C# 스크립트는 터미널에서 대기하지만 데몬 프로세스로 직접 종료됩니다.

C# 스크립트는 터미널에서 대기하지만 데몬 프로세스로 직접 종료됩니다.
  • 나는 완전한 C# 초보입니다(비록 Java를 알고 있지만).
  • C# 스크립트를 수정했습니다. 시작 시 데몬과 systemctl을 사용하여 실행하고 싶었습니다(원래는NZXT 자동 팬 컨트롤러 스크립트)
  • 이 코드는 4초마다 코드 조각을 실행하고 다음을 사용하여 종료 스크립트를 차단하는 반복 타이머를 생성합니다.Console.ReadLine();
  • msc와 mono를 사용하여 스크립트를 컴파일하고 테스트했습니다. 터미널에서 예상대로 작동합니다(직접 종료되지 않음).
  • 데몬으로 실행하면 Console.ReadLine();대기 시간이 없으며 스크립트가 기본 메소드를 직접 완료하고 종료됩니다.
  • 노트:

    • 저도 Linux moob이므로 데몬에서 뭔가 잘못하고 있는 경우 지적해 주시기 바랍니다. 내 목표는 부팅 시 시스템을 시작하고 중지할 수 있는 백그라운드 스크립트를 만드는 것입니다.
    • 아래에 첨부된 모든 코드를 찾으세요.

주요 코드:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Timers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class Program

    private static string root;
    private static string confFile = "/home/mohammadah/scripts/grid+v2/conf.d";
    private static System.Timers.Timer aTimer;

    private static int maxSpeed = 100;
    private static int minSpeed = 35;
    // do not change this. all fan speeds have to rounded to the nearest multiple of 5
    private static int minimumRound = 5;
    private static int timerTime = 4000;
    private static int defaultFanSpeed = 40;

    // fans: 
    // 1: empty
    // 2: empty
    // 3: bottom
    // 4: top
    // 5: CPU
    // 6: Back
    private static int[] gpuFans;
    private static int gpuMaxTemp;
    private static int gpuMinTemp;

    private static int[] cpuFans;
    private static int cpuMaxTemp;
    private static int cpuMinTemp;

    private static float lastCPUSpeed = 0;
    private static float lastGPUSpeed = 0;

    public static void Main()
    //    Console.WriteLine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath));

        if(!Regex.IsMatch(DoGridCommand("get fan 1"), @"Fan 1: \d{1,5} RPM")){

        DoGridCommand("set fans all speed " + defaultFanSpeed);


        Console.WriteLine("\nPress the Enter key to exit the application...\n");
        // Process.GetCurrentProcess().WaitForExit();

        Console.WriteLine("Terminating the application...");

    private static float GetGPUTemp(){
        ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("/bin/bash", "-c nvidia-smi -q -d temperature");
        procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

        System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
        proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;
        string result = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
        char first = '-';
        char second = '-';
        string temp = "";

        foreach (char c in result)
            if(c=='1' || c == '2'|| c == '3'|| c == '4'|| c == '5'|| c == '6'|| c == '7'|| c == '8'|| c == '9'|| c == '0'|| c == 'C'){
                if(first == '-'){
                    first = c;
                }else if(second == '-'){
                    second = c;
                }else if(c == 'C'){
                    temp = "" + first + second;
                first = '-';
                second = '-';
        return float.Parse(temp);

    private static int GetCPUTemp(){

        string tempLineStart = "Packageid0:+";

        ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("/bin/bash", "-c sensors");
        procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

        System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
        proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;

        int temp = 0;
        string line = "";
        while ((line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null) {
            line = Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", "");
            if(Regex.IsMatch(line, tempLineStart)){
                line = line.Trim().Replace(tempLineStart.Trim(), "");
                line = line.Substring(0, 6);
                line = Regex.Replace(line, "[^0-9.]", "");
                float t = float.Parse(line);
                temp = (int)t;

        return temp;

    private static void SetTimer()
        // Create a timer with a two second interval.
        aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(timerTime);
        // Hook up the Elapsed event for the timer. 
        aTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;
        aTimer.AutoReset = true;
        aTimer.Enabled = true;

    private static void ParseConfigFile(string fileName){
        string gridfanLocation = "GridfanLocation:";
        string gpuFanLineStart = "GPUFans:";
        string gpuMaxLineStart = "GPUMaxTemp:";
        string gpuMinLineStart = "GPUMinTemp:";
        string cpuFanLineStart = "CPUFans:";
        string cpuMinLineStart = "CPUMinTemp:";
        string cpuMaxLineStart = "CPUMaxTemp:";
        StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(fileName);
        string line;    
        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {

            line = line.Trim();
            // Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", "");
            // ignore commented out (starts with "//") or empty lines
            if(line.StartsWith("//") || line.Equals("")) continue;
            // set gpu temp at which gpu fans will be set at 100% speed
            else if(Regex.IsMatch(line, gridfanLocation)){
                root = line.Trim().Replace(gridfanLocation, "");
            // set gpu fan list using the numbering found on gridfan git repo
            }else if(Regex.IsMatch(line, gpuFanLineStart)){
                line = line.Trim().Replace(gpuFanLineStart, "");
                string[] fans = line.Split(",");
                gpuFans = new int[fans.Length];
                for (int i =0;i<fans.Length;i++){
                    gpuFans[i] = int.Parse(fans[i].Trim());
            // set gpu temp at which gpu fans will be set at 100% speed
            } else if(Regex.IsMatch(line, gpuMaxLineStart)){
                line = line.Trim().Replace(gpuMaxLineStart, "");
                gpuMaxTemp = int.Parse(line);
            // set gpu temp at which gpu fans will be set at lowest speed
            } else if(Regex.IsMatch(line, gpuMinLineStart)){
                line = line.Trim().Replace(gpuMinLineStart, "");
                gpuMinTemp = int.Parse(line);
            // set cpu fan list using the numbering found on gridfan git repo
            } else if(Regex.IsMatch(line, cpuFanLineStart)){
                line = line.Trim().Replace(cpuFanLineStart, "");
                string[] fans = line.Split(",");
                cpuFans = new int[fans.Length];
                for (int i =0;i<fans.Length;i++){
                    cpuFans[i] = int.Parse(fans[i].Trim());
            // set cpu temp at which gpu fans will be set at 100% speed
            } else if(Regex.IsMatch(line, cpuMaxLineStart)){
                line = line.Trim().Replace(cpuMaxLineStart, "");
                cpuMaxTemp = int.Parse(line);
            // set cpu temp at which gpu fans will be set at lowest speed
            } else if(Regex.IsMatch(line, cpuMinLineStart)){
                line = line.Trim().Replace(cpuMinLineStart, "");
                cpuMinTemp = int.Parse(line);
            else throw new Exception ("Something went wrong while parsing config file \"./conf.d\"");

    private static void OnTimedEvent(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        float gpuTemp = GetGPUTemp();
        Console.WriteLine("Graphics (GPU) temp: " + gpuTemp+"`C");
        float gpuPercentage = 100 * ((gpuTemp - gpuMinTemp) / (gpuMaxTemp - gpuMinTemp));
        Console.WriteLine("Graphics (GPU) percentage: " + gpuPercentage+"`%");
        float gpuFanSpeed = gpuPercentage > maxSpeed ? maxSpeed : gpuPercentage < minSpeed ? minSpeed : gpuPercentage;
        gpuFanSpeed = (int) Math.Ceiling(gpuFanSpeed / minimumRound) * minimumRound;

        if(lastGPUSpeed != gpuFanSpeed){
            if(!Regex.IsMatch(DoGridCommand("get fan 1"), @"Fan 1: \d{1,5} RPM")){
            foreach (int gpuFan in gpuFans){
                DoGridCommand("set fans " + gpuFan + " speed " + gpuFanSpeed);
        float cpuTemp = GetCPUTemp();
        Console.WriteLine("Central (CPU) temp: " + cpuTemp+"`C");
        float cpuPercentage = 100 * ((cpuTemp - cpuMinTemp) / (cpuMaxTemp - cpuMinTemp));
        Console.WriteLine("Central (CPU) percentage: " + cpuPercentage+"`%");
        float cpuFanSpeed = (cpuPercentage > maxSpeed ? maxSpeed : cpuPercentage < minSpeed ? minSpeed : cpuPercentage);
        cpuFanSpeed = (int) Math.Ceiling(cpuFanSpeed / minimumRound) * minimumRound;

        if(lastCPUSpeed != gpuFanSpeed){
            if(!Regex.IsMatch(DoGridCommand("get fan 1"), @"Fan 1: \d{1,5} RPM")){

            foreach (int cpuFan in cpuFans){
                DoGridCommand("set fans " + cpuFan + " speed " + cpuFanSpeed);
        lastCPUSpeed = cpuFanSpeed;
        lastGPUSpeed = gpuFanSpeed;

    private static string DoGridCommand(string command){
        ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("/bin/bash", root + "/gridfan " + command);
        procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

        System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
        proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;
        string result = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
        Console.WriteLine("Command result: " + result.Trim());
        // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500);
        return result;

메인 코드에 사용되는 conf.d (매우 중요하지는 않지만 완성도를 위해):

// gridFan repo = https://github.com/CapitalF/gridfan
// root of gridFan script location
// GPU fans id/ports as per the schema in gridFan repo readme
GPUFans: 3
// GPU temp at which GPU fans will be set at 100% speed
GPUMaxTemp: 75
// GPU temp at which GPU fans will be set at lowest speed
GPUMinTemp: 35
// GPU fans id/port as per the schema in gridFan repo readme
CPUFans: 4, 5, 6
// CPU temp at which CPU fans will be set at 100% speed
CPUMaxTemp: 75
// CPU temp at which CPU fans will be set at lowest speed
CPUMinTemp: 35

daemon.service 파일

Description=Grid+ v2 automatic fan controller

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mono /home/mohammadah/scripts/grid+v2/LinuxGrid-v2Controller.exe



은 모르겠지만 c#문제는 systemd 서비스로 시작할 때 프로그램의 STDIN이 에 연결되어 있기 때문에 읽기를 시도 /dev/null하면 Console.ReadLine();즉시 결과(0바이트 읽기)를 얻고 반환하기 때문이라고 생각됩니다.

다음과 같은 방법으로 동일한 것을 수동으로 재현할 수 있습니다.

myprog < /dev/null

프로그램이 종료되지 않도록 하려면 이를 수행하는 다른 메커니즘이 필요합니다.

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