내 운영 체제는 Debian 11이고 프린터는 HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a입니다. 이 패키지를 사용하여 처음 설치한 후 hplip
인쇄와 스캔이 모두 잘 작동했지만 어떤 이유로 프린터를 다시 설치해야 했고 그 후 스캐너에 전혀 액세스할 수 없게 되었습니다 XSane
다양한 옵션을 시도했지만 XSane을 시작하려고 하면 오류 메시지 코드 9("오류: SANE: 장치 I/O 중 오류 발생") 또는 10("오류: SANE: 메모리 부족(코드 = 10)")이 표시됩니다. 이것이 실제로 XSane의 결함인가요, 아니면 내 컴퓨터의 전체 구성에 대한 결함인가요?
그건 그렇고, 이것은 hp-check의 출력입니다:
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mHP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.21.2)[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mDependency/Version Check Utility ver. 15.1[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
hp-check[76380]: info: :This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
hp-check[76380]: info: :This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
hp-check[76380]: info: :under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mNote: hp-check can be run in three modes:[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :1. Compile-time check mode (-c or --compile): Use this mode before compiling the HPLIP supplied tarball (.tar.gz or .run) to determine if the
hp-check[76380]: info: :proper dependencies are installed to successfully compile HPLIP.
hp-check[76380]: info: :2. Run-time check mode (-r or --run): Use this mode to determine if a distro supplied package (.deb, .rpm, etc) or an already built HPLIP
hp-check[76380]: info: :supplied tarball has the proper dependencies installed to successfully run.
hp-check[76380]: info: :3. Both compile- and run-time check mode (-b or --both) (Default): This mode will check both of the above cases (both compile- and run-time
hp-check[76380]: info: :dependencies).
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :Check types:
hp-check[76380]: info: :a. EXTERNALDEP - External Dependencies
hp-check[76380]: info: :b. GENERALDEP - General Dependencies (required both at compile and run time)
hp-check[76380]: info: :c. COMPILEDEP - Compile time Dependencies
hp-check[76380]: info: :d. [All are run-time checks]
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :Status Types:
hp-check[76380]: info: : OK
hp-check[76380]: info: : MISSING - Missing Dependency or Permission or Plug-in
hp-check[76380]: info: : INCOMPAT - Incompatible dependency-version or Plugin-version
hp-check[76380]: info: :
warning: [01mdebian-11 version is not supported. Using debian-10.7 versions dependencies to verify and install...[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :---------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| SYSTEM INFO |
hp-check[76380]: info: :---------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: : Kernel: 5.10.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.46-4 (2021-08-03) GNU/Linux
Host: Aragorn
Proc: 5.10.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.46-4 (2021-08-03) GNU/Linux
Distribution: debian 11
hp-check[76380]: info: : Bitness: 64 bit
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :-----------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| HPLIP CONFIGURATION |
hp-check[76380]: info: :-----------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :HPLIP-Version: HPLIP 3.21.2
hp-check[76380]: info: :HPLIP-Home: /usr/share/hplip
warning: HPLIP-Installation: Auto installation is not supported for debian distro 11 version
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mCurrent contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file:[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :# hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure.
# Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mCurrent contents of '/var/lib/hp/hplip.state' file:[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[plugin]
installed = 1
eula = 1
version = 3.21.2
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mCurrent contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file:[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[commands]
scan = /usr/bin/xsane -V %SANE_URI%
email_address =
voice_phone =
date_time = 08/16/21 17:03:40
version = 3.21.2
device_uri = escl:
printer_name = Imprimante
working_dir = .
device_list =
enable = false
interval = 5
enable = true
rate = 30
type = 1
systray_messages = 0
systray_visible = 1
last_upgraded_time = 1607445828
notify_upgrade = true
pending_upgrade_time = 0
hp-check[76380]: info: : <Package-name> <Package-Desc> <Required/Optional> <Min-Version> <Installed-Version> <Status> <Comment>
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :-------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| External Dependencies |
hp-check[76380]: info: :-------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[31;01m error: cups CUPS - Common Unix Printing System REQUIRED 1.1 - INCOMPAT 'CUPS may not be installed or not running'[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: : gs GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer REQUIRED 7.05 9.53.3 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : xsane xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE OPTIONAL 0.9 0.999 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : scanimage scanimage - Shell scanning program OPTIONAL 1.0 1.0.31 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : dbus DBus - Message bus system REQUIRED - 1.12.20 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : policykit PolicyKit - Administrative policy framework OPTIONAL - 0.105 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : network network -wget OPTIONAL - 1.21 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : avahi-utils avahi-utils OPTIONAL - 0.8 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| General Dependencies |
hp-check[76380]: info: :------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: : libjpeg libjpeg - JPEG library REQUIRED - - OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : cups-devel CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files REQUIRED - - OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : cups-image CUPS image - CUPS image development files REQUIRED - - OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : libpthread libpthread - POSIX threads library REQUIRED - b'2.31' OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : libusb libusb - USB library REQUIRED - 1.0 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : sane SANE - Scanning library REQUIRED - - OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : sane-devel SANE - Scanning library development files REQUIRED - - OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : libavahi-dev libavahi-dev REQUIRED - - OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : libnetsnmp-devel libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files REQUIRED 5.0.9 5.9 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : libcrypto libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library REQUIRED - 1.1.1 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : python3X Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language REQUIRED 2.2 3.9.2 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : python3-notify2 Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications OPTIONAL - - OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: :[31;01m error: python3-pyqt4-dbus PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4 OPTIONAL 4.0 - MISSING 'python3-pyqt4-dbus needs to be installed'[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[31;01m error: python3-pyqt4 PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x) REQUIRED 4.0 - MISSING 'python3-pyqt4 needs to be installed'[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: : python3-dbus Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus REQUIRED 0.80.0 1.2.16 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : python3-xml Python XML libraries REQUIRED - 2.2.10 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : python3-devel Python devel - Python development files REQUIRED 2.2 3.9.2 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : python3-pil PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan) OPTIONAL - 8.1.2 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : python3-reportlab Reportlab - PDF library for Python OPTIONAL 2.0 3.5.59 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :--------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| COMPILEDEP |
hp-check[76380]: info: :--------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: : libtool libtool - Library building support services REQUIRED - 2.4.6 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : gcc gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler REQUIRED - 10.2.1 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : make make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs REQUIRED 3.0 4.3 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| Python Extentions |
hp-check[76380]: info: :---------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: : cupsext CUPS-Extension REQUIRED - 3.21.2 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: : hpmudext IO-Extension REQUIRED - 3.21.2 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| Scan Configuration |
hp-check[76380]: info: :----------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :'/etc/sane.d/dll.d/hpaio' not found.
hp-check[76380]: info: : hpaio HPLIP-SANE-Backend REQUIRED - 3.21.2 OK 'hpaio found in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf'
hp-check[76380]: info: : scanext Scan-SANE-Extension REQUIRED - 3.21.2 OK -
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :------------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| DISCOVERED SCANNER DEVICES |
hp-check[76380]: info: :------------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :device `escl:' is a HP LaserJet MFP M28a (A7B2AA) (USB) flatbed scanner
device `hpaio:/usb/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M28-M31?serial=VNC3R77190' is a Hewlett-Packard HP_LaserJet_MFP_M28-M31 all-in-one
device `hpaio:/net/hp_laserjet_mfp_m28-m31?ip=' is a Hewlett-Packard hp_laserjet_mfp_m28-m31 all-in-one
device `escl:' is a HP LaserJet MFP M28a (A7B2AA) (USB) flatbed scanner
device `hpaio:/usb/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M28-M31?serial=VNC3R77190' is a Hewlett-Packard HP_LaserJet_MFP_M28-M31 all-in-one
device `hpaio:/net/hp_laserjet_mfp_m28-m31?ip=' is a Hewlett-Packard hp_laserjet_mfp_m28-m31 all-in-one
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :--------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| DISCOVERED USB DEVICES |
hp-check[76380]: info: :--------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: : Device URI Model
hp-check[76380]: info: : ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: : hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M28-M31?serial=VNC3R77190 HP LaserJet MFP M28-M31
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :---------------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| INSTALLED CUPS PRINTER QUEUES |
hp-check[76380]: info: :---------------------------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01m[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01m[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :Type: Unknown
hp-check[76380]: info: :Device URI: implicitclass://HP_LaserJet_MFP_M28a_A7B2AA_USB_/
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01m[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01m[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :Type: Printer
hp-check[76380]: info: :Device URI: hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_MFP_M28-M31?serial=VNC3R77190
hp-check[76380]: info: :Communication status: Good
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :--------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| PERMISSION |
hp-check[76380]: info: :--------------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :USB Imprimante Required - - OK Node:'/dev/bus/usb/001/006' Perm:' root lp rw- rw- rw- rw- rw- r--'
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :-----------
hp-check[76380]: info: :| SUMMARY |
hp-check[76380]: info: :-----------
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mMissing Required Dependencies[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01m-----------------------------[0m
error: 'cups' package is missing or 'cups' service is not running.
error: 'libcups2' package is missing/incompatible
error: 'python3-pyqt4' package is missing/incompatible
error: 'gtk2-engines-pixbuf' package is missing/incompatible
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01mMissing Optional Dependencies[0m
hp-check[76380]: info: :[01m-----------------------------[0m
error: 'python3-dbus.mainloop.qt' package is missing/incompatible
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :Total Errors: 3
hp-check[76380]: info: :Total Warnings: 0
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :
hp-check[76380]: info: :Done.
나는 데비안 11이 나에게 경고가 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.지원하지 않음일부 필수 패키지는 다음과 같습니다.잃어버린(그 이후로는 삭제하지 않았지만)그것을했다스캐너가 처음부터 작동하려면 (패키지를 너무 많이 엉망으로 만들지 않고) 다시 실행할 수 있는 방법이 있어야 합니다.
첫 번째 가능한 해결 방법(즉, HPLIP 솔루션의 전체 기능을 사용하지 않음)은 독립적으로 개발된 자율 백엔드를 사용하는 것입니다 sane-airscan
.데비안 11 릴리스 노트의 섹션 동일한 이름의 패키지를 설치한 후 XSane이 열 때 제공되는 목록에서 스캐너의 eSCL 프로토콜 버전을 사용했습니다.
scanimage -L
설치 후 스캐너의 새로운 특수 버전을 실제로 사용할 수 있는지 확인하는 데 유용한 명령줄이 될 수 있습니다 sane-airscan
escl 대신 escl:http://localhost:60001을 사용해 보십시오: 후자는 이제 escl 백엔드에서 처리되지 않는 http://localhost로의 HTTP 리디렉션을 반환합니다.