내 FTP 사용자에게 다음 오류가 발생했습니다.
FTP 127 Response: 500 I won't open a connection to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (only to yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy)
이것은 Windows FTP 클라이언트에서 Wireshark에 의해 캡처된 내 서버의 응답입니다.
활성화했으며 다음 VerboseLog
과 /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
같은 줄이 있습니다.
#If you want to log all client commands, set this to "yes".
#This directive can be specified twice to also log server responses.
#VerboseLog yes
그래서 구성 파일을 편집하고 VerboseLog yes
다음과 같이 서버 응답을 두 번 기록했습니다.
# If you want to log all client commands, set this to "yes".
# This directive can be specified twice to also log server responses.
VerboseLog yes
VerboseLog yes
하지만 여전히 /var/log/message에서 이 오류에 대한 로그를 찾을 수 없습니다. 누구든지 문제가 무엇인지 말해 줄 수 있습니까? 추신: 서버 상태를 모니터링하고 문제가 계속 발생하는지 확인하고 싶기 때문에 로그가 필요합니다. 임시 솔루션/해결 방법으로 인터페이스를 캡처하거나 스누핑하는 것을 찾고 있지 않습니다.
이 내 꺼야 /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
# #
# Configuration file for pure-ftpd #
# #
# If you want to run Pure-FTPd with this configuration
# instead of command-line options, please run the
# following command :
# /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd /etc/etc/pure-ftpd.conf
# Online documentation:
# https://www.pureftpd.org/project/pure-ftpd/doc
# Restrict users to their home directory
ChrootEveryone yes
# If the previous option is set to "no", members of the following group
# won't be restricted. Others will be. If you don't want chroot()ing anyone,
# just comment out ChrootEveryone and TrustedGID.
# TrustedGID 100
# Turn on compatibility hacks for broken clients
BrokenClientsCompatibility no
# Maximum number of simultaneous users
MaxClientsNumber 250
# Run as a background process
Daemonize No
# Maximum number of simultaneous clients with the same IP address
MaxClientsPerIP 20
# If you want to log all client commands, set this to "yes".
# This directive can be specified twice to also log server responses.
VerboseLog yes
VerboseLog yes
# List dot-files even when the client doesn't send "-a".
DisplayDotFiles yes
# Disallow authenticated users - Act only as a public FTP server.
AnonymousOnly no
# Disallow anonymous connections. Only accept authenticated users.
NoAnonymous yes
# Syslog facility (auth, authpriv, daemon, ftp, security, user, local*)
# The default facility is "ftp". "none" disables logging.
SyslogFacility ftp,auth,authpriv,daemon,security,user
# Display fortune cookies
# FortunesFile /usr/share/fortune/zippy
# Don't resolve host names in log files. Recommended unless you trust
# reverse host names, and don't care about DNS resolution being possibly slow.
DontResolve yes
# Maximum idle time in minutes (default = 15 minutes)
MaxIdleTime 15
# LDAP configuration file (see README.LDAP)
# LDAPConfigFile /etc/pureftpd-ldap.conf
# MySQL configuration file (see README.MySQL)
# MySQLConfigFile /etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf
# PostgreSQL configuration file (see README.PGSQL)
# PGSQLConfigFile /etc/pureftpd-pgsql.conf
# PureDB user database (see README.Virtual-Users)
# PureDB /etc/pureftpd.pdb
# Path to pure-authd socket (see README.Authentication-Modules)
ExtAuth /var/run/ftpd.sock
# If you want to enable PAM authentication, uncomment the following line
# PAMAuthentication yes
# If you want simple Unix (/etc/passwd) authentication, uncomment this
# UnixAuthentication yes
# Please note that LDAPConfigFile, MySQLConfigFile, PAMAuthentication and
# UnixAuthentication can be used specified once, but can be combined
# together. For instance, if you use MySQLConfigFile, then UnixAuthentication,
# the SQL server will be used first. If the SQL authentication fails because the
# user wasn't found, a new attempt will be done using system authentication.
# If the SQL authentication fails because the password didn't match, the
# authentication chain stops here. Authentication methods are chained in
# the order they are given.
# 'ls' recursion limits. The first argument is the maximum number of
# files to be displayed. The second one is the max subdirectories depth.
LimitRecursion 10000 8
# Are anonymous users allowed to create new directories?
AnonymousCanCreateDirs no
# If the system load is greater than the given value, anonymous users
# aren't allowed to download.
MaxLoad 4
# Port range for passive connections - keep it as broad as possible.
PassivePortRange 49152 65534
# Force an IP address in PASV/EPSV/SPSV replies. - for NAT.
# Symbolic host names are also accepted for gateways with dynamic IP
# addresses.
# ForcePassiveIP
# Upload/download ratio for anonymous users.
# AnonymousRatio 1 10
# Upload/download ratio for all users.
# This directive supersedes the previous one.
# UserRatio 1 10
# Disallow downloads of files owned by the "ftp" system user;
# files that were uploaded but not validated by a local admin.
AntiWarez yes
# IP address/port to listen to (default=all IP addresses, port 21).
Bind 21
# Maximum bandwidth for anonymous users in KB/s
# AnonymousBandwidth 8
# Maximum bandwidth for *all* users (including anonymous) in KB/s
# Use AnonymousBandwidth *or* UserBandwidth, not both.
# UserBandwidth 8
# File creation mask. <umask for files>:<umask for dirs> .
# 177:077 if you feel paranoid.
Umask 133:022
# Minimum UID for an authenticated user to log in.
# For example, a value of 100 prevents all users whose user id is below
# 100 from logging in. If you want "root" to be able to log in, use 0.
MinUID 100
# Allow FXP transfers for authenticated users.
AllowUserFXP no
# Allow anonymous FXP for anonymous and non-anonymous users.
AllowAnonymousFXP no
# Users can't delete/write files starting with a dot ('.')
# even if they own them. But if TrustedGID is enabled, that group
# will exceptionally have access to dot-files.
ProhibitDotFilesWrite no
# Prohibit *reading* of files starting with a dot (.history, .ssh...)
ProhibitDotFilesRead no
# Don't overwrite files. When a file whose name already exist is uploaded,
# it gets automatically renamed to file.1, file.2, file.3, ...
AutoRename no
# Prevent anonymous users from uploading new files (no = upload is allowed)
AnonymousCantUpload yes
# Only connections to this specific IP address are allowed to be
# non-anonymous. You can use this directive to open several public IPs for
# anonymous FTP, and keep a private firewalled IP for remote administration.
# You can also only allow a non-routable local IP (such as 10.x.x.x) for
# authenticated users, and run a public anon-only FTP server on another IP.
# TrustedIP
# To add the PID to log entries, uncomment the following line.
# LogPID yes
# Create an additional log file with transfers logged in a Apache-like format :
# fw.c9x.org - jedi [13/Apr/2017:19:36:39] "GET /ftp/linux.tar.bz2" 200 21809338
# This log file can then be processed by common HTTP traffic analyzers.
AltLog xferlog:/etc/apache2/logs/domlogs/ftpxferlog
# Create an additional log file with transfers logged in a format optimized
# for statistic reports.
AltLog stats:/var/log/pureftpd.log
# Create an additional log file with transfers logged in the standard W3C
# format (compatible with many HTTP log analyzers)
# AltLog w3c:/var/log/pureftpd.log
# Disallow the CHMOD command. Users cannot change perms of their own files.
# NoChmod yes
# Allow users to resume/upload files, but *NOT* to delete them.
# KeepAllFiles yes
# Automatically create home directories if they are missing
# CreateHomeDir yes
# Enable virtual quotas. The first value is the max number of files.
# The second value is the maximum size, in megabytes.
# So 1000:10 limits every user to 1000 files and 10 MB.
# Quota 1000:10
# If your pure-ftpd has been compiled with standalone support, you can change
# the location of the pid file. The default is /var/run/pure-ftpd.pid
# PIDFile /var/run/pure-ftpd.pid
# If your pure-ftpd has been compiled with pure-uploadscript support,
# this will make pure-ftpd write info about new uploads to
# /var/run/pure-ftpd.upload.pipe so pure-uploadscript can read it and
# spawn a script to handle the upload.
# Don't enable this option if you don't actually use pure-uploadscript.
# CallUploadScript yes
# This option is useful on servers where anonymous upload is
# allowed. When the partition is more that percententage full,
# new uploads are disallowed.
MaxDiskUsage 99
# Set to 'yes' to prevent users from renaming files.
# NoRename yes
# Be 'customer proof': forbids common customer mistakes such as
# 'chmod 0 public_html', that are valid, but can cause customers to
# unintentionally shoot themselves in the foot.
CustomerProof yes
# Per-user concurrency limits. Will only work if the FTP server has
# been compiled with --with-peruserlimits.
# Format is: <max sessions per user>:<max anonymous sessions>
# For example, 3:20 means that an authenticated user can have up to 3 active
# sessions, and that up to 20 anonymous sessions are allowed.
# PerUserLimits 3:20
# When a file is uploaded and there was already a previous version of the file
# with the same name, the old file will neither get removed nor truncated.
# The file will be stored under a temporary name and once the upload is
# complete, it will be atomically renamed. For example, when a large PHP
# script is being uploaded, the web server will keep serving the old version and
# later switch to the new one as soon as the full file will have been
# transferred. This option is incompatible with virtual quotas.
# NoTruncate yes
# This option accepts three values:
# 0: disable SSL/TLS encryption layer (default).
# 1: accept both cleartext and encrypted sessions.
# 2: refuse connections that don't use the TLS security mechanism,
# including anonymous sessions.
# Do _not_ uncomment this blindly. Double check that:
# 1) The server has been compiled with TLS support (--with-tls),
# 2) A valid certificate is in place,
# 3) Only compatible clients will log in.
# Cipher suite for TLS sessions.
# The default suite is secure and setting this property is usually
# only required to *lower* the security to cope with legacy clients.
# Prefix with -C: in order to require valid client certificates.
# If -C: is used, make sure that clients' public keys are present on
# the server.
TLSCipherSuite HIGH
# Certificate file, for TLS
# CertFile /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
# Listen only to IPv4 addresses in standalone mode (ie. disable IPv6)
# By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
# IPV4Only yes
# Listen only to IPv6 addresses in standalone mode (i.e. disable IPv4)
# By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.
# IPV6Only yes
# UTF-8 support for file names (RFC 2640)
# Set the charset of the server filesystem and optionally the default charset
# for remote clients that don't use UTF-8.
# Works only if pure-ftpd has been compiled with --with-rfc2640
# FileSystemCharset big5
# ClientCharset big5
포함 전용 넣기 stats:/var/log/pureftpd.log
- 로그 누락 문제( pure-ftpd.conf
내부에 있을 때 /etc/pure-ftpd/
)를 해결해야 합니다.