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SELinux, FirewallD 및 Iptables는 Debian - Stretch(9 또는 9.2) 및 CentOS(7.4-1708)에 사전 설치되어 있습니까? 아니면 수동으로 설치해야 합니까? 아니면 어디서 찾을 수 있나요? 모든 답변에 감사드립니다.
Debian/Sid(그리고 최신 버전의 안정적인 데비안)에는 다음과 같은 패키지가 있습니다:
p selinux-basics - SELinux basic support
p selinux-policy-default - Strict and Targeted variants of the SELinux policy
p selinux-policy-dev - Headers from the SELinux reference policy for
building modules
p selinux-policy-doc - Documentation for the SELinux reference policy
p selinux-policy-mls - MLS (Multi Level Security) variant of the SELinux policy
p selinux-policy-src - Source of the SELinux reference policy for customization
p selinux-utils - SELinux utility programs
i iptables - administration tools for packet filtering and NAT
p iptables-converter - convert iptables-commands from a file
to iptables-save format
p iptables-converter-doc - sphinx documentation for iptables-converter
p iptables-dev - transitional dummy package
p iptables-nftables-compat - iptables compat tools for nftables
p iptables-optimizer - sort iptables rules by packet counters
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