apt dist-upgrade
Raspberry Pi에서 실행 중인데 CUPS가 작동을 멈춰 더 이상 네트워크를 통해 인쇄할 수 없습니다 . CUPS 서비스(및 전체 시스템)를 다시 시작하고 웹 인터페이스를 통해 프린터를 제거했다가 다시 추가해 보았지만 성공하지 못했습니다. 업데이트로 인해 인쇄가 작동하지 않는 이유를 이해할 수 없습니다.
이것은 내 CUPS 웹 인터페이스와 인쇄하려는 작업에 대한 오류 로그입니다. CUPS 구성도 게시하고 싶지만 SE 문자 제한에 직면하고 있습니다. 또한 CUPS 로깅을 활성화하려고 시도했지만 debug2
이로 인해 오류 로그가 25000줄(210만 자) 이상으로 늘어났습니다. 이는 무엇을 grep해야 할지 모르기 때문에 소용이 없습니다.
내가 얻은 가장 가까운 힌트는 오류 로그에서 중요해 보이는 다음 줄이었습니다.
PID 2764 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) stopped with status 1.
웹 인터페이스 오류:
실패한 작업에 대한 오류 로그:
E [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Can't detect file type
E [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] The following messages were recorded from 19:36:50 to 19:36:50
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Adding start banner page "none".
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Queued on "EPSON_Stylus_CX8400" by "chronos".
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] File of type application/vnd.cups-pdf queued by "chronos".
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Adding end banner page "none".
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] time-at-processing=1523129810
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] 2 filters for job:
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] gstoraster (application/vnd.cups-pdf to application/vnd.cups-raster, cost 99)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] rastertogutenprint.5.2 (application/vnd.cups-raster to printer/EPSON_Stylus_CX8400, cost 100)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] job-sheets=none,none
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] argv[0]="EPSON_Stylus_CX8400"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] argv[1]="507"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] argv[2]="chronos"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] argv[3]="Untitled"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] argv[4]="1"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] argv[5]="document-name-supplied=Loving-Kindness\ Recitation\ -\ Google\ Docs Duplex=None job-uuid=urn:uuid:8d51be2e-8055-37c6-4e5f-bf8d2f56c0bd media=na_letter_8.5x11in PageSize=Letter print-color-mode=color sides=one-sided job-originating-host-name= time-at-creation=1523129810 time-at-processing=1523129810"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00507-001"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@raspberrypi-3"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.7.5"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[13]="USER=root"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[14]="CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[19]="LANG=en_US.UTF-8"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/EPSON_Stylus_CX8400.ppd"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[23]="DEVICE_URI=usb://EPSON/Stylus%20CX8400?serial=9B0000000000000000&interface=1"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=EPSON Stylus CX8400"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION=Max's Room"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[26]="PRINTER=EPSON_Stylus_CX8400"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[27]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[28]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[29]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-raster"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] envp[30]="AUTH_I****"
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/gziptoany (PID 2763)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster (PID 2764)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.2 (PID 2765)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 2766)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Loading USB quirks from "/usr/share/cups/usb".
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Loaded 113 quirks.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Printing on printer with URI: usb://EPSON/Stylus%20CX8400?serial=9B0000000000000000&interface=1
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] libusb_get_device_list=5
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] STATE: +connecting-to-device
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Set job-printer-state-message to "Can't detect file type", current level=ERROR
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] PID 2763 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gziptoany) exited with no errors.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] STATE: -connecting-to-device
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Printer found with device ID: MFG:EPSON;CMD:ESCPL2,BDC,D4,D4PX,ESCPR1;MDL:Stylus CX8400;CLS:PRINTER;DES:EPSON Stylus CX8400; Device URI: usb://EPSON/Stylus%20CX8400?serial=9B0000000000000000&interface=1
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Device protocol: 2
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] PID 2764 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) stopped with status 1.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Sending data to printer.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: ============================================================
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: 5.2.10 Starting
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: command line: EPSON_Stylus_CX8400 '507' 'chronos' 'Untitled' '1' <args>
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: using PPD file /etc/cups/ppd/EPSON_Stylus_CX8400.ppd
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option count is 10 (309 bytes)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 0 document-name-supplied = Loving-Kindness Recitation - Google Docs
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 1 Duplex = None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 2 job-originating-host-name =
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 3 job-uuid = urn:uuid:8d51be2e-8055-37c6-4e5f-bf8d2f56c0bd
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 4 media = na_letter_8.5x11in
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 5 PageSize = Letter
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 6 print-color-mode = color
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 7 sides = one-sided
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 8 time-at-creation = 1523129810
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: CUPS option 9 time-at-processing = 1523129810
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Driver Epson Stylus CX8400
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Using fd 0
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set options:
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string Quality to Standard
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string Quality to Standard
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting PageSize to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting MediaType to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting InputSlot to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting Duplex to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CDInnerRadius to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CDOuterDiameter to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CDInnerDiameter to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CDXAdjustment to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CDYAdjustment to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CDAllowOtherMedia to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting Resolution to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string InkType to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string InkType to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting UseGloss to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string InkSet to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string InkSet to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string PrintingDirection to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string PrintingDirection to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set bool FullBleed to False (0)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string Weave to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string Weave to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting OutputOrder to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting AlignmentPasses to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting AlignmentChoices to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChange to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting AlternateAlignmentPasses to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting AlternateAlignmentChoices to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting SupportsPacketMode to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting InterchangeableInk to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChannels to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting RawChannelNames to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelNames to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintingMode to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting RawChannels to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanHueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaHueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowHueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueHueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting OrangeHueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting RedHueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting GreenHueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_hres to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_vres to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_hres to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_vres to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_nozzles to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_nozzles to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_fast_nozzles to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_nozzles to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_black_nozzles to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_fast_nozzles to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_nozzle_start to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_nozzle_start to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_fast_nozzle_start to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_nozzle_separation to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_nozzle_separation to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_fast_nozzle_separation to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_separation_rows to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_paper_width to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_paper_height to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_paper_width to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_paper_height to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_imageable_width to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_imageable_height to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_extra_feed to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_pseudo_separation_rows to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_base_separation to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_resolution_scale to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_initial_vertical_offset to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_initial_vertical_offset to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_black_resolution to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_zero_margin_offset to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_extra_720dpi_separation to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_micro_left_margin to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_horizontal_position_alignment to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_base_horizontal_position_alignment to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_bidirectional_upper_limit to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_physical_channels to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_left_margin to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_right_margin to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_top_margin to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_bottom_margin to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_ink_type to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_bits to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_base_res to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alignment_passes to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alignment_choices to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alternate_alignment_passes to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alternate_alignment_choices to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_x_offset to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_y_offset to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_page_width to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_page_height to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_paper_extra_bottom to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_preinit_sequence to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_preinit_remote_sequence to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_postinit_remote_sequence to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_vertical_borderless_sequence to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting BandEnhancement to 'None'
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting PaperThickness to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting VacuumIntensity to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting FeedSequence to 'None'
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintMethod to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting PlatenGap to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting FeedAdjustment to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string ColorCorrection to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string ColorCorrection to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelBitDepth to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting InputImageType to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIOutputType to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIRawChannels to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting SimpleGamma to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set bool LinearContrast to False (0)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting LUTDumpFile to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting BlackCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting RedCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting GreenCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting WhiteCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting HueMap to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting SatMap to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting LumMap to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting GCRCurve to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh0 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh1 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh2 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh3 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh4 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh5 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh6 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh7 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh8 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh9 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh10 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh11 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh12 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh13 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh14 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh15 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh16 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh17 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh18 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh19 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh20 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh21 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh22 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh23 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh24 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh25 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh26 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh27 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh28 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh29 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh30 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh31 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh32 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh33 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh34 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh35 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh36 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh37 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh38 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh39 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh40 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh41 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh42 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh43 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh44 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh45 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh46 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh47 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh48 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh49 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh50 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh51 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh52 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh53 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh54 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh55 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh56 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh57 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh58 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh59 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh60 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh61 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh62 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh63 to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string DitherAlgorithm to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string DitherAlgorithm to None
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set string ImageType to TextGraphics
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Set special string ImageType to TextGraphics
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting JobMode to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: Not setting PageNumber to (null)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: End options
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: About to start printing loop.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: stats 0B, 0.440u, 0.010s, 0.426el
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Gutenprint: ============================================================
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Sent 0 bytes...
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] PID 2765 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.2) exited with no errors.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] Waiting for read thread to exit...
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] PID 2766 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb) exited with no errors.
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] End of messages
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] printer-state=3(idle)
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] printer-state-message="Sending data to printer."
D [07/Apr/2018:19:36:50 +0000] [Job 507] printer-state-reasons=none
결국 Rasbian Stretch Lite를 새로 설치했는데도 여전히 Chrome OS와 Windows 10 네트워크 인쇄에 문제가 있어서 내장 드라이버를 사용하는 대신 Windows에 공식 Epson Stylus CX8400 드라이버를 설치해 보았습니다. 인쇄된 페이지를 얻으려면 그런 다음 설치했습니다.Google 클라우드 프린트 커넥터Pi에서 내 Google 계정에 연결하고 Chrome OS에서도 인쇄할 수 있었습니다.
처음에 어떤 변경으로 인해 CUPS 작동이 중지되었는지는 모르겠지만(실제로는 제가 놓친 Chrome OS 업데이트가 같은 날 발생했을 수도 있습니다) 이것이 제 사용 사례에 맞게 수정한 방법입니다.