Fedora 25에서 실행하려고하는데 sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=30 --allowerasing
다음 오류가 발생합니다.
Running transaction check
Error: transaction check vs depsolve:
(php-composer(symfony/expression-language) >= 2.8 with php-composer(symfony/expression-language) < 5) is needed by php-phpmyadmin-motranslator-4.0-4.fc30.noarch
(gcc >= 9 with gcc < 10) is needed by annobin-8.71-4.fc30.x86_64
(php-composer(symfony/translation) >= 2.7.1 with php-composer(symfony/translation) < 4.0) is needed by php-twig-extensions-1.5.4-4.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(twig/twig) >= 1.27 with php-composer(twig/twig) < 3.0) is needed by php-twig-extensions-1.5.4-4.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(symfony/polyfill-mbstring) >= 1.3 with php-composer(symfony/polyfill-mbstring) < 2) is needed by php-twig2-2.12.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(composer/ca-bundle) >= 1.0 with php-composer(composer/ca-bundle) < 2) is needed by composer-1.10.6-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(composer/semver) >= 1.0 with php-composer(composer/semver) < 2) is needed by composer-1.10.6-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(composer/spdx-licenses) >= 1.2 with php-composer(composer/spdx-licenses) < 2) is needed by composer-1.10.6-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(composer/xdebug-handler) >= 1.1 with php-composer(composer/xdebug-handler) < 2) is needed by composer-1.10.6-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(psr/log) >= 1.0 with php-composer(psr/log) < 2) is needed by composer-1.10.6-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(seld/jsonlint) >= 1.4 with php-composer(seld/jsonlint) < 2) is needed by composer-1.10.6-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(seld/phar-utils) >= 1.0 with php-composer(seld/phar-utils) < 2) is needed by composer-1.10.6-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(psr/log) >= 1.0.1 with php-composer(psr/log) < 2.0) is needed by php-symfony-console-2.8.52-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(psr/log) >= 1.0.1 with php-composer(psr/log) < 2.0) is needed by php-symfony-http-kernel-2.8.52-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php56) >= 1.8 with php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php56) < 2.0) is needed by php-symfony-http-kernel-2.8.52-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(psr/log) >= 1.0.1 with php-composer(psr/log) < 2.0) is needed by php-symfony-debug-2.8.52-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php54) >= 1.8 with php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php54) < 2.0) is needed by php-symfony-http-foundation-2.8.52-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php55) >= 1.8 with php-composer(symfony/polyfill-php55) < 2.0) is needed by php-symfony-http-foundation-2.8.52-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(psr/log) >= 1.0 with php-composer(psr/log) < 2) is needed by php-composer-xdebug-handler-1.4.1-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(dasprid/enum) >= 1.0 with php-composer(dasprid/enum) < 2) is needed by php-bacon-qr-code2-2.0.0-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(paragonie/constant_time_encoding) >= 1.0 with php-composer(paragonie/constant_time_encoding) < 3) is needed by php-pragmarx-google2fa5-5.0.0-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(paragonie/random_compat) >= 2.0 with php-composer(paragonie/random_compat) < 3) is needed by php-pragmarx-google2fa5-5.0.0-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(google/recaptcha) >= 1.1 with php-composer(google/recaptcha) < 2) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(phpmyadmin/motranslator) >= 4.0 with php-composer(phpmyadmin/motranslator) < 5) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(phpmyadmin/shapefile) >= 2.0 with php-composer(phpmyadmin/shapefile) < 3) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(phpmyadmin/sql-parser) >= 4.3.2 with php-composer(phpmyadmin/sql-parser) < 5) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(phpseclib/phpseclib) >= 2.0.9 with php-composer(phpseclib/phpseclib) < 3) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(psr/container) >= 1.0 with php-composer(psr/container) < 2) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(symfony/expression-language) >= 2.8 with php-composer(symfony/expression-language) < 4) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(symfony/polyfill-mbstring) >= 1.3 with php-composer(symfony/polyfill-mbstring) < 2) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(twig/extensions) >= 1.5.1 with php-composer(twig/extensions) < 2) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
(php-composer(twig/twig) >= 1.34 with php-composer(twig/twig) < 3) is needed by phpMyAdmin-4.9.5-1.fc30.noarch
To diagnose the problem, try running: 'rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest'.
You probably have corrupted RPMDB, running 'rpm --rebuilddb' might fix the issue.
Download complete! Use 'dnf system-upgrade reboot' to start the upgrade.
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
솔직히 말해서 저는 PHP에 별로 관심이 없습니다. 업그레이드가 완료된 후 모든 내용을 편집할 수 없고 dnf install
핵심 시스템 패키지가 나열되지 않으면 놀랄 것입니다. 그러면 해당 패키지가 없어도 시스템은 괜찮을 것입니다. 선택의 여지 가 있습니까 --i-dont-care-just-do-it
? ( 이상 --allowerasing
그렇지 않은 경우 dnf가 업그레이드를 시도하여 비참하게 실패하지 않도록 나열된 패키지를 제거해 드리겠습니다. 나는 이것을 시도했지만 sudo dnf remove <a bunch of these>
아무것도 작동하지 않습니다.
No match for argument: php-phpmyadmin-motranslator
No match for argument: annobin
No match for argument: php-twig-extensions
No match for argument: php-twig2
No match for argument: composer
No match for argument: php-symfony*
No match for argument: php-composer*
또 무엇을 시도할 수 있나요?
내 생각에 이러한 패키지가 존재하지 않는 이유는 일부 기존 패키지를 대체하도록 제안되었기 때문이라고 생각합니다. DNF는 소스 패키지를 인쇄하고 어떻게 이 상태가 되었는지 설명해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 그것은 단지 추측 게임일 뿐입니다.
이것은 작동합니다:
dnf remove '*php*'