제한된 시스템 서비스 파일 생성

제한된 시스템 서비스 파일 생성

내 systemd 서비스에 대해 몇 가지 제한을 설정하고 싶습니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.

  1. 네트워크 대역폭
  2. CPU 견적

제한을 초과하면 systemd 서비스가 중지되어야 합니다.

미리 감사드립니다


바라보다man systemd.exec:

   LimitCPU=, LimitFSIZE=, LimitDATA=, LimitSTACK=, LimitCORE=, LimitRSS=, LimitNOFILE=, LimitAS=,
   LimitRTPRIO=, LimitRTTIME=
       Set soft and hard limits on various resources for executed processes. See setrlimit(2) for
       details on the resource limit concept. Resource limits may be specified in two formats:
       either as single value to set a specific soft and hard limit to the same value, or as
       colon-separated pair soft:hard to set both limits individually (e.g.  "LimitAS=4G:16G").
       Use the string infinity to configure no limit on a specific resource. The multiplicative
       suffixes K, M, G, T, P and E (to the base 1024) may be used for resource limits measured in
       bytes (e.g.  "LimitAS=16G"). For the limits referring to time values, the usual time units
       ms, s, min, h and so on may be used (see systemd.time(7) for details). Note that if no time
       unit is specified for LimitCPU= the default unit of seconds is implied, while for
       LimitRTTIME= the default unit of microseconds is implied. Also, note that the effective
       granularity of the limits might influence their enforcement. For example, time limits
       specified for LimitCPU= will be rounded up implicitly to multiples of 1s. For LimitNICE=
       the value may be specified in two syntaxes: if prefixed with "+" or "-", the value is
       understood as regular Linux nice value in the range -20..19. If not prefixed like this the
       value is understood as raw resource limit parameter in the range 0..40 (with 0 being
       equivalent to 1).

대역폭의 경우 다음에서 여러 옵션을 정의할 수 있습니다.man systemd.resource-control. .service, .socket, .slice, .scope, .swap, 또는 .mount단위는 다음 중 하나를 사용할 수 있습니다.

IOWeight=weight, StartupIOWeight=weight
    Set the default overall block I/O weight for the executed processes, if the 
    unified control group hierarchy is used on the system. ...

kernel.org에 따르면IO 인터페이스 파일

가중치 범위는 [1, 10000]이며 cgroup이 형제 그룹과 비교하여 사용할 수 있는 상대적인 IO 시간을 지정합니다.

IOReadBandwidthMax=device bytes, IOWriteBandwidthMax=device bytes
    Set the per-device overall block I/O bandwidth maximum limit for the executed 
    processes, if the unified control group hierarchy is used on the system. This 
    limit is not work-conserving and the executed processes are not allowed to use 
    more even if the device has idle capacity. ...
IOReadIOPSMax=device IOPS, IOWriteIOPSMax=device IOPS
    Set the per-device overall block I/O IOs-Per-Second maximum limit for the 
    executed processes, if the unified control group hierarchy is used on the 
    system. This limit is not work-conserving and the executed processes are not 
    allowed to use more even if the device has idle capacity. ...

관련 정보