이 명령은 podman rootless 및 docker-compose를 사용하여 컨테이너를 실행합니다. 이에 대한 별칭을 만드는 것이 가능합니까?
docker-compose -H unix:///run/user/$UID/podman/podman.sock up -d
다음 별칭을 생략하면 작동합니다.up -d
alias dc="docker-compose -H unix:///run/user/$UID/podman/podman.sock"
고쳐 쓰다
.bashrc의 별칭
alias dc='docker-compose -H unix:///run/user/$UID/podman /podman.socket'
예상 출력을 실행하고 생성합니다.
[user@server1 ~]$ dc
Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.
docker-compose [-f <arg>...] [--profile <name>...] [options] [--] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
docker-compose -h|--help
-f, --file FILE Specify an alternate compose file
(default: docker-compose.yml)
-p, --project-name NAME Specify an alternate project name
(default: directory name)
--profile NAME Specify a profile to enable
-c, --context NAME Specify a context name
--verbose Show more output
--log-level LEVEL Set log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
--ansi (never|always|auto) Control when to print ANSI control characters
--no-ansi Do not print ANSI control characters (DEPRECATED)
-v, --version Print version and exit
-H, --host HOST Daemon socket to connect to
--tls Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
--tlscacert CA_PATH Trust certs signed only by this CA
--tlscert CLIENT_CERT_PATH Path to TLS certificate file
--tlskey TLS_KEY_PATH Path to TLS key file
--tlsverify Use TLS and verify the remote
--skip-hostname-check Don't check the daemon's hostname against the
name specified in the client certificate
--project-directory PATH Specify an alternate working directory
(default: the path of the Compose file)
--compatibility If set, Compose will attempt to convert keys
in v3 files to their non-Swarm equivalent (DEPRECATED)
--env-file PATH Specify an alternate environment file
dc up -d
예외를 던진다
[user@server1 nextcloud]$ dc up -d
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 677, in urlopen
File "urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 392, in _make_request
File "http/client.py", line 1277, in request
File "http/client.py", line 1323, in _send_request
File "http/client.py", line 1272, in endheaders
File "http/client.py", line 1032, in _send_output
File "http/client.py", line 972, in send
File "docker/transport/unixconn.py", line 43, in connect
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory