저는 AST2150 BMC 컨트롤러와 IPMI 2.0을 갖춘 MSI MS-S0121 마더보드를 가지고 있습니다.
freeipmi와 SOL(Serial over LAN)을 사용하여 ipmiconsole
BIOS에 액세스합니다. 기본 전송속도인 19200이 꽤 느리기 때문에 115200 전송속도로 설정하고 싶습니다. 하지만 이미 존재하는 19200 값으로만 설정할 수 있는 것 같습니다.
[marvin@t5600 ~]$ ipmi-config -h --username=admin --password=admin --commit -e SOL_Conf:Volatile_Bit_Rate=19200
[marvin@t5600 ~]$ ipmi-config -h --username=admin --password=admin --commit -e SOL_Conf:Volatile_Bit_Rate=115200
ERROR: Failed to commit `SOL_Conf:Volatile_Bit_Rate'
[marvin@t5600 ~]$ ipmi-config -h --username=admin --password=admin --checkout > bmc.conf
# Section UserX Comments
# In the following User sections, users should configure usernames, passwords,
# and access rights for IPMI over LAN communication. Usernames can be set to any
# string with the exception of User1, which is a fixed to the "anonymous"
# username in IPMI.
# For IPMI over LAN access for a username, set "Enable_User" to "Yes",
# "Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs" to "Yes", and "Lan_Privilege_Limit" to a privilege
# level. The privilege level is used to limit various IPMI operations for
# individual usernames. It is recommended that atleast one username be created
# with a privilege limit "Administrator", so all system functions are available
# to atleast one username via IPMI over LAN. For security reasons, we recommend
# not enabling the "anonymous" User1. For most users, "Lan_Session_Limit" can be
# set to 0 (or ignored) to support an unlimited number of simultaneous IPMI over
# LAN sessions.
# If your system supports IPMI 2.0 and Serial-over-LAN (SOL),
# a"SOL_Payload_Access" field may be listed below. Set the "SOL_Payload_Access"
# field to "Yes" or "No" to enable or disable this username's ability to access
# SOL.
# Please do not forget to uncomment those fields, such as "Password", that may
# be commented out during the checkout.
# Some motherboards may require a "Username" to be configured prior to other
# fields being read/written. If this is the case, those fields will be set to
# <username-not-set-yet>.
Section User1
## Give Username
## Username NULL
## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars (20 chars if IPMI 2.0 supported).
## Password
## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
## Enable_User
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Link_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Restricted_to_Callback No
## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
Lan_Privilege_Limit Administrator
## Possible values: 0-17, 0 is unlimited; May be reset to 0 if not specified
## Lan_Session_Limit
## Possible values: Yes/No
SOL_Payload_Access Yes
Section User2
## Give Username
Username Operator
## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars (20 chars if IPMI 2.0 supported).
## Password
## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
## Enable_User
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Link_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Restricted_to_Callback No
## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
Lan_Privilege_Limit Operator
## Possible values: 0-17, 0 is unlimited; May be reset to 0 if not specified
## Lan_Session_Limit
## Possible values: Yes/No
SOL_Payload_Access Yes
Section User3
## Give Username
Username admin
## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars (20 chars if IPMI 2.0 supported).
## Password
## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
## Enable_User
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Link_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Restricted_to_Callback No
## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
Lan_Privilege_Limit Administrator
## Possible values: 0-17, 0 is unlimited; May be reset to 0 if not specified
## Lan_Session_Limit
## Possible values: Yes/No
SOL_Payload_Access Yes
Section User4
## Give Username
Username OEM
## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars (20 chars if IPMI 2.0 supported).
## Password
## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
## Enable_User
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Link_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Lan_Enable_Restricted_to_Callback No
## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
Lan_Privilege_Limit OEM_Proprietary
## Possible values: 0-17, 0 is unlimited; May be reset to 0 if not specified
## Lan_Session_Limit
## Possible values: Yes/No
SOL_Payload_Access Yes
# Section Lan_Channel Comments
# In the Lan_Channel section, general IPMI over LAN can be enabled for disabled.
# In the below, "Volatile" configurations are immediately configured onto the
# BMC and will have immediate effect on the system. "Non_Volatile"
# configurations are only available after the next system reset. Generally, both
# the "Volatile" and "Non_Volatile" equivalent fields should be configured
# identically.
# To enable IPMI over LAN, typically "Access_Mode" should be set to
# "Always_Available". "Channel_Privilege_Limit" should be set to the highest
# privilege level any username was configured with. Typically, this is set to
# "Administrator".
# "User_Level_Auth" and "Per_Message_Auth" are typically set to "Yes" for
# additional security.
Section Lan_Channel
## Possible values: Disabled/Pre_Boot_Only/Always_Available/Shared
Volatile_Access_Mode Always_Available
## Possible values: Yes/No
Volatile_Enable_User_Level_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Volatile_Enable_Pef_Alerting Yes
## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit OEM_Proprietary
## Possible values: Disabled/Pre_Boot_Only/Always_Available/Shared
Non_Volatile_Access_Mode Always_Available
## Possible values: Yes/No
Non_Volatile_Enable_User_Level_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Non_Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Non_Volatile_Enable_Pef_Alerting Yes
## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
Non_Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit OEM_Proprietary
# Section Lan_Conf Comments
# In the Lan_Conf section, typical networking configuration is setup. Most users
# will choose to set "Static" for the "IP_Address_Source" and set the
# appropriate "IP_Address", "MAC_Address", "Subnet_Mask", etc. for the machine.
Section Lan_Conf
## Possible values: Unspecified/Static/Use_DHCP/Use_BIOS/Use_Others
IP_Address_Source Static
## Give valid IP address
## Give valid MAC address
## Give valid Subnet Mask
## Give valid IP address
## Give valid MAC address
Default_Gateway_MAC_Address 00:00:00:00:00:00
# Section Lan_Conf_Auth Comments
# In the Lan_Conf_Auth section, allowable authentication mechanisms for IPMI 1.5
# is configured. Most users will want to set all "MD5" authentication to "Yes"
# and the rest to "No". If you have configured a NULL username and a NULL
# password, you will also want to configure some of the "None" fields to "Yes"
# to allow "None" authentication to work. Some motherboards do not allow you to
# enable OEM authentication, so you may wish to set all OEM related fields to
# "No".
Section Lan_Conf_Auth
## Possible values: Yes/No
Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_None Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5 Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
User_Enable_Auth_Type_None Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
User_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5 Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
User_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_None Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5 Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_None Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5 Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
OEM_Enable_Auth_Type_None Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
OEM_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5 Yes
## Possible values: Yes/No
OEM_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password Yes
# Section Lan_Conf_Security_Keys Comments
# If your system supports IPMI 2.0 and Serial-over-LAN (SOL), a K_g BMC key may
# be configurable. The K_g key is an optional key that can be set for two key
# authentication in IPMI 2.0. It is optionally configured. Most users will want
# to set this to zero (or blank).
Section Lan_Conf_Security_Keys
## Give string or blank to clear. Max 20 bytes, prefix with 0x to enter hex
K_G 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# Section Lan_Conf_User_Security Comments
# The following user security configuration options are optionally implemented
# by the vendor. They may not be available your system and may not be visible
# below.
# The following configuration supports the ability for the BMC to disable a user
# if a number of bad passwords are entered sequentially.
# "Bad_Password_Threshold" determines the number of bad passwords that must be
# entered sequentially. "Attempt_Count_Reset_Interval" determines the range of
# time the bad passwords must occur in. "User_Lockout_Interval" determines the
# time a user will be locked off if the bad password threshold is reached. If
# set to "Yes", "Enable_Event_Message_When_User_Disabled" will inform the BMC to
# log an event message when a user is disabled.
Section Lan_Conf_User_Security
# Section Lan_Conf_Misc Comments
# The following miscellaneous configuration options are optionally implemented
# by the vendor. They may not be available your system and may not be visible
# below.
# If set to "Yes", "Enable_Gratuitous_ARPs" will inform the BMC to regularly
# send out Gratuitous ARPs to allow other machines on a network resolve the
# BMC's MAC Address. Many users will want to set this to "Yes" because it offers
# the easiest way to support BMC IP Address resolution. However, it will
# increase traffic on your network. The "Gratuitous_ARP_Interval" can be used to
# set the period a Gratuitous ARP is always sent.
# If set to "Yes", "Enable_ARP_Response" will inform the BMC torespond to ARP
# requests from other machines.
Section Lan_Conf_Misc
# Section Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege Comments
# If your system supports IPMI 2.0 and Serial-over-LAN (SOL),cipher suite IDs
# may be configurable below. In the Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege section, maximum
# user privilege levels allowed for authentication under IPMI 2.0 (including
# Serial-over-LAN) are set for each supported cipher suite ID. Each cipher suite
# ID supports different sets of authentication, integrity, and encryption
# algorithms for IPMI 2.0. Typically, the highest privilege level any username
# configured should set for support under a cipher suite ID. This is typically
# "Administrator".
Section Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege
## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_0 OEM_Proprietary
## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_1 OEM_Proprietary
## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_2 OEM_Proprietary
## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_3 OEM_Proprietary
# Section SOL_Conf Comments
# If your system supports IPMI 2.0 and Serial-over-LAN (SOL), the following
# configuration options will allow SOL configuration.
# For most users that want to enable SOL, minimally "Enable_SOL" should be set
# to "Yes" and "SOL_Privilege_Level" should be set to the highest privilege
# level any username configured can authenticate with (typically
# "Administrator"). For security purposes, "Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication"
# and "Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption" should be set to "Yes", however forced
# authentication and/or encryption depends on the cipher suite IDs supported.
# The "Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate" and "Volatile_Bit_Rate" should both be set to the
# appropriate baud rate for your system. This is typically the same baud rate
# configured in the BIOS and/or operating system.
Section SOL_Conf
## Possible values: Yes/No
Enable_SOL Yes
## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
SOL_Privilege_Level Administrator
## Possible values: Yes/No
Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication No
## Possible values: Yes/No
Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption No
## Give a non-zero valid integer. Each unit is 5ms
Character_Accumulate_Interval 20
## Give a valid number
Character_Send_Threshold 80
## Give a valid integer
SOL_Retry_Count 7
## Give a valid integer. Interval unit is 10ms
SOL_Retry_Interval 250
## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate 19200
## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
Volatile_Bit_Rate 19200
## Give a valid port number
## SOL_Payload_Port_Number 623
어떤 제안이 있으십니까?
19200bps는 확실히 빠르지는 않지만 기본 GSM 데이터 연결을 통해 Unix 시스템 관리(구체적으로는 HP-UX)를 많이 수행했습니다. 무선 인터페이스의 속도는 9600bps이며 약간의 지연 시간이 있습니다.
이는 가능하지만 불필요한 작업을 수행하고 싶지는 않으며 명령이 생성할 예상 출력량을 미리 예측하는 방법을 배우게 됩니다. 명령이 예기치 않게 예상보다 더 많은 출력을 내보내는 경우 Ctrl-C를 즉시 누르더라도 상당한 양의 데이터가 연결에 버퍼링되어 천천히 화면으로 흘러가므로 잠시 동안 출력이 스크롤되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
또한 이를 회고적 컴퓨팅 경험으로 사용할 수도 있습니다. :-) "이것은 Ken Thompson과 Dennis Ritchie(Unix의 최초 개발자)가 과거에 모두 작업했던 방식입니다."
내가 찾은본 매뉴얼은 AST2150에 적용됩니다.. 여기에는 다음이 포함됩니다.
IPMITool SOL 세션의 경우 사용자는 COMA를 사용하고 전송 속도를 38.4K, 8비트, 패리티 없음 및 Xon/Xoff 핸드셰이크로 설정하려면 BIOS 설정 메뉴를 사용하여 원격 직렬 콘솔 리디렉션을 구성해야 합니다.
이는 38400bps가 될 수 있음을 시사합니다.오직이 특정 칩이나 시스템의 실제 전송 속도입니다.
AST2400 칩이 포함된 시스템이 있고 설명서에서는 특정 전송 속도인 57600을 사용할 것을 권장합니다. 해당 정보를 발견하기 전에 다른 가능한 값을 꽤 철저하게 검색했으며 Asus P10S에서 이를 확인할 수 있습니다. 적어도 57600bps는 SOL 연결 전용 전송 속도에서 실제로 작동하는 것 같습니다.
또한, 비트 전송률 변경을 사용할 때는 ipmi-config
비휘발성 비트 전송률을 먼저 변경해 보고, 휘발성 비트 전송률과 비휘발성 비트 전송률이 동일한 값으로 설정되어 있는지 확인하세요.