![내장 서버의 모션 파란색 및 검정색 이미지 - 저장된 이미지 확인 [닫기]](https://linux55.com/image/118381/%EB%82%B4%EC%9E%A5%20%EC%84%9C%EB%B2%84%EC%9D%98%20%EB%AA%A8%EC%85%98%20%ED%8C%8C%EB%9E%80%EC%83%89%20%EB%B0%8F%20%EA%B2%80%EC%A0%95%EC%83%89%20%EC%9D%B4%EB%AF%B8%EC%A7%80%20-%20%EC%A0%80%EC%9E%A5%EB%90%9C%20%EC%9D%B4%EB%AF%B8%EC%A7%80%20%ED%99%95%EC%9D%B8%20%5B%EB%8B%AB%EA%B8%B0%5D.png)
데스크탑에서 움직임을 실험하고 있습니다.
내 웹캠: Logitech, Inc. Webcam C270
이미지와 비디오 출력은 제대로 작동하지만 내장 서버의 이미지는 그렇지 않습니다. 파란색과 검정색과 같습니다. 거의 단색이지만 때로는 회색으로 변하기도 합니다.
VLC로 열어봤는데 문제 없습니다. 서버로 전송하기 전에 비디오를 압축하는 것과 관련이 있는 것 같습니다.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] conf_load: Processing thread 0 - config file /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] motion_startup: Motion 4.0.1 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] motion_startup: Logging to syslog
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] ffmpeg_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 56.60.100 libavformat version 56.40.101
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] main: Motion running in setup mode.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] main: Camera 0 is from /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] main: Camera 0 is device: /dev/video0 input -1
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] main: Stream port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 2787
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] motion_init: Camera 0 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] vid_v4lx_start: Using videodevice /dev/video0 and input -1
[0:web_control] [NTC] [STR] http_bindsock: listening on port 8080
[0:web_control] [NTC] [STR] httpd_run: Started motion-httpd server on port 8080 (auth Disabled)
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_get_capability:
cap.driver: "uvcvideo"
cap.card: "UVC Camera (046d:0825)"
cap.bus_info: "usb-0000:00:12.2-1"
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_get_capability: - VIDEO_CAPTURE
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_get_capability: - STREAMING
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_select_input: name = "Camera 1", type 0x00000002, status 00000000
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_select_input: - CAMERA
[1:ml1] [WRN] [VID] v4l2_select_input: Device doesn't support VIDIOC_G_STD
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: Config palette index 17 (YU12) doesn't work.
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: Supported palettes:
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: (0) YUYV (YUYV 4:2:2)
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: 0 - YUYV 4:2:2 (compressed : 0) (0x56595559)
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: (1) MJPG (Motion-JPEG)
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: 1 - Motion-JPEG (compressed : 1) (0x47504a4d)
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format Selected palette YUYV
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_do_set_pix_format: Testing palette YUYV (320x240)
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_do_set_pix_format: Using palette YUYV (320x240) bytesperlines 640 sizeimage 153600 colorspace 00000008
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980900, "Brightness", range 0,255
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: "Brightness", default 128, current 128
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980901, "Contrast", range 0,255
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: "Contrast", default 32, current 32
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980902, "Saturation", range 0,255
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: "Saturation", default 32, current 32
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980918, "Power Line Frequency", range 0,2
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: "Power Line Frequency", default 2, current 2
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980913, "Gain", range 0,255
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: "Gain", default 64, current 192
[1:ml1] [NTC] [VID] vid_v4lx_start: Using V4L2
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[1:ml1] [NTC] [STR] http_bindsock: listening on port 8081
[1:ml1] [NTC] [ALL] motion_init: Started motion-stream server on port 8081 (auth Disabled)
"motion -s"를 실행하면 문제가 발생합니다. 작동하도록 "작업이 시작됩니다".