저는 groff와 함께 셀이 여러 행에 걸쳐 있는 테이블을 생성하려고 합니다.
나는 노력했다
.TS BOXED LABEL "Table 1: Use Case 1"
allbox, tab(@);
l l
l ld
l ^ .
Use Case Identifier@UC1
Flow of events@T{1. System prompts for username and password
2. User submits their username and password
하지만 아래 경고가 표시되고 테이블이 올바르게 렌더링되지 않습니다.
warning: file `report.mom', around line 55:
table wider than line width
왼쪽 아래 셀이 여러 행에 걸쳐 있는 아래와 같은 테이블을 생성하려고 합니다.
나는 또한 예제 중 하나를 시도했습니다.문서, 특히 다음은 동일한 결과를 얻었고 table wider than line width warning
테이블이 올바르게 렌더링되지 않습니다. (아래 예시는 제가 링크한 페이지의 마지막 예시입니다.)
cb s s s
c | c | c s
ltiw(1i) | ltw(2i) | lp8 | lw(1.5i)p8.
Some Interesting Places
Name[[circle]]Description[[circle]]Practical Information
American Museum of Natural History
The collections fill 11.5 acres (Michelin) or 25 acres (MTA)
of exhibition halls on four floors. There is a full-sized replica
of a blue whale and the world's largest star sapphire (stolen in 1964).
T}[[circle]]Hours[[circle]]10-5, ex. Sun 11-5, Wed. to 9
Central Park West & 79th St.
\^[[circle]]\^[[circle]]Admission[[circle]]Donation: $1.00 asked
\^[[circle]]\^[[circle]]Subway[[circle]]AA to 81st St.
Bronx Zoo[[circle]]T{
About a mile long and .6 mile wide, this is the largest zoo in America.
A lion eats 18 pounds
of meat a day while a sea lion eats 15 pounds of fish.
10-4:30 winter, to 5:00 summer
185th St. & Southern Blvd, the Bronx.
\^[[circle]]\^[[circle]]Admission[[circle]]$1.00, but Tu,We,Th free
\^[[circle]]\^[[circle]]Subway[[circle]]2, 5 to East Tremont Ave.
Brooklyn Museum[[circle]]T{
Five floors of galleries contain American and ancient art.
There are American period rooms and architectural ornaments saved
from wreckers, such as a classical figure from Pennsylvania Station.
T}[[circle]]Hours[[circle]]Wed-Sat, 10-5, Sun 12-5
Eastern Parkway & Washington Ave., Brooklyn.
\^[[circle]]\^[[circle]]Subway[[circle]]2,3 to Eastern Parkway.
New-York Historical Society
All the original paintings for Audubon's
Birds of America
are here, as are exhibits of American decorative arts, New York history,
Hudson River school paintings, carriages, and glass paperweights.
Tues-Fri & Sun, 1-5; Sat 10-5
Central Park West & 77th St.
\^[[circle]]\^[[circle]]Subway[[circle]]AA to 81st St.
원하는 출력에 따라 tbl
코드는 다음과 같습니다. box 옵션은 필요하지 않습니다.
난 당신에게 대담한 것이 필요하다고 생각했어요UC1첫 번째 행과 두 번째 열에 있으므로 열 접미사에 B가 사용됩니다.
.TS BOXED LABEL "Table 1: Use Case 1"
l lB, l l, l l, l l, l l
lT l, ^, ^, ^, ^.
Use Case Identifier@UC1
Participating actor(s)@Dental staff member or client
Precondition(s)@System is ready to receive requests
Parameters@Username, password
Flow of events
T}@1. System prompts for username and password
^@2. User submits their username and password
^@3. System logs user in
^@4. User is redirected to homepage
나는 또한 해결책을 직접 찾았습니다. (이것은 내 예시 스크린샷 및 다른 해결책과 일치하지 않지만):
box, tab(@);
l | l .
Use Case Identifier@UC1
Participating actor(s)@Dental staff member or client
Precondition(s)@System is ready to receive requests
Parameters@Username, password
Flow of events@1. System prompts for username and password
\^@2. User submits their username and password
\^@3. System logs user in
\^@4. User is redirected to homepage
이것은 생산할 것입니다
이 섹션 |
의 지침은 두 열 사이에 수직선을 배치합니다.l | l
두 행 사이에 수평선을 배치하도록 지시합니다 _
문자가 행의 셀 사이의 구분 기호로 처리됨 tab(@)
을 나타냅니다 .tbl
위의 테이블 항목이 행 아래에 \^
걸쳐 있음 을 나타냅니다.tbl