Texmaker를 사용하는 데 문제가 있습니다. Texmaker를 사용하여 파일을 열면 사용자 인터페이스가 깨집니다.
내 운영 체제는 Archlinux입니다. 시스템 업데이트와 소프트웨어 재설치를 시도했습니다. 이것은 도움이 되지 않습니다.
나는 tex stack exchange forum에서 이 질문을 했고 그들은 Texmaker가 Qt를 사용한다고 말했습니다. Qt와 관련이 있나요?
콘솔에서 Texmaker를 시작하면 콘솔에 다음 경고 메시지가 표시됩니다.
<pre>(texmaker:84842): Pango-<font color="#C4A000"><b>WARNING</b></font> **: <font color="#3465A4">00:26:03.647</font>: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Semi-Condensed 11'
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.647: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Semi-Condensed 11'
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.647: font_face status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.647: scaled_font status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.650: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Semi-Condensed 11'
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.650: font_face status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.650: scaled_font status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.699: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Bold Semi-Condensed 11'
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.699: font_face status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.699: scaled_font status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.701: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Bold Semi-Condensed 11'
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.701: font_face status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.701: scaled_font status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.707: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Bold Semi-Condensed 15.83984375'
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.707: font_face status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.707: scaled_font status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.710: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Bold Semi-Condensed 15.83984375'
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.710: font_face status is: file not found
(texmaker:84842): Pango-WARNING **: 00:26:03.710: scaled_font status is: file not found