autoexpect를 사용하여 script.exp를 생성했습니다. 아래를 참조하세요.
이해하는 방법
-exact " \r 별칭에 대한 도움말을 보려면 ha를 입력하세요.\r \r ]0;luoric@linux-pc-64:/home/luoric/tmp[01;34mluoric@linux-pc-64[01;34m tmp \$ [00분"?
script.exp를 실행한 후. "ls" 및 "ls -l" 결과가 올바르게 표시됩니다. 명령줄 프롬프트가 표시됩니다. 하지만 Enter를 누르면. 명령줄 프롬프트가 없습니다. 터미널에서 명령을 계속 입력하려면 Ctrl C를 사용하여 종료해야 합니다.
내가 무엇을 놓치고 있나요?
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# This Expect script was generated by autoexpect on Tue Dec 18 09:42:08 2018
# Expect and autoexpect were both written by Don Libes, NIST.
# Note that autoexpect does not guarantee a working script. It
# necessarily has to guess about certain things. Two reasons a script
# might fail are:
# 1) timing - A surprising number of programs (rn, ksh, zsh, telnet,
# etc.) and devices discard or ignore keystrokes that arrive "too
# quickly" after prompts. If you find your new script hanging up at
# one spot, try adding a short sleep just before the previous send.
# Setting "force_conservative" to 1 (see below) makes Expect do this
# automatically - pausing briefly before sending each character. This
# pacifies every program I know of. The -c flag makes the script do
# this in the first place. The -C flag allows you to define a
# character to toggle this mode off and on.
set force_conservative 0 ;# set to 1 to force conservative mode even if
;# script wasn't run conservatively originally
if {$force_conservative} {
set send_slow {1 .1}
proc send {ignore arg} {
sleep .1
exp_send -s -- $arg
# 2) differing output - Some programs produce different output each time
# they run. The "date" command is an obvious example. Another is
# ftp, if it produces throughput statistics at the end of a file
# transfer. If this causes a problem, delete these patterns or replace
# them with wildcards. An alternative is to use the -p flag (for
# "prompt") which makes Expect only look for the last line of output
# (i.e., the prompt). The -P flag allows you to define a character to
# toggle this mode off and on.
# Read the man page for more info.
# -Don
set timeout -1
spawn $env(SHELL)
match_max 100000
expect -exact " \r
Type ha for help on aliases\r
\]0;luoric@linux-pc-64:/home/luoric/tmp\[01;34mluoric@linux-pc-64\[01;34m tmp \$\[00m "
send -- "ls\r"
expect -exact "ls\r
\[0m\[00;32manswerbot\[0m \[00;32mexecmds.sh\[0m \[00;32mexecmds.sh.exp\[0m \[00;32mgdb.sh\[0m \[00min\[0m \[00mnohup.out\[0m \[00;32mquestions\[0m \[00;32mscript.exp\[0m \[00mspawn\[0m \[00;32mstb.sh\[0m \[00;32mtarget.exp\[0m \[00;32mtarget.sh\[0m \[00;32mtel\[0m \[00mtel.log\[0m \[00;32mterm\[0m\r
\]0;luoric@linux-pc-64:/home/luoric/tmp\[01;34mluoric@linux-pc-64\[01;34m tmp \$\[00m "
send -- "ls -l\r"
expect -exact "ls -l\r
total 56\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 256 Dec 10 14:26 \[0m\[00;32manswerbot\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 264 Dec 13 17:07 \[00;32mexecmds.sh\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 424 Dec 13 17:13 \[00;32mexecmds.sh.exp\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 118 Dec 17 13:44 \[00;32mgdb.sh\[0m\r
-rw-rw-r-- 1 luoric ccuser 8 Dec 10 12:13 \[00min\[0m\r
-rw------- 1 luoric ccuser 6920 Dec 14 15:35 \[00mnohup.out\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 160 Dec 10 14:30 \[00;32mquestions\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 0 Dec 18 09:42 \[00;32mscript.exp\[0m\r
-rw-rw-r-- 1 luoric ccuser 0 Dec 13 12:56 \[00mspawn\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 103 Dec 10 14:41 \[00;32mstb.sh\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 463 Dec 17 14:57 \[00;32mtarget.exp\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 140 Dec 17 13:50 \[00;32mtarget.sh\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 864 Dec 17 11:46 \[00;32mtel\[0m\r
-rw-rw-r-- 1 luoric ccuser 1201 Dec 11 14:03 \[00mtel.log\[0m\r
-rwxrwxr-x 1 luoric ccuser 153 Dec 13 13:13 \[00;32mterm\[0m\r
\]0;luoric@linux-pc-64:/home/luoric/tmp\[01;34mluoric@linux-pc-64\[01;34m tmp \$\[00m "
send -- "exit\r"
expect eof
내 의견에 대한 (형식화된) 후속 조치로서 다음은 자동 기대 스크립트의 실제 내용입니다.
set prompt "\$\[00m $"
spawn bash
expect -re $prompt
send -- "ls\r"
expect -re $prompt
send -- "ls -l\r"
send -- "exit\r"
expect eof
이것이 95%를 제거한다는 의미입니다.
실제로 질문에 대답하려면 생성된 셸과 상호 작용하려면 다음을 변경하세요.
expect eof
이렇게 하면 스크립트 상호 작용이 중지되고 사용자가 명령을 내릴 수 있습니다.