lvms에서 이상한 동작이 보입니다. 캐시 논리 볼륨의 크기를 조정한 다음 캐시를 삭제하려고 하면 종료 코드 5와 함께 실패합니다. 왜 이런 일이 일어나는지 아는 사람이 있나요? 재생성 단계:
lvcreate -L2g -n lv0 lvs /dev/slow
lvcreate --type cache-pool -L2g -n lv0_cache lvs /dev/fast
lvconvert --type cache --cachepool lvs/lv0_cache lvs/lv0
lvreduce -L500m /dev/vg/lv0
이 모든 것이 성공적으로 완료된 후 캐시 삭제/삭제를 시도했습니다.
lvremove /dev/vg/lv0_cache
Command failed with status code 5.
-vvv 사용
Setting activation/monitoring to 1
Setting global/locking_type to 1
Setting global/wait_for_locks to 1
File-based locking selected.
Setting global/prioritise_write_locks to 1
Setting global/locking_dir to /run/lock/lvm
Setting global/use_lvmlockd to 0
Setting response to OK
Setting token to filter:3239235440
Setting daemon_pid to 464
Setting response to OK
Setting global_disable to 0
report/output_format not found in config: defaulting to basic
log/report_command_log not found in config: defaulting to 0
Setting response to OK
Setting response to OK
Setting response to OK
Setting name to lvs
Processing VG lvs 0MHvCE-YbWR-tlGX-VJ1v-0i75-yc1C-TG0eJf
Locking /run/lock/lvm/V_lvs WB
Reading VG lvs 0MHvCEYbWRtlGXVJ1v0i75yc1CTG0eJf
Setting response to OK
Setting response to OK
Setting response to OK
Setting name to lvs
Setting metadata/format to lvm2
Setting id to VpmqY3-Kwrh-6h1K-gyGw-5FdN-izZY-JLWJzN
Setting format to lvm2
Setting device to 2064
Setting dev_size to 524288000
Setting label_sector to 1
Setting ext_flags to 1
Setting ext_version to 2
Setting size to 1044480
Setting start to 4096
Setting ignore to 0
Setting id to JUS32k-IcN3-qLzH-kA2D-WgV6-rjFP-Cb5i2m
Setting format to lvm2
Setting device to 256
Setting dev_size to 8000000
Setting label_sector to 1
Setting ext_flags to 1
Setting ext_version to 2
Setting size to 1044480
Setting start to 4096
Setting ignore to 0
Setting cache_pool to lv0_cache
Setting origin to lv0_corig
Stack lvs/lv0:0[0] on LV lvs/lv0_corig:0.
Adding lvs/lv0:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_corig.
Adding lvs/lv0:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_cache.
Setting data to lv0_cache_cdata
Setting metadata to lv0_cache_cmeta
Setting cache_mode to writethrough
Setting policy to smq
Stack lvs/lv0_cache:0[0] on LV lvs/lv0_cache_cdata:0.
Adding lvs/lv0_cache:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_cache_cdata.
Adding lvs/lv0_cache:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_cache_cmeta.
Setting response to OK
Setting response to OK
Setting response to OK
metadata/lvs_history_retention_time not found in config: defaulting to 0
/dev/sdb: size is 524288000 sectors
/dev/ram0: size is 8000000 sectors
Setting cache_pool to lv0_cache
Setting origin to lv0_corig
Stack lvs/lv0:0[0] on LV lvs/lv0_corig:0.
Adding lvs/lv0:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_corig.
Adding lvs/lv0:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_cache.
Setting data to lv0_cache_cdata
Setting metadata to lv0_cache_cmeta
Setting cache_mode to writethrough
Setting policy to smq
Stack lvs/lv0_cache:0[0] on LV lvs/lv0_cache_cdata:0.
Adding lvs/lv0_cache:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_cache_cdata.
Adding lvs/lv0_cache:0 as an user of lvs/lv0_cache_cmeta.
Adding lvs/lv0_cache to the list of LVs to be processed.
Processing LV lv0_cache in VG lvs.
Setting devices/issue_discards to 1
Archiving volume group "lvs" metadata (seqno 8).
lvs/lv0 is active locally
Locking /run/lock/lvm/A_MHvCEYbWRtlGXVJ1v0i75yc1CTG0eJfNP2h2TcKupYBZ99x2jhP1hLl2BvaeN5l WB
Locking LV 0MHvCEYbWRtlGXVJ1v0i75yc1CTG0eJfNP2h2TcKupYBZ99x2jhP1hLl2BvaeN5l (W)
/dev/ram0: read_ahead is 256 sectors
/dev/sdb: read_ahead is 256 sectors
Setting activation/verify_udev_operations to 0
Getting driver version
Getting target version for cache
Found cache target v2.0.0.
Getting target version for linear
Found linear target v1.4.0.
Getting target version for striped
Found striped target v1.6.0.
Loading lvs-lv0_corig table (253:3)
Suppressed lvs-lv0_corig (253:3) identical table reload.
Loading lvs-lv0_cache_cdata table (253:1)
Suppressed lvs-lv0_cache_cdata (253:1) identical table reload.
Loading lvs-lv0_cache_cmeta table (253:2)
Suppressed lvs-lv0_cache_cmeta (253:2) identical table reload.
Loading lvs-lv0 table (253:0)
Suppressed lvs-lv0 (253:0) identical table reload.
Locking memory
Setting activation/use_mlockall to 0
Suspending lvs-lv0 (253:0) with device flush
Suspending lvs-lv0_corig (253:3) with device flush
Suspending lvs-lv0_cache_cdata (253:1) with device flush
Suspending lvs-lv0_cache_cmeta (253:2) with device flush
Unlocking LV 0MHvCEYbWRtlGXVJ1v0i75yc1CTG0eJfNP2h2TcKupYBZ99x2jhP1hLl2BvaeN5l
Loading lvs-lv0_corig table (253:3)
Suppressed lvs-lv0_corig (253:3) identical table reload.
Loading lvs-lv0_cache_cdata table (253:1)
Suppressed lvs-lv0_cache_cdata (253:1) identical table reload.
Loading lvs-lv0_cache_cmeta table (253:2)
Suppressed lvs-lv0_cache_cmeta (253:2) identical table reload.
Loading lvs-lv0 table (253:0)
Suppressed lvs-lv0 (253:0) identical table reload.
Resuming lvs-lv0_corig (253:3)
Resuming lvs-lv0_cache_cdata (253:1)
Resuming lvs-lv0_cache_cmeta (253:2)
Resuming lvs-lv0 (253:0)
Unlocking /run/lock/lvm/A_MHvCEYbWRtlGXVJ1v0i75yc1CTG0eJfNP2h2TcKupYBZ99x2jhP1hLl2BvaeN5l
lvs/lv0:0 is no longer a user of lvs/lv0_cache.
Removing layer lv0_corig for lv0
Unlocking memory
Unlocking /run/lock/lvm/V_lvs
Setting global/notify_dbus to 1
Command failed with status code 5.
나는 같은 문제에 직면했지만 직접적인 해결책을 찾지 못했습니다. 결국 vgcfgbackup을 사용하여 LVM 구성을 내보내고 구성을 수동으로 편집하여 캐싱을 비활성화하고 vgcfgrestore를 사용하여 업데이트된 구성을 적용했습니다. 내 캐시가 연속 쓰기 모드에 있기 때문에 이것은 쉽습니다. 동일한 기술을 후기입 캐싱에 적용할 수 있을 것 같지만 캐싱을 비활성화하는 대신 캐싱 매개변수를 주의 깊게 업데이트해야 합니다.
나중에 이 문제를 방지하려면 논리 볼륨의 크기를 조정하기 전에 캐싱을 비활성화한 다음 다시 활성화하십시오.