Cairos 구성 출력: Firefox에 충분합니까?

Cairos 구성 출력: Firefox에 충분합니까?

나는 소스에서 Firefox를 컴파일할 계획입니다. 이를 위해서는 GTK를 컴파일해야 합니다. 이렇게 하려면 Cairo를 컴파일해야 합니다.

Cairo의 종속성 중 일부를 해결한 후 구성 스크립트를 실행할 수 있었습니다. 결과는 다음과 같습니다.

cairo (version 1.10.2 [release]) will be compiled with:

The following surface backends:
Image:         yes (always builtin)
Recording:     yes (always builtin)
Tee:           no (disabled, use --enable-tee to enable)
XML:           no (disabled, use --enable-xml to enable)
Skia:          no (disabled, use --enable-skia to enable)
Xlib:          yes
Xlib Xrender:  no (requires
Qt:            no (disabled, use --enable-qt to enable)
Quartz:        no (requires CoreGraphics framework)
Quartz-image:  no (disabled, use --enable-quartz-image to enable)
XCB:           no (disabled, use --enable-xcb to enable)
Win32:         no (requires a Win32 platform)
OS2:           no (disabled, use --enable-os2 to enable)
CairoScript:   no (disabled, use --enable-script to enable)
PostScript:    yes
PDF:           yes
SVG:           yes
OpenGL:        no (disabled, use --enable-gl to enable)
BeOS:          no (disabled, use --enable-beos to enable)
DirectFB:      no (disabled, use --enable-directfb to enable)
OpenVG:        no (disabled, use --enable-vg to enable)
DRM:           no (disabled, use --enable-drm to enable)

The following font backends:
  User:          yes (always builtin)
  FreeType:      no (freetype-config not found in path or $FREETYPE_CONFIG)
  Fontconfig:    no (freetype-config not found in path or $FREETYPE_CONFIG)
  Win32:         no (requires a Win32 platform)
  Quartz:        no (requires CoreGraphics framework)

The following functions:
  PNG functions:   yes
  GLEW functions:  no (not required by any backend)
  GLX functions:   no (not required by any backend)
  WGL functions:   no (not required by any backend)
  EGL functions:   no (not required by any backend)
  X11-xcb functions: no (disabled, use --enable-xlib-xcb to enable)
  XCB-drm functions: no (disabled, use --enable-xcb-drm to enable)
  XCB-shm functions: no (requires --enable-xcb)
  DRM-Xr functions: no (disabled, use --enable-drm-xr to enable)

The following features and utilities:
   cairo-trace:                yes
   cairo-script-interpreter:   yes

And the following internal features:
  pthread:       yes
  gtk-doc:       no
  gcov support:  no
  symbol-lookup: no (requires bfd)
  test surfaces: no (disabled, use --enable-test-surfaces to enable)
  ps testing:    no (requires libspectre)
  pdf testing:   no (requires poppler-glib >= 0.13.3)
  svg testing:   no (requires librsvg-2.0 >= 2.15.0)

*** No native font backends enabled for your platform. It is strongly
*** recommended that you enable the native font backend feature for your
*** platform.

주로 위의 경고 때문에 묻습니다. FreeType, FontType 또는 Quartz가 정말 필요한가요(Firefox를 고려하면)? 또 좋을 게 있을까요? 귀하의 의견에 감사드립니다.

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