lsof의 DEVICE 필드는 무엇을 나타냅니까? [폐쇄]

lsof의 DEVICE 필드는 무엇을 나타냅니까? [폐쇄]

다음은 lsof -i tcp:XXXXXX의 요약된 출력입니다.

python3 9336 root 3u IPv4 3545328
python3 9336 root 5u IPv4 3545374


$ man 8 lsof | grep -A 10 '^\s\{7\}DEVICE'
   DEVICE     contains the device numbers, separated by commas, for a character special, block special, regular, directory or NFS file;

              or ``memory'' for a memory file system node under Tru64 UNIX;

              or the address of the private data area of a Solaris socket stream;

              or a kernel reference address that identifies the file (The kernel reference address may be used for FIFO's, for example.);

              or the base address or device name of a Linux AX.25 socket device.

              Usually only the lower thirty two bits of Tru64 UNIX kernel addresses are displayed.

또는 입력

man 8 lsof

Inside man 을 사용하여 검색할 수 있습니다 /. 공백 없이 정규 표현식을 직접 입력하는 것보다. ^\s*DEVICE귀하 의 경우에는 DEVICE.

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