나는 이 명령으로 커널을 구축했습니다
make && make modules_install && make install
이 명령을 사용하여 방금 구축한 사용자 정의 커널을 설치하려고 합니다.
genkernel --install --kernel-config=.config initramfs
그러나 그것은 나에게 다음과 같은 결과를 제공합니다.
* Using genkernel configuration from '/etc/genkernel.conf' ...
* Running with options: --install --kernel-config=.config initramfs
* Working with Linux kernel 5.15.11-gentoo for x86_64
* Using kernel config file '/usr/src/linux-5.15.11-gentoo/.config' ...
* Current kernel's LOCALVERSION is set to ''; Will ignore set --kernel-localversion value '-x86_64' because kernel was not build ...
* initramfs: >> Initializing ...
* >> Appending devices cpio data ...
* >> Appending base_layout cpio data ...
* >> Appending util-linux cpio data ...
* >> Appending eudev cpio data ...
* >> Appending devicemanager cpio data ...
* >> Appending auxiliary cpio data ...
* >> Appending busybox cpio data ...
* >> Appending modprobed cpio data ...
* >> Appending modules cpio data ...
* ERROR: '/lib/modules/5.15.11-gentoo' does not exist! Did you forget to compile kernel before building initramfs? If you know what you are doing please set '--no-ramdisk-modules'.
* Please consult '/var/log/genkernel.log' for more information and any
* errors that were reported above.
* Report any genkernel bugs to bugs.gentoo.org and
* assign your bug to [email protected]. Please include
* as much information as you can in your bug report; attaching
* '/var/log/genkernel.log' so that your issue can be dealt with effectively.
* Please do *not* report kernel compilation failures as genkernel bugs!```
I don't know how to solve it and there is almost nothing I can find about this online, what should I do?
그냥 마지막에 놔두고 해결했어요.
이것이 최선의 해결책은 아닐 수도 있지만 나에게는 효과가 있었습니다.