exited Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown
systemd-user-sessions.service loaded active exited Permit User Sessions
● systemd-vconsole-setup.service not-found inactive dead systemd-vconsole-setup.service
thermald.service loaded active running Thermal Daemon Service
timidity.service loaded active exited LSB: start and stop timidity
● tlp.service masked inactive dead tlp.service
● ua-auto-attach.service not-found inactive dead ua-auto-attach.service
ua-reboot-cmds.service loaded inactive dead Ubuntu Advantage reboot cmds
ua-timer.service loaded inactive dead Ubuntu Advantage Timer for running repeated jobs
● ubuntu-advantage-cloud-id-shim.service not-found inactive dead ubuntu-advantage-cloud-id-shim.service
ubuntu-advantage.service loaded inactive dead Ubuntu Advantage GCP Auto Attach Daemon
udisks2.service loaded active running Disk Manager
ufw.service loaded active exited Uncomplicated firewall
unattended-upgrades.service loaded active running Unattended Upgrades Shutdown
upower.service loaded active running Daemon for power management
[email protected] loaded active exited User Runtime Directory /run/user/1000
[email protected] loaded active exited User Runtime Directory /run/user/125
[email protected] loaded active running User Manager for UID 1000
[email protected] loaded active running User Manager for UID 125
uuidd.service loaded inactive dead Daemon for generating UUIDs
● walinuxagent.service not-found inactive dead walinuxagent.service
whoopsie.service loaded active running crash report submission daemon
wpa_supplicant.service loaded active running WPA supplicant
● zfs-mount.service not-found inactive dead zfs-mount.service
LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.