두 개의 열을 정렬하려고 하는데 그 중 하나에 공백이 있는 경우가 있습니다.
이 코드를 사용하고 있습니다
#For the first column
awk '{print $9}' PMZ_genes.gff3.txt | grep -oP ";\KName=[^;]+"
#For the second column
awk '{print $9}' PMZ_genes.gff3.txt | cut -c4-14
문제는 다음 코드를 사용하여 정렬하려고 할 때입니다.
names=`awk '{print $9}' PMZ_genes.gff3.txt | grep -oP ";\KName=[^;]+" |
for pmz in `awk '{print $9}' PMZ_genes.gff3.txt | cut -c4-14 | uniq`
read -r
echo "Symbols $pmz correspond to $REPLY"
done <<< "$names"
결국 일부 PMZ에는 이름이 없기 때문에 많은 PMZ는 아무 것도 해당하지 않았습니다. 이것은 내 현재 출력입니다
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Slc6a18
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Slc6a18
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Shh
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Shh
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=SHH
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=SHH
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=SLC6A19
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=SLC6A19
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=cut14
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=cut14
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=CUTC
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=CUTC
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=Gtf3c2
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=Gtf3c2
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=Calhm2
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=Calhm2
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=Epb41l1
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=Epb41l1
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=EPB41L3
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=EPB41L3
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=Tti2
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=Tti2
이게 내가 보고 싶은 거야
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Slc6a18
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Slc6a18
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=Shh
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=Shh
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=SHH
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=SHH
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
PMZ 파일의 시작 부분입니다.
##gff-version 3
scaf_00001 maker gene 3168 5340 . - . ID=PMZ_0036570;Dbxref=InterPro:IPR000175,PANTHER:PTHR11616,PANTHER:PTHR11616:SF125,Pfam:PF00209,ProSiteProfiles:PS50267,SUPERFAMILY:SSF161070;Name=Slc6a18;desc=Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT3 (Mus musculus);Ontology_term=GO:0005328,GO:0006836,GO:0016021
scaf_00001 maker mRNA 3168 5340 . - . ID=PMZ_0036570-RA;Parent=PMZ_0036570;_AED=0.21;_eAED=0.25;_QI=0|0|0|1|0|0|2|0|92;Dbxref=InterPro:IPR000175,PANTHER:PTHR11616,PANTHER:PTHR11616:SF125,Pfam:PF00209,ProSiteProfiles:PS50267,SUPERFAMILY:SSF161070;Name=Slc6a18;desc=Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT3 (Mus musculus);Ontology_term=GO:0005328,GO:0006836,GO:0016021
scaf_00001 maker exon 3168 3304 . - . ID=PMZ_0036570-RA:1;Parent=PMZ_0036570-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 3168 3304 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0036570-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0036570-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 5202 5340 . - . ID=PMZ_0036570-RA:2;Parent=PMZ_0036570-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 5202 5340 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0036570-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0036570-RA
scaf_00001 maker gene 11116 13826 . - . ID=PMZ_0041002;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR001657,InterPro:IPR001767,InterPro:IPR003586,InterPro:IPR028992,PANTHER:PTHR11889,PANTHER:PTHR11889:SF36,PRINTS:PR00632,Pfam:PF01079,SMART:SM00305,SUPERFAMILY:SSF51294;Name=Shh;desc=Sonic hedgehog protein (Mus musculus);Ontology_term=GO:0006508,GO:0007154,GO:0007275,GO:0008233
scaf_00001 maker mRNA 11116 13826 . - . ID=PMZ_0041002-RA;Parent=PMZ_0041002;_AED=0.12;_eAED=0.20;_QI=0|0|0|0.66|1|1|3|0|228;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR001657,InterPro:IPR001767,InterPro:IPR003586,InterPro:IPR028992,PANTHER:PTHR11889,PANTHER:PTHR11889:SF36,PRINTS:PR00632,Pfam:PF01079,SMART:SM00305,SUPERFAMILY:SSF51294;Name=Shh;desc=Sonic hedgehog protein (Mus musculus);Ontology_term=GO:0006508,GO:0007154,GO:0007275,GO:0008233
scaf_00001 maker exon 11116 11625 . - . ID=PMZ_0041002-RA:3;Parent=PMZ_0041002-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 11116 11625 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0041002-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0041002-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 11712 11858 . - . ID=PMZ_0041002-RA:2;Parent=PMZ_0041002-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 11712 11858 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0041002-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0041002-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 13797 13826 . - . ID=PMZ_0041002-RA:1;Parent=PMZ_0041002-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 13797 13826 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0041002-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0041002-RA
scaf_00001 maker gene 14712 18011 . + . ID=PMZ_0041003;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR001767,InterPro:IPR003587,InterPro:IPR028992,PANTHER:PTHR11889,Pfam:PF01079,SMART:SM00306,SUPERFAMILY:SSF51294;Name=SHH;desc=Sonic hedgehog protein (Cynops pyrrhogaster);Ontology_term=GO:0006508,GO:0008233
scaf_00001 maker mRNA 14712 18011 . + . ID=PMZ_0041003-RA;Parent=PMZ_0041003;_AED=1.00;_eAED=1.00;_QI=0|0|0|0|1|1|3|0|147;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR001767,InterPro:IPR003587,InterPro:IPR028992,PANTHER:PTHR11889,Pfam:PF01079,SMART:SM00306,SUPERFAMILY:SSF51294;Name=SHH;desc=Sonic hedgehog protein (Cynops pyrrhogaster);Ontology_term=GO:0006508,GO:0008233
scaf_00001 maker exon 14712 14740 . + . ID=PMZ_0041003-RA:1;Parent=PMZ_0041003-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 14712 14740 . + 0 ID=PMZ_0041003-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0041003-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 15646 15988 . + . ID=PMZ_0041003-RA:2;Parent=PMZ_0041003-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 15646 15988 . + 1 ID=PMZ_0041003-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0041003-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 17940 18011 . + . ID=PMZ_0041003-RA:3;Parent=PMZ_0041003-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 17940 18011 . + 0 ID=PMZ_0041003-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0041003-RA
scaf_00001 maker gene 90001 94433 . + . ID=PMZ_0036800;Dbxref=InterPro:IPR000175,PANTHER:PTHR11616,PANTHER:PTHR11616:SF109,Pfam:PF00209,Phobius:CYTOPLASMIC_DOMAIN,Phobius:NON_CYTOPLASMIC_DOMAIN,Phobius:TRANSMEMBRANE,ProSiteProfiles:PS50267,SUPERFAMILY:SSF161070;Name=SLC6A19;desc=Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT1 (Homo sapiens);Ontology_term=GO:0005328,GO:0006836,GO:0016021
scaf_00001 maker mRNA 90001 94433 . + . ID=PMZ_0036800-RA;Parent=PMZ_0036800;_AED=0.34;_eAED=0.57;_QI=0|0.33|0|1|1|0.75|4|0|108;Dbxref=InterPro:IPR000175,PANTHER:PTHR11616,PANTHER:PTHR11616:SF109,Pfam:PF00209,Phobius:CYTOPLASMIC_DOMAIN,Phobius:NON_CYTOPLASMIC_DOMAIN,Phobius:TRANSMEMBRANE,ProSiteProfiles:PS50267,SUPERFAMILY:SSF161070;Name=SLC6A19;desc=Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT1 (Homo sapiens);Ontology_term=GO:0005328,GO:0006836,GO:0016021
scaf_00001 maker exon 90001 90020 . + . ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:1;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 90001 90020 . + 0 ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 90582 90683 . + . ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:2;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 90582 90683 . + 1 ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 92087 92195 . + . ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:3;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 92087 92195 . + 1 ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 94338 94433 . + . ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:4;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 94338 94433 . + 0 ID=PMZ_0036800-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0036800-RA
scaf_00001 maker gene 175288 205009 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056;Dbxref=Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR003395,InterPro:IPR010935,InterPro:IPR027120,InterPro:IPR027417,PANTHER:PTHR18937,PANTHER:PTHR18937:SF9,Pfam:PF02463,Pfam:PF06470,SMART:SM00968,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52540,SUPERFAMILY:SSF75553;Name=cut14;desc=Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 2 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843));Ontology_term=GO:0000796,GO:0005515,GO:0005524,GO:0005694,GO:0007076,GO:0051276
scaf_00001 maker mRNA 175288 205009 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA;Parent=PMZ_0033056;_AED=0.35;_eAED=0.38;_QI=215|0.38|0.42|1|0.61|0.73|19|0|858;_merge_warning=1;Dbxref=Coils:Coil,Gene3D:G3DSA:,InterPro:IPR003395,InterPro:IPR010935,InterPro:IPR027120,InterPro:IPR027417,PANTHER:PTHR18937,PANTHER:PTHR18937:SF9,Pfam:PF02463,Pfam:PF06470,SMART:SM00968,SUPERFAMILY:SSF52540,SUPERFAMILY:SSF75553;Name=cut14;desc=Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 2 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843));Ontology_term=GO:0000796,GO:0005515,GO:0005524,GO:0005694,GO:0007076,GO:0051276
scaf_00001 maker exon 175288 175458 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:19;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 175288 175458 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 180207 180290 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:18;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 180207 180290 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 191270 191404 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:17;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 191270 191404 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 191733 191939 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:16;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 191733 191939 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 192070 192138 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:15;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 192070 192138 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 194765 194848 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:14;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 194765 194848 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 195325 195518 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:13;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 195325 195518 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 195773 195798 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:12;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 195773 195798 . - 1 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 196705 196826 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:11;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 196705 196826 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 197035 197250 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:10;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 197035 197250 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 197585 197704 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:9;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 197585 197704 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 197939 198041 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:8;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 197939 198041 . - 1 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 198658 198709 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:7;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 198658 198709 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 199737 199896 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:6;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 199737 199896 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 199982 200266 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:5;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 199982 200266 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 200738 200887 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:4;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 200738 200887 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 201232 201423 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:3;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 201232 201423 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 202615 202653 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:2;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 202615 202653 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 204627 205009 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:1;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 204627 204794 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker five_prime_UTR 204795 205009 . - . ID=PMZ_0033056-RA:five_prime_utr;Parent=PMZ_0033056-RA
scaf_00001 maker gene 206906 245636 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,Hamap:MF_00795,InterPro:IPR005627,InterPro:IPR023648,PANTHER:PTHR12598,Pfam:PF03932,SUPERFAMILY:SSF110395;Name=CUTC;desc=Copper homeostasis protein cutC homolog (Homo sapiens);Ontology_term=GO:0005507,GO:0055070
scaf_00001 maker mRNA 206906 245636 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA;Parent=PMZ_0048065;_AED=0.17;_eAED=0.17;_QI=110|1|1|1|0|0|9|257|245;Dbxref=Gene3D:G3DSA:,Hamap:MF_00795,InterPro:IPR005627,InterPro:IPR023648,PANTHER:PTHR12598,Pfam:PF03932,SUPERFAMILY:SSF110395;Name=CUTC;desc=Copper homeostasis protein cutC homolog (Homo sapiens);Ontology_term=GO:0005507,GO:0055070
scaf_00001 maker exon 206906 207274 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:1;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker three_prime_UTR 206906 207162 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:three_prime_utr;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 207163 207274 . - 1 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 210422 210527 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:2;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 210422 210527 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 212343 212370 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:3;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 212343 212370 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 216599 216732 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:4;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 216599 216732 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 217311 217346 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:5;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 217311 217346 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 219537 219746 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:6;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 219537 219746 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 236885 236944 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:7;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 236885 236944 . - 2 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker exon 241653 241716 . - . ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:8;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
scaf_00001 maker CDS 241653 241704 . - 0 ID=PMZ_0048065-RA:cds;Parent=PMZ_0048065-RA
그리고 awk
awk '$9==""{next} # skip if $9 is empty
id=substr($9,4,11) # get the id
name="" # set empty name as default
idx=index($9,"Name=") # get index of `Name=`
if (idx){ # if index is not zero
name=substr($9,idx) # substring name from idx
sub(/;.*/,"",name) # and remove `;` and everything after
print "Symbols "id" correspond to "name
}' PMZ_genes.gff3.txt
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Slc6a18
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to Name=Slc6a18
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036570 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=Shh
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to Name=Shh
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041002 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=SHH
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to Name=SHH
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0041003 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to Name=SLC6A19
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to Name=SLC6A19
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0036800 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to Name=cut14
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to Name=cut14
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0033056 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to Name=CUTC
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to Name=CUTC
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
Symbols PMZ_0048065 correspond to
awk '{
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
if ($i ~ /ID=PMZ_/) printf "Symbols %s correspond to ", substr($i,4);
else if ($i ~ /Name=/) printf $i;}{i=NF;printf "\n";
}' <(sed "s/[;-]/ /g" file)