평생 동안 NFS 활성/수동 클러스터를 시작하는 방법에 대한 명확한 답을 찾을 수 없습니다. node1과 node2라는 두 개의 노드가 있으며 여기 가이드를 따랐습니다.https://www.linuxtechi.com/configure-nfs-server-clustering-pacemaker-centos-7-rhel-7/
이것은 내 로그입니다:
May 25 10:35:59 node1 stonith-ng[3924]: notice: Couldn't find anyone to fence (on) node1 with any device
May 25 10:35:59 node1 stonith-ng[3924]: error: Operation on of node1 by <no-one> for [email protected]: No route to host
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: notice: Stonith operation 142/2:72:0:f3e078bf-24f5-4160-95c1-0eeeea0e5e12: No route to host (-113)
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: notice: Stonith operation 142 for node1 failed (No route to host): aborting transition.
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: warning: Too many failures (71) to fence node1, giving up
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: notice: Transition aborted: Stonith failed
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: error: Unfencing of node1 by <anyone> failed: No route to host (-113)
May 25 10:35:59 node1 stonith-ng[3924]: notice: Couldn't find anyone to fence (on) node2 with any device
May 25 10:35:59 node1 stonith-ng[3924]: error: Operation on of node2 by <no-one> for [email protected]: No route to host
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: notice: Stonith operation 143/1:72:0:f3e078bf-24f5-4160-95c1-0eeeea0e5e12: No route to host (-113)
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: notice: Stonith operation 143 for node2 failed (No route to host): aborting transition.
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: warning: Too many failures (71) to fence node2, giving up
May 25 10:35:59 node1 crmd[3928]: error: Unfencing of node2 by <anyone> failed: No route to host (-113)
상태는 다음과 같습니다.
[root@node1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: nfs_cluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.20-5.amzn2.0.2-3c4c782f70) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Mon May 25 10:45:56 2020
Last change: Sun May 24 21:04:55 2020 by root via cibadmin on node1
2 nodes configured
5 resources configured
Online: [ node1 node2 ]
Full list of resources:
disk_fencing (stonith:fence_scsi): Stopped
Resource Group: nfsgrp
nfsshare (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Stopped
nfsd (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver): Stopped
nfsroot (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs): Stopped
nfsip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped
Failed Fencing Actions:
* unfencing of node2 failed: delegate=, client=crmd.3928, origin=node1,
last-failed='Mon May 25 10:35:59 2020'
* unfencing of node1 failed: delegate=, client=crmd.3928, origin=node1,
last-failed='Mon May 25 10:35:59 2020'
Daemon Status:
corosync: active/enabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled
[root@node1 ~]#
disk_fencing이 scsi로 설정되어 있지만 이것이 두 개의 AWS ec2 인스턴스에 가장 적합한 옵션인지 확실하지 않습니다. 아마도 disk_fencing이 작동하지 않아서 시작되지 않을까요? 노드 2에서 노드 1을 ping할 수 있고 그 반대로도 가능합니다. 아이디어에 열려있습니다...