배경:리더 모드, Safari 및 기타 브라우저에 표시된 것처럼 추출메인 콘텐츠~의기사를 기반으로웹 페이지는 정교한 경험적 방법을 사용하며 매우 읽기 쉬운 글꼴로 표시됩니다.
모든 탐색, 머리글, 바닥글 및 기타 콘텐츠가 제거됩니다. 이 모드는 "기사"에만 작동합니다. 뉴스 기사, 과학 논문 등 '주요 콘텐츠'가 포함된 페이지
질문: 거기에오픈 소스터미널 구현(예: 일반 텍스트)? 아니면 동일한 작업을 수행하는 다른 방법이 있습니까?
예: 이 New York Times 기사는 다음을 출력해야 합니다.
$ utility --reader-mode https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/30/reader-center/polar-vortex-tips.html
It’s so cold in much of the Midwest today that you could get
frostbite within five minutes once you step outside. If you’re
living through it indoors, give us your tips.
A commuter during an extremely light morning rush hour in Chicago
on Wednesday. Businesses and schools have closed as the city
copes with record low temperatures.
Across the Midwest, where wind chills were minus 51 in
Minneapolis and minus 45 in Chicago, the risks of going outside
on Wednesday were dire. So, many people simply didn’t bother,
while others took a chance to briefly experience the coldest
weather in a generation.
Whether you’re an adventurer or a hibernator, tell us your
recommendations for staying warm and busy. What are you cooking
or binge-watching? What board games are you playing? If you’re
venturing outside, what are you doing to stay safe? (Experts warn
that even a short time in the extreme cold can be very
dangerous.) How many layers of clothing are you wearing, and
which special hats and gloves are necessary? Send us your photos
and your stories.
나는 가독성-cli(https://gitlab.com/gardenappl/readability-cli) 및 판독(https://pandoc.org/). 예를 들어
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Send Us Your Ideas for What to Do During the Polar Vortex. We Want to Hear From You.
It’s so cold in much of the Midwest today that you could get frostbite
within five minutes once you step outside. If you’re living through it
indoors, give us your tips.
[Credit...Scott Olson/Getty Images]
Across the Midwest, where wind chills were minus 51 in Minneapolis and
minus 45 in Chicago, the risks of going outside on Wednesday were dire.
So, many people simply didn’t bother, while others took a chance to
등. 이것은 Node 프로젝트이므로 사람들은 종속성의 취약성에 대해 알고 싶어하므로 스스로 판단하십시오. (아이러니하게도 이 페이지와 같은 stackexchange.com 링크에서는 제대로 작동하지 않습니다 :-)
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표시된 덤프는 소스 크기의 약 2%입니다. 페이지 콘텐츠의 대부분은 정보를 제공하지 않으며 텍스트 브라우저에 정보가 표시됩니다. 하지만분배하다요청된 것은 다음과 같은 두 줄 블록입니다(시작 부분만 해당: 첫 번째 줄은 실제로62265수치):
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