![18.04에서 Ubuntu Server 20.04로 업그레이드한 후 Webmin에 실행 중인 프로세스가 표시되지 않습니다.](https://linux55.com/image/172814/18.04%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C%20Ubuntu%20Server%2020.04%EB%A1%9C%20%EC%97%85%EA%B7%B8%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%9C%ED%95%9C%20%ED%9B%84%20Webmin%EC%97%90%20%EC%8B%A4%ED%96%89%20%EC%A4%91%EC%9D%B8%20%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EC%84%B8%EC%8A%A4%EA%B0%80%20%ED%91%9C%EC%8B%9C%EB%90%98%EC%A7%80%20%EC%95%8A%EC%8A%B5%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4..png)
일부 배경 - 최근 헤드리스 Ubuntu Server 18.04 설치를 20.04로 업그레이드했습니다. 그 과정에서 webmin이 내 시스템에서 사라졌습니다. 저장소가 비활성화되었습니다. 그래서 다시 활성화하고 다시 설치했습니다. 거의 모든 것이 내가 원하는 곳에 있습니다(SMB 서버 구성). 기본적으로 메뉴 사용자 정의와 사용자 정의 명령만 사라졌습니다.
이제 webmin에서는 실행 중인 프로세스가 표시되지 않습니다. 0이라고 적혀 있습니다. 제가 알아차린 것은 손상되었다는 점뿐입니다. 그래서 webmin에 글을 올렸어요깃허브페이지를 방문하여 문제가 해결되었다는 답장을 적시에 받았습니다.여기. 그래서 내 문제는 webmin 문제라기보다는 git 문제인 것 같습니다. 왜냐하면 해당 페이지의 수정 사항을 내 webmin 설치에 어떻게 구현해야 할지 잘 모르기 때문입니다. 누구든지 나를 올바른 방향으로 안내해 주시면 매우 감사하겠습니다.
내 대답은 다른 대답을 기반으로 합니다. 나는 다음을 수행합니다.
루트 사용자로서:
# cd /usr/share/webmin/proc
# mv linux-lib.pl linux-lib.bkp.pl
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/webmin/webmin/613f3a5f41fd094037629965e4cea1b815ac2b7d/proc/linux-lib.pl
이것이 나에게 도움이 되었습니다! 이것을 패치로 다운로드하는 방법을 모르지만 내 시스템에서 참조하는 파일은 /usr/share/webmin/proc/에 있습니다. 거기에서 linux.lib.pl을 백업하고 nano로 편집했습니다. 거기에서 패치에 언급된 행(추가의 경우 +, 제거의 경우 -)을 변경하고 저장한 후 작동했습니다. 그렇지 않고 다운로드할 수 있으면 패치 명령을 사용하겠습니다.
# linux-lib.pl
# Functions for parsing linux ps output
use Time::Local;
sub get_ps_version
if (!$get_ps_version_cache) {
local $out = &backquote_command("ps V 2>&1");
if ($out =~ /version\s+([0-9\.]+)\./ ||
$out =~ /\S+\s+([3-9][0-9\.]+)\./) {
$get_ps_version_cache = $1;
return $get_ps_version_cache;
sub list_processes
local($pcmd, $line, $i, %pidmap, @plist, $dummy, @w, $_);
local $ver = &get_ps_version();
if ($ver && $ver < 2) {
# Old version of ps
$pcmd = join(' ' , @_);
open(PS, "ps aulxhwwww $pcmd 2>/dev/nul |");
for($i=0; $line=<PS>; $i++) {
if ($line =~ /ps aulxhwwww/) { $i--; next; }
if ($line !~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+([\-\d]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S*)\s+(\S+)[\s<>N]+(\S+)\s+([0-9:]+)\s+(.*)$/) {
$pidmap{$3} = $i;
$plist[$i]->{"pid"} = $3;
$plist[$i]->{"ppid"} = $4;
$plist[$i]->{"user"} = getpwuid($2);
$plist[$i]->{"size"} = "$7 kB";
$plist[$i]->{"cpu"} = "Unknown";
$plist[$i]->{"time"} = $12;
$plist[$i]->{"nice"} = $6;
$plist[$i]->{"args"} = $13;
$plist[$i]->{"_pri"} = $5;
$plist[$i]->{"_tty"} = $11 eq "?" ? $text{'edit_none'} : "/dev/tty$11";
$plist[$i]->{"_status"} = $stat_map{substr($10, 0, 1)};
($plist[$i]->{"_wchan"} = $9) =~ s/\s+$//g;
if (!$plist[$i]->{"_wchan"}) { delete($plist[$i]->{"_wchan"}); }
if ($plist[$i]->{"args"} =~ /^\((.*)\)/)
{ $plist[$i]->{"args"} = $1; }
open(PS, "ps auxh $pcmd |");
while($line=<PS>) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/ &&
defined($pidmap{$2})) {
$plist[$pidmap{$2}]->{"cpu"} = $3;
$plist[$pidmap{$2}]->{"_mem"} = "$4 %";
else {
# New version of ps, as found in redhat 6
local $width;
if ($ver >= 3.2) {
# Use width format character if allowed
$width = ":80";
open(PS, "ps --cols 2048 -eo user$width,ruser$width,group$width,rgroup$width,pid,ppid,pgid,pcpu,vsz,nice,etime,time,stime,tty,args 2>/dev/null |");
$dummy = <PS>;
my @now = localtime(time());
for($i=0; $line=<PS>; $i++) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//g;
eval { @w = split(/\s+/, $line, -1); };
if ($@) {
# Hit a split loop
$i--; next;
if ($line =~ /ps --cols 500 -eo user/) {
# Skip process ID 0 or ps command
$i--; next;
if (@_ && &indexof($w[4], @_) < 0) {
# Not interested in this PID
$i--; next;
$plist[$i]->{"pid"} = $w[4];
$plist[$i]->{"ppid"} = $w[5];
$plist[$i]->{"user"} = $w[0];
$plist[$i]->{"cpu"} = "$w[7] %";
$plist[$i]->{"size"} = "$w[8] kB";
$plist[$i]->{"bytes"} = $w[8]*1024;
$plist[$i]->{"time"} = $w[11];
$plist[$i]->{"_stime"} = $w[12];
eval {
if (($w[12] =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/ ||
$w[12] =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/) &&
$3 < 60 && $2 < 60 && $1 < 24) {
# Started today
$plist[$i]->{"_stime_unix"} =
timelocal($3 || 0, $2, $1,
$now[3], $now[4], $now[5]);
elsif ($w[12] =~ /^(\S\S\S)\s*(\d+)$/ && $2 < 32) {
# Started on some other day
$plist[$i]->{"_stime_unix"} =
timelocal(0, 0, 0, $2,
&month_to_number($1), $now[5]);
$plist[$i]->{"nice"} = $w[9];
$plist[$i]->{"args"} = @w<15 ? "defunct" : join(' ', @w[14..$#w]);
$plist[$i]->{"_group"} = $w[2];
$plist[$i]->{"_ruser"} = $w[1];
$plist[$i]->{"_rgroup"} = $w[3];
$plist[$i]->{"_pgid"} = $w[6];
$plist[$i]->{"_tty"} = $w[13] =~ /\?/ ? $text{'edit_none'} : "/dev/$w[13]";
return @plist;
# renice_proc(pid, nice)
sub renice_proc
return undef if (&is_readonly_mode());
local $out = &backquote_logged("renice $_[1] -p $_[0] 2>&1");
if ($?) { return $out; }
return undef;
# find_mount_processes(mountpoint)
# Find all processes under some mount point
sub find_mount_processes
&has_command("fuser") || &error("fuser command is not installed");
$out = &backquote_command("fuser -m ".quotemeta($_[0])." 2>/dev/null");
$out =~ s/[^0-9 ]//g;
$out =~ s/^\s+//g; $out =~ s/\s+$//g;
return split(/\s+/, $out);
# find_file_processes([file]+)
# Find all processes with some file open
sub find_file_processes
local($out, $files);
&has_command("fuser") || &error("fuser command is not installed");
$files = join(' ', map { quotemeta($_) } map { glob($_) } @_);
$out = &backquote_command("fuser $files 2>/dev/null");
$out =~ s/[^0-9 ]//g;
$out =~ s/^\s+//g; $out =~ s/\s+$//g;
return split(/\s+/, $out);
# get_new_pty()
# Returns the filehandles and names for a pty and tty
sub get_new_pty
if (-r "/dev/ptmx" && -d "/dev/pts" && open(PTMX, "+>/dev/ptmx")) {
# Can use new-style PTY number allocation device
local $unl;
local $ptn;
# ioctl to unlock the PTY (TIOCSPTLCK)
$unl = pack("i", 0);
ioctl(PTMX, 0x40045431, $unl) || &error("Unlock ioctl failed : $!");
$unl = unpack("i", $unl);
# ioctl to request a TTY (TIOCGPTN)
ioctl(PTMX, 0x80045430, $ptn) || &error("PTY ioctl failed : $!");
$ptn = unpack("i", $ptn);
local $tty = "/dev/pts/$ptn";
return (*PTMX, undef, $tty, $tty);
else {
# Have to search manually through pty files!
local @ptys;
local $devstyle;
if (-d "/dev/pty") {
opendir(DEV, "/dev/pty");
@ptys = map { "/dev/pty/$_" } readdir(DEV);
$devstyle = 1;
else {
opendir(DEV, "/dev");
@ptys = map { "/dev/$_" } (grep { /^pty/ } readdir(DEV));
$devstyle = 0;
local ($pty, $tty);
foreach $pty (@ptys) {
open(PTY, "+>$pty") || next;
local $tty = $pty;
if ($devstyle == 0) {
$tty =~ s/pty/tty/;
else {
$tty =~ s/m(\d+)$/s$1/;
local $old = select(PTY); $| = 1; select($old);
if ($< == 0) {
# Don't need to open the TTY file here for root,
# as it will be opened later after the controlling
# TTY has been released.
return (*PTY, undef, $pty, $tty);
else {
# Must open now ..
open(TTY, "+>$tty");
select(TTY); $| = 1; select($old);
return (*PTY, *TTY, $pty, $tty);
return ();
# close_controlling_pty()
# Disconnects this process from it's controlling PTY, if connected
sub close_controlling_pty
if (open(DEVTTY, "/dev/tty")) {
# Special ioctl to disconnect (TIOCNOTTY)
ioctl(DEVTTY, 0x5422, 0);
# open_controlling_pty(ptyfh, ttyfh, ptyfile, ttyfile)
# Makes a PTY returned from get_new_pty the controlling TTY (/dev/tty) for
# this process.
sub open_controlling_pty
local ($ptyfh, $ttyfh, $pty, $tty) = @_;
# Call special ioctl to attach /dev/tty to this new tty (TIOCSCTTY)
ioctl($ttyfh, 0x540e, 0);
# get_memory_info()
# Returns a list containing the real mem, free real mem, swap and free swap,
# and possibly cached memory and the burstable limit. All of these are in Kb.
sub get_memory_info
local %m;
local $memburst;
if (&running_in_openvz() && open(BEAN, "/proc/user_beancounters")) {
# If we are running under Virtuozzo, there may be a limit on memory
# use in force that is less than the real system's memory. Or it may be
# a higher 'burstable' limit. Use this, unless it is unreasonably
# high (like 1TB)
local $pagesize = 1024;
eval {
use POSIX;
$pagesize = POSIX::sysconf(POSIX::_SC_PAGESIZE);
while(<BEAN>) {
if (/privvmpages\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ &&
$3 < 1024*1024*1024*1024) {
$memburst = $3 * $pagesize / 1024;
open(MEMINFO, "/proc/meminfo") || return ();
while(<MEMINFO>) {
if (/^(\S+):\s+(\d+)/) {
$m{lc($1)} = $2;
local $memtotal;
if ($memburst && $memburst > $m{'memtotal'}) {
# Burstable limit is higher than actual RAM
$memtotal = $m{'memtotal'};
elsif ($memburst && $memburst < $m{'memtotal'}) {
# Limit is less than actual RAM
$memtotal = $memburst;
$memburst = undef;
elsif ($memburst && $memburst == $m{'memtotal'}) {
# Same as actual RAM
$memtotal = $memburst;
$memburst = undef;
elsif (!$memburst) {
# No burstable limit set, like on a real system
$memtotal = $m{'memtotal'};
return ( $memtotal,
$m{'cached'} > $memtotal ? $m{'memfree'} :
$m{'swaptotal'}, $m{'swapfree'},
$m{'buffers'} + $m{'cached'},
$memburst, );
# os_get_cpu_info()
# Returns a list containing the 5, 10 and 15 minute load averages, and the
# CPU mhz, model, vendor, cache and count
sub os_get_cpu_info
open(LOAD, "/proc/loadavg") || return ();
local @load = split(/\s+/, <LOAD>);
local %c;
open(CPUINFO, "/proc/cpuinfo");
while(<CPUINFO>) {
if (/^(\S[^:]*\S)\s*:\s*(.*)/) {
$c{lc($1)} = $2;
$c{'model name'} =~ s/\d+\s*mhz//i;
if ($c{'cache size'} =~ /^(\d+)\s+KB/i) {
$c{'cache size'} = $1*1024;
elsif ($c{'cache size'} =~ /^(\d+)\s+MB/i) {
$c{'cache size'} = $1*1024*1024;
if (!$c{'cpu mhz'} && $c{'model name'}) {
$c{'bogomips'} =~ s/\..*$//;
$c{'model name'} .= " @ ".$c{'bogomips'}." bMips";
# Merge in info from /proc/device-tree
if (!$c{'model name'}) {
$c{'model name'} = &read_file_contents("/proc/device-tree/model");
if ($c{'model name'}) {
return ( $load[0], $load[1], $load[2],
int($c{'cpu mhz'}), $c{'model name'}, $c{'vendor_id'},
$c{'cache size'}, $c{'processor'}+1 );
else {
return ( $load[0], $load[1], $load[2] );
$has_trace_command = &has_command("strace");
# open_process_trace(pid, [&syscalls])
# Starts tracing on some process, and returns a trace object
sub open_process_trace
local $fh = time().$$;
local $sc;
if (@{$_[1]}) {
$sc = "-e trace=".join(",", @{$_[1]});
local $tpid = open($fh, "strace -t -p $_[0] $sc 2>&1 |");
$line = <$fh>;
return { 'pid' => $_[0],
'tpid' => $tpid,
'fh' => $fh };
# close_process_trace(&trace)
# Halts tracing on some trace object
sub close_process_trace
kill('TERM', $_[0]->{'tpid'}) if ($_[0]->{'tpid'});
# read_process_trace(&trace)
# Returns an action structure representing one action by traced process, or
# undef if an error occurred
sub read_process_trace
local $fh = $_[0]->{'fh'};
local @tm = localtime(time());
while(1) {
local $line = <$fh>;
return undef if (!$line);
if ($line =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+([^\(]+)\((.*)\)\s*=\s*(\-?\d+|\?)/) {
local $tm = timelocal($3, $2, $1, $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5]);
local $action = { 'time' => $tm,
'call' => $4,
'rv' => $6 eq "?" ? undef : $6 };
local $args = $5;
local @args;
while(1) {
if ($args =~ /^[ ,]*(\{[^}]*\})(.*)$/) {
# A structure in { }
push(@args, $1);
$args = $2;
elsif ($args =~ /^[ ,]*"([^"]*)"\.*(.*)$/) {
# A quoted string
push(@args, $1);
$args = $2;
elsif ($args =~ /^[ ,]*\[([^\]]*)\](.*)$/) {
# A square-bracket number
push(@args, $1);
$args = $2;
elsif ($args =~ /^[ ,]*\<([^\>]*)\>(.*)$/) {
# An angle-bracketed string
push(@args, $1);
$args = $2;
elsif ($args =~ /[ ,]*([^, ]+)(.*)$/) {
# Just a number
push(@args, $1);
$args = $2;
else {
if ($args[$#args] eq $action->{'rv'}) {
pop(@args); # last arg is same as return value?
$action->{'args'} = \@args;
return $action;
foreach $ia (keys %text) {
if ($ia =~ /^linux(_\S+)/) {
$info_arg_map{$1} = $text{$ia};
elsif ($ia =~ /^linuxstat_(\S+)/) {
$stat_map{$1} = $text{$ia};
@nice_range = (-20 .. 20);
$has_fuser_command = 1;
# os_list_scheduling_classes()
# Returns a list of Linux scheduling classes, if supported. Each element is a
# 2-element array ref containing a code and description.
sub os_list_scheduling_classes
if (&has_command("ionice")) {
return ( [ 1, $text{'linux_real'} ],
[ 2, $text{'linux_be'} ],
[ 3, $text{'linux_idle'} ] );
return ( );
# os_list_scheduling_priorities()
# Returns a list of IO priorities, each of which is an array ref containing
# a number and description
sub os_list_scheduling_priorities
return ( [ 0, "0 ($text{'edit_prihigh'})" ],
[ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6 ],
[ 7, "7 ($text{'edit_prilow'})" ] );
# os_get_scheduling_class(pid)
# Returns the IO scheduling class and priority for a running program
sub os_get_scheduling_class
local ($pid) = @_;
local $out = &backquote_command("ionice -p ".quotemeta($pid));
if ($out =~ /^(realtime|best-effort|idle|none):\s+prio\s+(\d+)/) {
return ($1 eq "realtime" ? 1 : $1 eq "best-effort" ? 2 :
$1 eq "idle" ? 3 : 0, $2);
return ( );
# os_set_scheduling_class(pid, class, priority)
# Sets the ID scheduling class and priority for some process. Returns an error
# message on failure, undef on success.
sub os_set_scheduling_class
local ($pid, $class, $prio) = @_;
local $cmd = "ionice -c ".quotemeta($class);
$cmd .= " -n ".quotemeta($prio) if (defined($prio));
$cmd .= " -p ".quotemeta($pid);
local $out = &backquote_logged("$cmd 2>&1 </dev/null");
return $? ? $out : undef;
# get_current_cpu_temps()
# Returns a list of hash refs containing CPU temperatures
sub get_current_cpu_temps
my @rv;
if (&has_command("sensors")) {
my $fh = "SENSORS";
&open_execute_command($fh, "sensors </dev/null 2>/dev/null", 1);
while(<$fh>) {
if (/Core\s+(\d+):\s+([\+\-][0-9\.]+)/) {
push(@rv, { 'core' => $1,
'temp' => $2 });
elsif (/CPU:\s+([\+\-][0-9\.]+)/) {
push(@rv, { 'core' => 0,
'temp' => $1 });
return @rv;
# get_cpu_io_usage()
# Returns a list containing CPU user, kernel, idle, io and VM time, and IO
# blocks in and out
sub get_cpu_io_usage
my $out,@lines,@w;
if (&has_command("vmstat")) {
$out = &backquote_command("vmstat 1 2 2>/dev/null");
@lines = split(/\r?\n/, $out);
@w = split(/\s+/, $lines[$#lines]);
shift(@w) if ($w[0] eq '');
if ($w[8] =~ /^\d+$/ && $w[9] =~ /^\d+$/) {
return ( @w[12..16], $w[8], $w[9] );
} elsif (&has_command("dstat")) {
$out = &backquote_command("dstat 1 1 2>/dev/null");
@lines = split(/\r?\n/, $out);
@w = split(/[\s|]+/, $lines[$#lines]);
shift(@w) if ($w[0] eq '');
return( @w[0..4], @w[6..7]);
return undef;