어떤 이유로든 더 이상 리소스를 이동할 수 없습니다.pcs
Linux server_a.test.local 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
리소스 그룹의 일부로 4개의 리소스가 구성되어 있습니다. ClusterIP
리소스를 사용에서 사용으로 이동 하려고 server_d
할 때의 작업 로그입니다.server_a
pcs resource move ClusterIP servr_a.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_process_request: Forwarding cib_delete operation for section constraints to all (origin=local/crm_resource/3)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: Diff: --- 0.24.0 2
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: Diff: +++ 0.25.0 (null)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: -- /cib/configuration/constraints/rsc_location[@id='cli-prefer-ClusterIP']
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: + /cib: @epoch=25
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: info: abort_transition_graph: Transition aborted by deletion of rsc_location[@id='cli-prefer-ClusterIP']: Configuration change | cib=0.25.0 source=te_update_diff:456 path=/cib/configuration/constraints/rsc_location[@id='cli-prefer-ClusterIP'] complete=true
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: notice: do_state_transition: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE | input=I_PE_CALC cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=abort_transition_graph
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_process_request: Completed cib_delete operation for section constraints: OK (rc=0, origin=server_d.test.local/crm_resource/3, version=0.25.0)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: determine_online_status: Node server_a.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: determine_online_status: Node server_d.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: group_print: Resource Group: my_app
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: Apache (systemd:httpd): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: stunnel (systemd:stunnel-my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: my_app-daemon (systemd:my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave ClusterIP (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave Apache (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave stunnel (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave my_app-daemon (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: notice: process_pe_message: Calculated transition 8, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-18.bz2
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_process_request: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section constraints to all (origin=local/crm_resource/4)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: Diff: --- 0.25.0 2
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: Diff: +++ 0.26.0 (null)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: + /cib: @epoch=26
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_perform_op: ++ /cib/configuration/constraints: <rsc_location id="cli-prefer-ClusterIP" rsc="ClusterIP" role="Started" node="server_a.test.local" score="INFINITY"/>
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_process_request: Completed cib_modify operation for section constraints: OK (rc=0, origin=server_d.test.local/crm_resource/4, version=0.26.0)
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: info: abort_transition_graph: Transition aborted by rsc_location.cli-prefer-ClusterIP 'create': Configuration change | cib=0.26.0 source=te_update_diff:456 path=/cib/configuration/constraints complete=true
Apr 06 12:16:26 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: info: handle_response: pe_calc calculation pe_calc-dc-1523016986-67 is obsolete
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: determine_online_status: Node server_a.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: determine_online_status: Node server_d.test.local is online
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 1 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: unpack_node_loop: Node 2 is already processed
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: group_print: Resource Group: my_app
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: Apache (systemd:httpd): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: stunnel (systemd:stunnel-my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: common_print: my_app-daemon (systemd:my_app): Started server_d.test.local
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave ClusterIP (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave Apache (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave stunnel (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: info: LogActions: Leave my_app-daemon (Started server_d.test.local)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17291] server_d.test.local pengine: notice: process_pe_message: Calculated transition 9, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-19.bz2
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: info: do_state_transition: State transition S_POLICY_ENGINE -> S_TRANSITION_ENGINE | input=I_PE_SUCCESS cause=C_IPC_MESSAGE origin=handle_response
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: info: do_te_invoke: Processing graph 9 (ref=pe_calc-dc-1523016987-68) derived from /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-19.bz2
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: notice: run_graph: Transition 9 (Complete=0, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-19.bz2): Complete
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: info: do_log: Input I_TE_SUCCESS received in state S_TRANSITION_ENGINE from notify_crmd
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17292] server_d.test.local crmd: notice: do_state_transition: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE | input=I_TE_SUCCESS cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=notify_crmd
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_file_backup: Archived previous version as /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib-34.raw
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_file_write_with_digest: Wrote version 0.25.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: 7511cba55b6c2f2f481a51d5585b8d36)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_file_write_with_digest: Reading cluster configuration file /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.tPIv7m (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.OwHiKz)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_file_backup: Archived previous version as /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib-35.raw
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_file_write_with_digest: Wrote version 0.26.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: 7f962ed676a49e84410eee2ee04bae8c)
Apr 06 12:16:27 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_file_write_with_digest: Reading cluster configuration file /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.MnRP4u (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.B5sWNH)
Apr 06 12:16:31 [17287] server_d.test.local cib: info: cib_process_ping: Reporting our current digest to server_d.test.local: 8182592cb4922cbf007158ab0a277190 for 0.26.0 (0x5575234afde0 0)
한 가지 주목할 점은 pcs cluster stop server_b.test.local
구성을 실행하면 그룹 내의 모든 리소스가 다른 노드로 이동된다는 것입니다.
어떻게 되어가나요? 내가 말했듯이, 그것은 효과가 있었고 그 이후로는 아무런 변화도 없었습니다.
미리 감사드립니다!
pcs config
[root@server_a ~]# pcs config
Cluster Name: my_app_cluster
Corosync Nodes:
server_a.test.local server_d.test.local
Pacemaker Nodes:
server_a.test.local server_d.test.local
Group: my_app
Resource: ClusterIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip=
Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-monitor-interval-10s)
start interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-start-interval-0s)
stop interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-stop-interval-0s)
Resource: Apache (class=systemd type=httpd)
Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (Apache-monitor-interval-60)
start interval=0s timeout=100 (Apache-start-interval-0s)
stop interval=0s timeout=100 (Apache-stop-interval-0s)
Resource: stunnel (class=systemd type=stunnel-my_app)
Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (stunnel-monitor-interval-60)
start interval=0s timeout=100 (stunnel-start-interval-0s)
stop interval=0s timeout=100 (stunnel-stop-interval-0s)
Resource: my_app-daemon (class=systemd type=my_app)
Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (my_app-daemon-monitor-interval-60)
start interval=0s timeout=100 (my_app-daemon-start-interval-0s)
stop interval=0s timeout=100 (my_app-daemon-stop-interval-0s)
Stonith Devices:
Fencing Levels:
Location Constraints:
Resource: Apache
Enabled on: server_d.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-Apache)
Resource: ClusterIP
Enabled on: server_a.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-ClusterIP)
Resource: my_app-daemon
Enabled on: server_a.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-my_app-daemon)
Resource: stunnel
Enabled on: server_a.test.local (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-stunnel)
Ordering Constraints:
Colocation Constraints:
Ticket Constraints:
No alerts defined
Resources Defaults:
No defaults set
Operations Defaults:
No defaults set
Cluster Properties:
cluster-infrastructure: corosync
cluster-name: my_app_cluster
dc-version: 1.1.16-12.el7_4.8-94ff4df
have-watchdog: false
stonith-enabled: false
편집 2
실행하면 crm_simulate -sL
다음과 같은 결과가 나타납니다.
[root@server_a ~]# crm_simulate -sL
Current cluster status:
Online: [ server_a.test.local server_d.test.local ]
Resource Group: my_app
ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started server_a.test.local
Apache (systemd:httpd): Started server_a.test.local
stunnel (systemd:stunnel-my_app): Started server_a.test.local
my_app-daemon (systemd:my_app): Started server_a.test.local
Allocation scores:
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: INFINITY
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
Transition Summary:
다음으로 모든 리소스를 제거하고 다시 추가했으며(이전과 마찬가지로 기록했습니다) crm_simulate -sL
이제 명령을 실행할 때 다른 결과를 얻습니다.
[root@server_a ~]# crm_simulate -sL
Current cluster status:
Online: [ server_a.test.local server_d.test.local ]
Resource Group: my_app
ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started server_a.test.local
Apache (systemd:httpd): Started server_a.test.local
stunnel (systemd:stunnel-my_app.service): Started server_a.test.local
my_app-daemon (systemd:my_app.service): Started server_a.test.local
Allocation scores:
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: -INFINITY
리소스를 이동할 수 있지만 그렇게 하고 crm_simulate -sL
명령을 다시 실행하면 이전과 다른 출력이 표시됩니다!
[root@server_a ~]# crm_simulate -sL
Current cluster status:
Online: [ server_a.test.local server_d.test.local ]
Resource Group: my_app
ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started server_d.test.local
Apache (systemd:httpd): Started server_d.test.local
stunnel (systemd:stunnel-my_app.service): Started server_d.test.local
my_app-daemon (systemd:my_app.service): Started server_d.test.local
Allocation scores:
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
group_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_a.test.local: 0
native_color: ClusterIP allocation score on server_d.test.local: INFINITY
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_a.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: Apache allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_a.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: stunnel allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_a.test.local: -INFINITY
native_color: my_app-daemon allocation score on server_d.test.local: 0
Transition Summary:
조금 혼란스럽습니다./ 이것이 예상된 동작입니까?
내 마지막 답변이 올바른지 확실하지 않지만 자세히 살펴 본 후 다음을 man pcs
move [대상 노드] [--master] [lifetime=] [--wait[=n]] 노드를 비활성화하는 -INFINITY 위치 제약 조건을 생성하여 현재 실행 중인 노드 밖으로 리소스를 이동합니다. 대상 노드가 지정되면 대상 노드를 우선적으로 선택하기 위해 INFINITY 위치 제약 조건을 생성하여 해당 노드로 자원을 이동합니다. --master를 사용하는 경우 명령의 범위는 마스터 역할로 제한되며 마스터 ID(리소스 ID가 아님)를 사용해야 합니다. 수명이 지정되면 제약 조건은 해당 시간 이후에 만료됩니다. 그렇지 않으면 기본값은 무한대로 설정되며 "pcs 리소스 정리" 또는 "pcs 제약 조건 제거"를 사용하여 제약 조건을 수동으로 지울 수 있습니다. --wait가 지정되면 PC는 리소스가 이동할 때까지 최대 "n"초를 기다린 후 성공 시 0을, 오류 시 1을 반환합니다. 'n'을 지정하지 않으면 기본값은 60분입니다. 특정 노드에서 실행되는 것을 피하는 것이 가장 좋지만 해당 노드로 장애 조치할 수 있는 리소스를 원하는 경우 "pcs locationvoids"를 사용하세요.
를 사용하면 pcs resource clear
제한이 해제되고 리소스를 이동할 수 있습니다.
그룹화된 모든 리소스에 대한 기본 설정 제한이 score:INFINITY
문제일 수 있습니다. Pacemaker의 INFINITY
경우와 실질적으로 동일하며 1,000,000
점수에 할당할 수 있는 가장 높은 값입니다.
사용 시 다음 사항이 적용됩니다 INFINITY
(ClusterLabs 설명서 참조).
6.1.1. Infinity Math Pacemaker implements INFINITY (or equivalently, +INFINITY) internally as a score of 1,000,000. Addition and subtraction with it follow these three basic rules: Any value + INFINITY = INFINITY Any value - INFINITY = -INFINITY INFINITY - INFINITY = -INFINITY
선호도 점수를 , 또는 10,000
등 으로 변경한 INFINITY
후 테스트를 다시 실행해 보세요.