while 루프 아이디어

while 루프 아이디어
while [ $n -le 10 ]
if sapcontrol -nr "$sid" -function GetSystemInstanceList | grep 'GREEN|YELLOW' 
echo "SAP System successfully stopped!"

상태가 노란색과 녹색이면 건너뛰고 회색으로 바뀔 때까지 기다렸다가 루프를 끊습니다. 3분 후 회색이 아닌 경우 오류 보고서가 나타납니다.

어떻게 해야할지 아이디어가 있나요? 감사해요!


아래 스크립트에는 필요한 모든 것이 있다고 생각합니다.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# set defaults for used variables.
# variables could be set this way:
#   var=foo var2=bar ./loopscript.sh

while true; do
        # use pre-defined VAL or use default (output of sapcontrol)
        # debugging: set VAL as commandlin arg and comment out the next line
        VAL=$(sapcontrol -nr "$sid" -function GetSystemInstanceList | grep 'GREEN|YELLOW')
        # switch-case with case-ignore Value of last command
        case ${VAL,,} in
                        if [[ $SECONDS > $max_runtime_sec ]]; then
                                echo "Error: max runtime of $max_runtime_sec seconds hit."
                                echo "       Now breaking out of loop."
                        # reduce system load and retry
                        sleep $recheck_time_sec
                        continue        # do next loop iteration
                        echo "Info: found VAL $VAL"
                        echo "       Now breaking out of loop."
                        echo "Error: no valid VAL found. "
                        echo "       stopping script now."
                        exit 1
echo "SAP System successfully stopped!"

다양한 값으로 출력 테스트:

$ time max_runtime_sec=4 VAL=green ./loop.sh
Error: max runtime of 4 seconds hit at Tue Feb 18 16:46:13 CET 2020. Script start at Tue Feb 18 16:46:08 CET 2020
       Now breaking out of loop.
SAP System successfully stopped!

real    0m5,019s
user    0m0,013s
sys     0m0,004s

$ time max_runtime_sec=4 VAL=yellow ./loop.sh
Error: max runtime of 4 seconds hit at Tue Feb 18 16:46:25 CET 2020. Script start at Tue Feb 18 16:46:20 CET 2020
       Now breaking out of loop.
SAP System successfully stopped!

real    0m5,016s
user    0m0,012s
sys     0m0,004s

$ time max_runtime_sec=4 VAL=grey ./loop.sh
Info: found VAL grey
       Now breaking out of loop.
SAP System successfully stopped!

real    0m0,005s
user    0m0,005s
sys     0m0,001s

$ time max_runtime_sec=4 VAL=foo ./loop.sh
Error: no valid VAL found.
       stopping script now.

real    0m0,007s
user    0m0,002s
sys     0m0,006s

관련 정보