![노움 활동 기록이 중단되었습니다.](https://linux55.com/image/18103/%EB%85%B8%EC%9B%80%20%ED%99%9C%EB%8F%99%20%EA%B8%B0%EB%A1%9D%EC%9D%B4%20%EC%A4%91%EB%8B%A8%EB%90%98%EC%97%88%EC%8A%B5%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4..png)
gnome-activity-journal을 설치하고 zeitgeist를 다시 시작한 다음 gnome-activity-journal을 시작했는데 애플리케이션이 아무 것도 표시하지 않고 로드됩니다. 최신 버전의 PPA를 사용해 보았습니다.
ii zeitgeist 0.8.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1~natty event logging framework
ii zeitgeist-core 0.8.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1~natty event logging framework - engine
ii gnome-activity-journal 0.6.0-0ubuntu1~natty1~ppa graphical user interface for Zeitgeist
그러나 결과는 동일합니다.
데몬이 말했다:
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Found 0 events in 0.000194s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Found 53 events in 0.000753s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 0 raw events in 0.000776s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 53 events in 0.000109s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_event_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_subject_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in apply_get_hooks in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Found 28 events in 0.000766s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 0 raw events in 0.000444s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 28 events in 0.000113s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_event_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_subject_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in apply_get_hooks in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Found 236 events in 0.001218s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 0 raw events in 0.003643s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 236 events in 0.000178s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_event_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_subject_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in apply_get_hooks in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Found 115 events in 0.000892s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 0 raw events in 0.001598s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 115 events in 0.000118s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_event_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_subject_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in apply_get_hooks in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Found 10 events in 0.000587s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 0 raw events in 0.000191s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Got 10 events in 0.000102s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_event_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in _get_subject_from_row in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Where time spent in apply_get_hooks in 0.000000s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Found 0 events in 0.000665s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.fts] Indexing 'file:///home/raphink/Pictures/stalled_activity_journal.png'
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.fts] Indexing 'file:///home/raphink/Pictures/stalled_activity_journal.png'
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.fts] Indexing 'file:///home/raphink/Pictures/stalled_activity_journal.png'
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.engine] Inserted 3 events out of 3 in 0.207549s
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.notify] Checking monitor :1.146/org/gnome/zeitgeist/monitor/1
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.notify] Checking monitor :1.146/org/gnome/zeitgeist/monitor/3
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.notify] Checking monitor :1.146/org/gnome/zeitgeist/monitor/2
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.notify] Checking monitor :1.146/org/gnome/zeitgeist/monitor/5
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.notify] Checking monitor :1.146/org/gnome/zeitgeist/monitor/4
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.notify] Checking monitor :1.146/org/gnome/zeitgeist/monitor/6
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.notify] Notifying :1.146/org/gnome/zeitgeist/monitor/6 about 3 insertions
[DEBUG - zeitgeist.fts] Committing FTS index
[WARNING - zeitgeist.notify] Failed to deliver notification: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
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이 오류는모니크에 고정됨그리고는아카이브에 업로드됨
이 오류는공식 PPA에서 수정되었습니다.. 업데이트해주세요