여기에서 확인한 후 광산에는 pop!_os 18.04
최소화 및 최대화 버튼이 없습니다.협회, 설치를 시도한 gnome-tweak-tool
후 일련의 종속성 오류가 발생했습니다.
x@pop-os:~$ sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
[sudo] x password:
Reading list of packages... done
Analyzing the dependency tree of the package
Reading status information... done
There are some packages that cannot be installed. If you are using an unstable distribution, this might be
Because the system is unable to reach the state you requested. There may be some software you need in this release.
The packages have not been created or they have been moved out of the Incoming directory.
The following information may be helpful in resolving the issue:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
Gnome-tweak-tool : Dependency: gnome-shell-common (>= 3.4) But it won't be installed
E: I can't fix the error because you want some packages to stay current, that is, they break the dependencies between the packages.
그런데 설치하려고 하면 gnome-shell-common
최신 버전이 설치되었다고 나오네요. 해결 방법 아시는 분 계신가요? 감사해요.
x@pop-os:~$ sudo apt install gnome-shell-common
Reading list of packages... done
Analyzing the dependency tree of the package
Reading status information... done
Gnome-shell-common is the latest version (3.28.4-0ubuntu18.04.2).
Gnome-shell-common has been set up for manual installation.
0 packages have been upgraded, 0 packages have been newly installed, 0 packages have been uninstalled, and 22 packages have not been upgraded.
여기서 문제는 배포판에 이전 버전의 GNOME-shell-common(3.28)이 함께 제공되는 반면 gnome-tweak-tools에는 최소 3.4가 필요하다는 것입니다.
이것은 당신의 문제가 아니라 할당 문제입니다
편집하다:분명히 3.28은 실제로 3.4보다 최신입니다. 그러나 이는 배포판에 문제가 발생할 때까지입니다.