로그가 매번 기록되기 때문에 항상 열려 있는 user.log 파일을 분할하고 싶습니다. 나는 이것을 일일 로그 파일(예: userlogs_29072018)로 분할하고 싶고 기본 user.log 파일에는 최대 한 달 분량의 데이터가 포함되어야 합니다. 이 시간보다 오래된 로그는 별도의 일일 로그 파일에 보관해야 합니다.
샘플 로그는 다음과 같습니다.
May 11 21:23:57 iibapp1 user:info IIB[3539342]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.RectificationClaimService) [Thread 8740] (Msg 1/1) BI
P2153I: About to 'Start' an execution group.
May 11 21:24:01 iibapp1 user:info IIB[3539342]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.RectificationClaimService) [Thread 8740] (Msg 1/1) BI
P3132I: The HTTP Listener has started listening on port '7860' for 'http' connections.
May 11 21:24:01 iibapp1 user:info IIB[3539342]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.RectificationClaimService) [Thread 8740] (Msg 1/1) BI
P2154I: Execution group finished with Configuration message.
May 11 21:24:44 iibapp1 user:info IIB[7209156]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.ProvisionComptelService) [Thread 1] (Msg 1/1) BIP2208
I: Execution group (64) started: process '7209156'; thread '1'; additional information: brokerName 'PTCLBK01' (operation mode 'advanced')
; executionGroupUUID '581fc422-5301-0000-0080-8f9b8378eb10'; executionGroupLabel 'ProvisionComptelService'; queueManagerName 'PTCLQM01';
trusted 'false'; userId 'mbrkrs'; migrationNeeded 'false'; brokerUUID 'c144e7ae-d59c-11e5-af0a-0afea9560000'; filePath '/opt/IBM/mqsi/9.0
.0.7'; workPath '/MQHA/DBK01/mqsi'; ICU Converter Path ''; ordinality '59'.
May 12 00:57:36 iibapp1 user:err|error IIB[6095148]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.ProvisionComptelService2New) [Thread 14140] (Msg
2/6) BIP2230E: Error detected whilst processing a message in node 'com.ibm.pk.ptcl.esb.ComptelProv.Comptel_IL_Request_flow.modify_Instan
May 12 00:57:36 iibapp1 user:err|error IIB[6095148]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.ProvisionComptelService2New) [Thread 14140] (Msg
3/6) BIP3754E: The SOAP Request Node or SOAP Async Request Node com.ibm.pk.ptcl.esb.ComptelProv.Comptel_IL_Request_flow.modify_InstantLi
nkWebServices.Request encountered an error while processing the outbound SOAP request.
May 12 00:57:36 iibapp1 user:err|error IIB[6095148]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.ProvisionComptelService2New) [Thread 14140] (Msg
4/6) BIP3162S: An HTTP error occurred. The HTTP Request-Line was: 'POST /ilws/InstantLinkSOA HTTP/1.1^M '.
May 12 00:57:36 iibapp1 user:err|error IIB[6095148]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.ProvisionComptelService2New) [Thread 14140] (Msg
5/6) BIP3152S: Socket error detected whilst invoking Web service located at host, port 44006, path /ilws/InstantLinkSOA.
May 12 00:57:36 iibapp1 user:err|error IIB[6095148]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.ProvisionComptelService2New) [Thread 14140] (Msg
6/6) BIP3150S: A socket error occurred. Operation: ::connect ::select(). Error Code: 79. Error Text: A remote host refused an attempted
connect operation..
May 12 00:57:54 iibapp1 user:err|error IIB[6095148]: IBM Integration Bus v9007 (PTCLBK01.ProvisionComptelService2New) [Thread 14140] (Msg
1/6) BIP2232E: Error detected whilst handling a previous error in node 'com.ibm.pk.ptcl.esb.ComptelProv.Comptel_IL_Request_flow.Throw3'.