방금 RHEL-8 운영 체제에 Zabbix-5.0 LTS를 설치했습니다. Zabbix 프런트엔드에 로그인한 후 "Zabbix 서버가 실행되고 있지 않습니다. 표시된 정보가 올바르지 않을 수 있습니다"라는 메시지가 나타납니다. 서버 설치를 도와주세요.
내 Zabbix 서버 포트는 10051입니다.
을 입력하면 service zabbix start
다음과 같은 결과가 출력됩니다.
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start zabbix.service
Failed to start zabbix.service:Unit zabbix.service not found.
입력 후 systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd php-fpm
다음을 얻습니다.
Job for zabbix-server.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status zabbix-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
"journalctl -xe"의 출력:
RHEL8 platform-python[5746]: SELinux is preventing zabbix_server from using the dac_override capability.
*** Plugin dac_overrride (91.4 confidence) suggests ************************
If you want to help identify if domain needs this access or you have a file with the wrong permissions on your system
Then turn on full auditing to get path information about the offending file and generate the error again.
Turn on full auditing
#auditctl -w /etc/shadow -p w
Try to recreate AVC.Then execute
#ausearch -m avc -ts recent
If you see PATH record check ownership/permissions on file, and fix it,
otherwise report as a bugzilla
*** Plugin catchall (9.59 confidence) suggests *************************
If you believe that zabbix_server should have the dac_override capability by default.
Then you should report this as a bug.
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.
allow this access for now by executing:
#ausearch -c 'zabbix_server' --raw | audit2allow -M my-zabbixserver
#semodule -X 300 -i my-zabbixserver.pp
RHEL8 dbus-daemon[779]: [system] Activating service name='org.fedoraproject.Setroubleshootd' requested by ':1.40' (uid=0 pid=748 comm="/usr/sbin/sedispatch " label="sytem_u:system_r:auditd_t:s0") (using servicehelper)
"systemctl status zabbix-server.service"를 입력하면 다음과 같은 출력이 표시됩니다.
zabbix-server.service-Zabbix server: Loaded:....
Process: 4959
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/zabbix_server -c $CONFILE (code=exited,status=1/FAILURE)
RHEL8 systemd[1]:zabbix-server.service:Control process exited,code=exited status=1
RHEL8 systemd[1]:zabbix-server.service:Failed with result 'exit-code'.
RHEL8 systemd[1]:Failed to start Zabbix Server. What do I do now?
해결되었습니다. SELinux를 구성해야 합니다. "vim /etc/selinux/config"로 이동하여 SELinux를 "enforcing"에서 "permissive"로 변경하세요. 그 후 시스템을 다시 시작하면 Zabbix 서버가 작동하기 시작합니다.