다음 스크립트가 있습니다. 입력을 -a
, -l
, -s <number>
, -c <keyword>
, -d <keyword> -b/-r
, 로 만들고 싶습니다 -n
. 그러나 숫자 및 키워드 매개변수와 또는 을 나타내는 extracom 매개변수에는 -b
문제가 있습니다 -r
. 예를 들어 -s 2 또는 -c dog 또는 -d cat -b를 입력할 때마다 명령은 아무 작업도 수행하지 않습니다. 디렉토리는 이름, 도시 및 전화번호 목록이 포함된 txt 파일이기도 합니다(예: nick smith london 456523).
read -rp 'choose: ' opt word extracom
case $opt in
-a) echo Type name\,surname\,city\,phone number\.
read name surname city tel
echo $name $surname $city $tel >> list ;;
-l) echo Shows the contents of the file\:
cat -n catalog (|sed -i '/^$/d' list);;
-s\ [1-4]) echo About to show the contents of a file sorted\:
sort -k ${opt#"-s "} catalog ;;
-c) echo Show lines that contain the word $word
if egrep -q "$word" catalog; then
cat catalog | egrep $word
echo The string you are looking for does not exist
fi ;;
-d) case $extracom in
-b) if egrep -q "$word" catalog; then
sed -i "s/.*$word.*//" catalog
echo The string you are looking for does not exist
-r)if egrep -q "$word" catalog; then
sed -i "/$word/d" catalog
echo The string you are looking for does not exist
-n)egrep "^$" catalog | wc -l
read -rp 'Do you want to delete the file's empty lines? Yes or no?' answer
case $answer in
yes) sed -i '/^$/d' catalog ;;
no) cat catalog ;;
*) echo -e 'Usage Manual:\n-a: New entry to catalog\n-l Displays the contents of the catalog without empty lines\n-s <number>: Displays
the contents of the file sorted according to the number\n-c <keyword> shows file line that contain that specific keyword\n-d <keyword> -b/-r:
Deletes empty file lines\n-n: Number of empty file lines and question about deleting them'
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