169.254.xx 경로가 pi4(Raspbian 10 Buster)의 라우팅 테이블에 추가되지 않도록 비활성화하려고 합니다. 지금까지 내가 읽은 모든 내용은 dhcp 구성 링크 로컬 주소, APIPA, zeroconf를 가리킵니다.
dhcpcd.conf에 noipv4ll을 추가하고 eth0을 고정 IP로 설정했지만 재미는 없습니다.
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/dhcp $ cat /etc/dhcpcd.conf
# A sample configuration for dhcpcd.
# See dhcpcd.conf(5) for details.
# Allow users of this group to interact with dhcpcd via the control socket.
#controlgroup wheel
# Inform the DHCP server of our hostname for DDNS.
# Use the hardware address of the interface for the Client ID.
# or
# Use the same DUID + IAID as set in DHCPv6 for DHCPv4 ClientID as per RFC4361.
# Some non-RFC compliant DHCP servers do not reply with this set.
# In this case, comment out duid and enable clientid above.
# Persist interface configuration when dhcpcd exits.
# Rapid commit support.
# Safe to enable by default because it requires the equivalent option set
# on the server to actually work.
option rapid_commit
# A list of options to request from the DHCP server.
option domain_name_servers, domain_name, domain_search, host_name
option classless_static_routes
# Respect the network MTU. This is applied to DHCP routes.
option interface_mtu
# Most distributions have NTP support.
#option ntp_servers
# A ServerID is required by RFC2131.
require dhcp_server_identifier
# Generate SLAAC address using the Hardware Address of the interface
#slaac hwaddr
# OR generate Stable Private IPv6 Addresses based from the DUID
slaac private
# Example static IP configuration:
interface eth0
static ip_address=
#static ip6_address=fd51:42f8:caae:d92e::ff/64
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
# It is possible to fall back to a static IP if DHCP fails:
# define static profile
#profile static_eth0
#static ip_address=
#static routers=
#static domain_name_servers=
# fallback to static profile on eth0
#interface eth0
#fallback static_eth0
dhcpcd.conf 파일 하단에 추가했지만 169.254.xx 경로는 추가하지 않았습니다.
denyinterfaces veth* br*