먼저 사용 가능한 Java 버전을 검색합니다.
[root@izbp19pke6x0v6ruecuy1yz ~]# sdk list java
Available Java Versions
Vendor | Use | Version | Dist | Status | Identifier
AdoptOpenJDK | | 16.0.1.j9 | adpt | | 16.0.1.j9-adpt
| | 16.0.1.hs | adpt | | 16.0.1.hs-adpt
| | 11.0.11.j9 | adpt | | 11.0.11.j9-adpt
| | 11.0.11.hs | adpt | | 11.0.11.hs-adpt
| | 8.0.292.j9 | adpt | | 8.0.292.j9-adpt
| | 8.0.292.hs | adpt | | 8.0.292.hs-adpt
Alibaba | | | albba | |
| | 8.5.5 | albba | | 8.5.5-albba
Amazon | | | amzn | |
| | | amzn | |
| | | amzn | |
Azul Zulu | | 16.0.1 | zulu | | 16.0.1-zulu
| | 16.0.1.fx | zulu | | 16.0.1.fx-zulu
| | 11.0.11 | zulu | | 11.0.11-zulu
| | 11.0.11.fx | zulu | | 11.0.11.fx-zulu
| | 8.0.292 | zulu | | 8.0.292-zulu
| | 8.0.292.fx | zulu | | 8.0.292.fx-zulu
| | 7.0.302 | zulu | | 7.0.302-zulu
| | 6.0.119 | zulu | | 6.0.119-zulu
BellSoft | | 16.0.1.fx | librca | | 16.0.1.fx-librca
| | 16.0.1 | librca | | 16.0.1-librca
| | 11.0.11.fx | librca | | 11.0.11.fx-librca
| | 11.0.11 | librca | | 11.0.11-librca
| | 8.0.292.fx | librca | | 8.0.292.fx-librca
| | 8.0.292 | librca | | 8.0.292-librca
GraalVM | | 21.1.0.r16 | grl | | 21.1.0.r16-grl
| | 21.1.0.r11 | grl | | 21.1.0.r11-grl
| | 21.1.0.r8 | grl | | 21.1.0.r8-grl
| | | grl | |
| | | grl | |
| | 20.3.2.r11 | grl | | 20.3.2.r11-grl
| | 20.3.2.r8 | grl | | 20.3.2.r8-grl
| | | grl | |
| | | grl | |
| | 19.3.6.r11 | grl | | 19.3.6.r11-grl
| | 19.3.6.r8 | grl | | 19.3.6.r8-grl
| | 19.3.5.r11 | grl | | 19.3.5.r11-grl
| | 19.3.5.r8 | grl | | 19.3.5.r8-grl
Java.net | | 18.ea.4 | open | | 18.ea.4-open
| | 18.ea.3 | open | | 18.ea.3-open
| | 18.ea.2 | open | | 18.ea.2-open
| | 18.ea.1 | open | | 18.ea.1-open
| | 17.ea.29 | open | | 17.ea.29-open
| | 17.ea.28 | open | | 17.ea.28-open
| | 17.ea.27 | open | | 17.ea.27-open
| | 17.ea.26 | open | | 17.ea.26-open
| | 17.ea.25 | open | | 17.ea.25-open
| | 17.ea.7.lm | open | | 17.ea.7.lm-open
| | 17.ea.3.pma | open | | 17.ea.3.pma-open
| | 16.0.1 | open | | 16.0.1-open
| | 11.0.11 | open | | 11.0.11-open
| | 11.0.10 | open | | 11.0.10-open
| | 11.0.2 | open | | 11.0.2-open
| | 8.0.292 | open | | 8.0.292-open
| | 8.0.282 | open | | 8.0.282-open
| | 8.0.265 | open | | 8.0.265-open
Mandrel | | | mandrel | |
| | | mandrel | |
Microsoft | | | ms | |
| | | ms | |
SAP | | 16.0.1 | sapmchn | | 16.0.1-sapmchn
| | 11.0.11 | sapmchn | | 11.0.11-sapmchn
TravaOpenJDK | | 11.0.9 | trava | | 11.0.9-trava
| | 8.0.232 | trava | | 8.0.232-trava
Use the Identifier for installation:
$ sdk install java 11.0.3.hs-adpt
내가 사용할 때SDK맨jdk를 설치하면 다음과 같은 오류가 발생합니다.
[root@izbp19pke6x0v6ruecuy1yz ~]# sdk install java 11.0.11.hs-adpt
Downloading: java 11.0.11.hs-adpt
In progress...
######################################################################## 100.0%
curl: (35) Encountered end of file
Download has failed, aborting!
Can not install java 11.0.11.hs-adpt at this time...
문제를 해결하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요? 이것은 내 SDKman 버전입니다.
[root@izbp19pke6x0v6ruecuy1yz ~]# sdk version
SDKMAN 5.11.6
이제 debbug 모드가 활성화되었으므로 github.com에 액세스할 수 없는 것 같습니다.
[root@izbp19pke6x0v6ruecuy1yz etc]# sdk install java 11.0.11.hs-adpt
Validate java 11.0.11.hs-adpt for linuxx64: valid
Validation URL: https://api.sdkman.io/2/candidates/validate/java/11.0.11.hs-adpt/linuxx64
Get pre-installation hook: https://api.sdkman.io/2/hooks/pre/java/11.0.11.hs-adpt/linuxx64
Copy remote pre-installation hook: /root/.sdkman/tmp/hook_pre_java_11.0.11.hs-adpt.sh
No Linux pre-install hook found for Java 11.0.11.hs-adpt.
Completed pre-installation hook...
Downloading: java 11.0.11.hs-adpt
In progress...
######################################################################## 100.0%* About to connect() to api.sdkman.io port 443 (#0)
* Trying
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* Connection #0 to host api.sdkman.io left intact
* Issue another request to this URL: 'https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk11-binaries/releases/download/jdk-11.0.11%2B9/OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_11.0.11_9.tar.gz'
* About to connect() to github.com port 443 (#1)
* Trying
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* Connection #2 to host github-releases.githubusercontent.com left intact
Downloaded binary to: /root/.sdkman/tmp/java-11.0.11.hs-adpt.bin
Get post-installation hook: https://api.sdkman.io/2/hooks/post/java/11.0.11.hs-adpt/linuxx64
Copy remote post-installation hook: /root/.sdkman/tmp/hook_post_java_11.0.11.hs-adpt.sh
A Linux post-install hook was found for Java 11.0.11.hs-adpt.
Download has failed, aborting!
Can not install java 11.0.11.hs-adpt at this time...